
Thursday 14 April 2016

A University backs BI

Yes brethren, British Israelism at a university level. The course code is THL 215 and it's entitled "The Lost Tribes of Israel."
This course examines what is known about the Israelite people from the Bible and other historical sources. Emphasis is on the diaspora of the Ten Tribes after the fall of the Kingdom of Israel in 721 BCE, the material culture documenting their migrations, and the historical sources detailing their unique contribution to the development of the contemporary world. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the biblical keys and identify and explain the material culture and historical resources that enable the identification of the lost ten tribes of Israel, the tracing of their migrations, and their place in biblical prophecy.

I hope we're all excited. Do you think they'd offer a discount for a group enrollment? (Douglas, this has your name all over it!) No time to waste; here's a link to the eleven page course prospectus. Let's have a quick look at the required reading list.

  • The Bible, preferably the NKJV [The NKJV is preferred mainly by proof-texting fundamentalists with little or no grasp of biblical scholarship.]
  • Bennett, W. H. The Story of Celto-Saxon Israel. Heber Springs, AR: The Covenant Publishing Company of North America, 2002. (ISBN 0818702907). [Can any good thing come out of Heber Springs? Call me cynical, but this doesn't sound much like an academic textbook.]
  • Capt, E. Raymond. Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets. 13th ed. Muskogee, OK: Artisan Publishers, 2010. (ISBN 0934666156). [Capt was the author of a variety of crackpot works including A Study in Pyramidology and The Great Pyramid Decoded: God's Stone Witness. He was also a fervent BI apologist.]
  • Ogwyn, John H. The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy. USA: Living Church of God, 2008. [This is on the reading list? A 48-page booklet? Not even an ISBN number.]

Of course, you've probably already guessed that the 'university' concerned is none other than Living University, the non-accredited training school operated by the LCG. Your instructor is Douglas Winnail.

The prospectus includes this challenge: "We welcome your input for improving this course."

Where to begin?

(Related thought. Isn't Michael Germano doing an outstanding job maintaining such high academic standards at LU!)


Anonymous said...

Gavin, did you not point out here at Ambassador Watch that Michael Germano actually disproved British Israelism back in 2008?

They missed a required reference: Foundation of Sand.

Tell me they aren't accredited.

If I don't post for several days, I'll probably be at the clinic... something about nausea.

Anonymous said...

Germano. I just don't get it. He circled the wagons in support of the Tkachs in 1995, debunked BI and other Armstrong distinctives on his archaeology website for years, then did an about-face to help Rod start a college a few years back. Now this stuff. Strange.

Anonymous said...

This is the Armstrongist equivalent of the Roman Catholic Church teaching that the earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around it for centuries as a doctrine -- anyone who openly disagreed was excommunicated (or worse).

So Armstrongism is pushing for the return of the Dark Ages: They reject science, they reject archeology (you know, the archeology practiced by certified, bona fide archeologists) and deliberately practice deception to enslave those who would be truth seekers.

Anyone seeking the truth needs to avoid Living University (commanded by the Bible -- "from such turn away) and to insure a modicum of sanity it is necessary to reject anything the Living Church of God (not to mention Aaron Dean over at the UCG) has to say. Everything.

Prove all things.

Mark those who are kooks.

Armstrongism: The Roman Catholic Church from the Dark Ages for today's world of anti-science (their motto -- if you prove us wrong, we will ignore you).

Heinous evil.

Paul D. said...

I would be very curious to hear Dr. Winnail start with some biblical basics, like which tribes exactly were the “lost ten”. Were the Levites, supposedly evicted from the northern kingdom by Jeroboam, one of them? Were the Simeonites, whose territory was entirely inside southern Judah, one? Etc.