
Sunday 10 April 2016

Some things never change

Luke 6:45. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

Few will argue this concept. Are we focused on good or evil? Are we focused upon ourselves or upon others? Are our motives pure? People often can figure these things out by listening to what we say or by reading what we write.

As we all know, HWA's co-worker letters tended to focus a great deal on raising money and his lifestyle reinforced the perception that money was quite important to him. Is it any different for the other COGs?

Here is the opening paragraph from the latest UCG member letter:

March 2016 
Dear Brethren, 
More than 22 percent of the Church's revenue comes through the Holy Days offerings. It is an important part of our giving as we obey the explicit command: Three times a year your males shall appear before the Lord your God in the place which He chooses: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Tabernacles; and they shall not appear before the Lord empty-handed. Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you." (Deut. 16:16-17)

Some things never change.

Posted on behalf of Kevin. He has been associated with WCG and UCG for over four decades and is currently in the process of reassessing what is fact and fiction.


Anonymous said...

Could it be that there is some confusion here on
-hwa's co-workers letters, targetting co-workers in "the Work"
-a ucg letter directed to the "brethren" (that is members of the church)

Co-workers in the work have always been a a broader group than the tithing membership since the majority of the "radio" audience never became members but did send in donations.

In hwa's perception the Church was a means to do the Work (that is to get his version of the gospel out). The Work was primary the church secondary. You can read that in all wcg produced litarature.

I believe hwa personally was not about money. He was of course all about (his definition) of "success". The seven laws of success was one of the centerpieces of "the Work."When in the 1980's he showed the Pasadena campus to a business friend from his Chigaco chamber of commerce years, he continually asked him. I did do well didn't I? I did do well?

And he really seemed to need that acknowledgement from that accomplished businessman.


Anonymous said...

Hold Days offerings


If not, it's telling us a lot more than intended, although, you know, it's missing a syllable:

Holdup Days offerings

Unknown said...

A couple of other laundry brands might apply here...

**Arm (strong) and HAMMER


Anonymous ` said...

By invoking the superseded OT, Armstrongites manage to connect financial support of the professional ministry directly to salvation. While that is a powerful fund raising lever, it also automatically classes Armstrongites as non-Christian heretics. It also conveniently sets up an infrastructure of fear among the Armstrongite lay membership. The idea that they will be shunted off to Gehenna if they aren't appropriately obedient looms large in this tithing principle. But this bitter dish is sweetened by preaching "investment tithing", a common false doctrine among cults.

The fear angle is so large that people will continue to tithe long after they recognize that it has no investment properties. I knew a guy who left the WCG after 1995 but continued to tithe to Pasadena because his belief in (fear of?)the principle was so strong.

Have I said anything new? No. Same tired idea. I am just always fascinated by how slickly all of this works together to transfer money from one group to another with minimal enforcement.