Yes, Bob Thiel has leapt into the prophetic quagmire, and Mickey "Flip Flop" Germano has certified that it is "captivating" and "valuable."
Yeah right.
If it's up to Bob's usual standards, you too, gentle reader, can hunt for a thousand grammatical infelicities and turn up the lights on ten thousand typos.
Unless, of course, Bob got someone competent to do the proof reading...
But then - let's be upfront about it - I'm not exactly unbiased, so, to be scrupulously fair to Bob, here (unedited) is the full product description on Amazon.
Thousands of years of writing are thought to predict world changing events. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect unveils the truth behind the prophecies and shows which predictions are true and which are false.
It uniquely ties Mayan writings with sources that have never before been tied together to prove the inevitable events of the next decade. 2012 and the Rise of Secret Sect includes Talmudic interpretations, Catholic prophecies, Hindu predictions, Islamic interpretations, Buddhist prophecies, Hopi traditions, the I Ching, Orthodox prophecies, the Bible, New Age hopes, Nostradamus, ancient Chinese prophecies, the opinions of scientists, and even prophecies related to Barack Obama.
Is it possible that prophecies made thousands of years ago can predict present-day events? Shockingly, yes. In 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect, author Bob Thiel PhD unveils which predictions are likely to come to pass, which ones cannot come to pass, and how the whole world will be affected. Dr. Thiel's years of dedicated research unmasks the actual sources and likely order of the fulfillment of ancient prophecies, including:
* The centuries old Shiite prophecy that tells of a time when a tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West and will be commanding the strongest army on earth. This power change is to signal Muslims to accept a militaristic Muslim leader intent on converting the world to Islam. Some claim that U.S. President Barack Obama is that tall black man.
* Many Catholic prophets claim that God will cause civil unrest in Europe and lead to the rise of an ecumenical military leader who will change the Catholic faith and destroy the English and the Muslims.
* The annihilation of national powers who incur great debt. Prophecies claim that they will be destroyed by their creditors who suddenly rise against them.
* What are thedoomday prophecies of the Apocalypse?
* The Buddhist, Hindu, New Age, and Christian search for an age of peace to come. Some predictions suggest supporting a militaristic ecumenical religion that will force people to convert or die. Will a false age of peace precede the real coming one?
* The increased sunspot activity that will result in great heat, devastation, and climate change sometime during the next decade.
* A small group, known prophetically as the secret sect, will rise up and explain what is really happening and then be rendered almost inconsequential through a persecuting and murderous ecumenical military leader.
Many people have opinions about 2012, what is happening in society, and how world peace will be obtained. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect documents what will and will not happen and in what sequence. It shows what prophecy reveals. If you place any value in your future, you need to know what is in this book.
The book challenges all readers, even those with little interest in end-time predictions, to decide which predictions to support and which predictions to ignore. Believer or not, 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect will persuade readers to know some of what billions of people expect to happen, as well as what predictions many will try to make come true. And those that will come to pass.
Doctor Thiel's years of dedicated research?
And well one might ask what are the "thedoomday prophecies of the Apocalypse?" (Bob can consider that bit of volunteer proof reading free.)
Yes folks, it's a dash of Dankenbring, a mugful of Meredith, and a capful of Coulter, shaken lightly and poured over ice, then topped with a generous drizzle of dilettantism. Plonk in an organic olive, one of those cute little parasols and - Bob's your uncle.
(Oh, by the way, the publisher, Nazarene Books, seems to be an entity run by Dr Bob.)
Promo says: "..leader who will change the Catholic faith and destroy the English.."
So it is predicted that in the latter days we will witness the destruction of English? Is this being fulfilled before our eyes?
I bet Dr. Bob appreciates all the publicity and links you furnish to his site.
Bad PR is better than no PR at all.....most 'show biz' personalities recognize that fact.
Does he ever say " Thank You?" LOL
Dearest Dr. Bob,
I noticed your blurb at Nazarene Books which reads, "All books that are supplied contain documented knowledge in a systematic way that knowledge seekers will appreciate."
Heroin Jeebus suggests that you change the term, "documented knowledge" to "completely unverified horseshit", as well as changing "knowledge seekers" to "gullible kooks lacking in the fundamentals of discernment".
Have you been sourcing your material from the endless carnival of hucksters on Daystar, JCTV, and TBN?
Hope to hear from you soon. (That is, if I have enough Holy Spirit to be worthy of your response.)
Heroin Jeebus of Megachurch
It's a remarkable phenomenon that non-Catholics and ex-Catholics like Bob Thiel take alleged "Catholic prophecies" (such as the spurious Prophecies of St. Malachy, whence we get our word "malarkey") far more seriously than the Catholic Church takes them. And for adherents of a religion that supposedly abhors paganism, there seem to be quite a few Armstrongists giving that pagan, idolatrous Mayan Calendar a lot of credence.
If we can't celebrate christmas, halloween, easter etc. b/c they are pagan traditions, them why is it ok to take pagan prophecy (e.g. Hopi, etc) and write a book?
Prophecy addiction once again rears it’s ugly head, as yet another COG-inspired book hits the streets - only THIS time, actually having the REAL TRUTH of the matter!
Does anybody seriously doubt this claim?!
Oh brother, yet once again a “street seller” has cooked up another batch of “crack” for all the many prophecy addicts within the confines of the COG’s (and the scores of fundamentalists in other prophecy-addicted groups) to "snort up" in the attempt to stir the troops for yet another final bell lap before the Tribulation begins.
And as usual, it’s quite obvious the street seller is just as addicted to this worthless crap as are his eagerly desperate customers.
The Amazon ad says:
“2012 and the Rise of Secret Sect includes Talmudic interpretations, Catholic prophecies, Hindu predictions, Islamic interpretations, Buddhist prophecies, Hopi traditions, the I Ching, Orthodox prophecies, the Bible, New Age hopes, Nostradamus, ancient Chinese prophecies, the opinions of scientists, and even prophecies related to Barack Obama.”
It seems that Dr. Bob has really been expanding his list of sources and subjects, far beyond that of past COG prophecy literature. Good grief, the above list looks like the topics schedule you’d expect to find at a New Age Expo down in Santa Fe, New Mexico, except that it’s missing healing crystals and pyramids!
And notice, right near the end of this epistemological smorgasbord, “the opinions of scientists” – so I wonder if Thiel’s obviously self-published book would include the astounding insights of our friend Larry, PhD. as well!
“But,” I can hear many fundamentalists counter in righteous anger, “Isn’t this book written by someone with a doctorate? So he should know what he’s talking about, shouldn’t he?”
Well, all I can say is when we need our automobiles fixed, we typically go to a mechanic. If we need a house built we usually hire an experienced contractor. When we have a sore tooth or gum problems, we go to a qualified dentist, don’t we? If we need credible information about physics, then it would be wise to seek out someone trained in this particular background, wouldn’t it?
So why is it that when it comes to prophecy, so many folks are willing to gullibly gulp down the lane-brained prognostications of someone with a degree in natural medicine – and even more embarrassing, a decades-long background in promoting “prophecies” that have failed over and over and over again?
I remember once several years ago the good Dr. Bob claimed that his hero, Dr. Rob Meredith, actually PREDICTED the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center BEFORE it even happened! I responded to Bob’s absolutely nutty assertion, and publically challenged him to an Internet debate over the claim.
As expected, Thiel just cowardly evaded the issue and never responded.
Interesting how these kinds of folks NEVER rise up to “refute the gainsayers” when their many assertions are seriously challenged. Has anybody else ever noticed this clear pattern of intellectual cowardice?
For folks claiming to possess and be actively led by the “Holy Spirit” isn’t it rather strange how they so frequently just shrink back in passive retreat from any kind of challenge to openly discuss their bold “God-inspired” assertions? You’d think that, armed with faith in their God, they’d be able to easily refute and publically confound the skeptics who question them. After all, our very own esteemed Byker Bob said in one of his comments just last week that believers have a deeper insight into reality than do non-believers who have no such faith in their deity of choice.
Well then, either PUT UP OR SHUT UP, as the old saying goes. If believers do indeed have such deeper insights, then let them prove it here on this blogsite, and stop accusing those asking the challenging questions of being in a bad attitude, or of being “closed-minded” to the spiritual things they are constantly trying to peddle here in their many lame comments.
I predict that before 2013 we will be sick of hearing about 2012.
Making calendars based on the sun and moon and the eclipses was the ancient job of the priest. They figured out how to predict the eclipses and it was their secret knowledge and it gave them their power over the common people.
Just another one of those things that science took away from the priestly class.
Herbalists used to cure certain human maladies with plants but since they were maliciously called sorcerer and witch by the priestly class.
This caused a lot of helpful people to be tortured and murdered but in spite of it modern medicine finally took that power away from the priestly class too.
Demon possession turned out to be mental illnesses - poof, another power over people is gone.
There are still folks today who don't accept the germ theory or the power of vaccinations on religious grounds.
Religion is sooooo stupid.
Oh, and by the way, for those who may question that Thiel’s new prophecy blockbuster book is indeed SELF-published or not, just click on the link Gavin included at the bottom of the article, and you’ll find it says:
“Nazarene Books is wholly owned by Doctors' Research, Inc. Arroyo Grande, California.”
And here’s a link that shows that Doctors’ Research Inc. is owned by Thiel - just scroll down to the bottom of the page:
Dorkter Bob Phd (piled higher and deeper) is about to astound the world once again with his years of research.
His research BTW, seems to be the observation of his mentor Spanky. After all, if Spanky can fleece the gullible out of all their spare cash, why shouldn't he?
It's okay to believe in catholic prophecy and Mayan prophecy because now more than ever Herbert W. Armstrong has replaced Jesus in most of the churches of God.
If you haven't heard, HWA was the most important man since Christ!
This guy says so: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbgSNlaS4Rg
They have replaced God with Herbert in all things.
They "preach Herbert and him crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block, to the Gentiles foolishness, but to those who are called, the power of God."
ex-Catholics like Bob Thiel
Doctor Bob came straight from the belly of the Great Whore of Babylon?
well that explains a lot
I thought that Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi was the bad guy that was going to destroy Western Civilization.
At least that's what Orson Wells told me that Nostradamas said.
Why was all of this "research" necessary in the first place? Is that the way the prophets of Biblical times prophesied?
This is nothing more than a continuation of the Armstrong marketing method for aspiring charlatans!
Let's face if, folks. The witness of God was never behind HWA, or he would not have been preaching that Hitler and Mussolini were the beast, and he would not have been teaching that the USA would lose WW II, leading to the tribulation and battle of Armageddon. God would certainly have revealed to one of His real prophets that the nation of Israel would be rebirthed, a very necessary and key event for the prophetic events foretold in the book of Revelation to be able to take place. Instead, HWA was preaching well into the 1960's that Hitler was alive and in hiding in South America. The ACOGs simply do not have the gift of prophecy! They think prophecy is a tool to scare people into joining their church group for special protection, and to be admitted into the place of safety.
Dr. Bob is now exhibiting the outward signs of mental illness. The proof is in the text.
The drift between RM and the doctor seems to be widening. I fully expect to hear that Dr. Bob is leaving the LCG due to it's drift toward protestantism. This will follow soon. Watch!
Will the mad doctor start his own doomsday cult?
Will there be a suicide pack between him and his followers when 2012 passes by with out the second coming of Christ?
Will Barack Obama have to send planes to Petra Jordan to fly him and his sect back home?
Will his sect create an international incident when a rogue member or two attempts to destroy the mosque on the rock?
Stay tuned as the insanity escalates up a notch!
Is "The Secret Sect" Armstrongism?
I remember when they wouldn't even tell you where they met until you were baptized.
Is there any precedent for a "called-out" one, an Armstrongite, to attribute any validity to non-Armstrongite (and, gasp!, even non-Christian) prophecies? Aren't all Christians satanically deceived, and non-Christian religions doubly so?
I wonder thielogical Bob researched this book any more carefully than he did his analysis of my story of the IRS criminal investigation of False Prophet Ron Weinland.
The one customer reviewer so far has experienced a "paradigm shift" in his life as a result of reading Bob's book, also stating that the book makes a "great companion to the Bible" and is a "must read" for anyone wanting to know how predicted events will affect lives.
That's the whole problem in a nutshell - people letting "predicted" events affect them.
Will the "secret sect" be a COG?
Extract from review..
"In 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect, author Bob Thiel PhD unveils which predictions are likely to come to pass,"
The phrase, "are likely," clearly indicates that God is not speaking through Dr. Thiel. The prophets of God always spoke with certainty. If Bob was a true prophet of God, he would be able to echo the words that the prophet Micaiah spoke to Ahab and Jehoshaphat thus: "If you return at all in peace, the LORD has not spoken by me."
So, come on Bob, if you are certain of what you wrote, echo the words of Micaiah. But I am not holding my breath!
Between "2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect documents what will and will not happen and in what sequence." and "As discovered by Dr Robert Thiel PHD", once again we're into what God haunted religion can do for the mind.
How long will think they can know what will and what will not happen in life? The theory of chaos assures us that nothing will be as we can imagine. "Jonah" was sure not counting on Ninevah to repent.
(Jonah was written as a rant against the edict telling the Israelite men to give up all their foreign wives and kids and send them away.)
Recently a PHD in the anthropology and paleontology and author of a very very popular book on Evolution told me when a man needs to declare his PHD on a book cover,(He didn't) you need to be suspicious of motives and understanding therein. Creationist authors do this all the time to impress the audience with their alleged expertise on the topic.
I seriously doubt BT has a doctorate in Theology, the real history of the Bible or the fact that even in the book, major prophecies spoken by major prophets failed miserably.
Reminds me once being at the scene of an accident where someone came up telling everyone he was a "doctor" He was allowed in to help....until someone asked him "In what?" He said "English."
Doh...I suppose he could read the victim the 23rd Psalm without making a mistake.
Literalist Christians spend so much time musing on the future, they miss the present and their lives. Of course, if done well, it can be very prophetable up until the deadlines come and go.
I do believe this planet is in deep doo doo. I do believe that humans can adjust their antics to make it seem that prophecy is coming true.
We know that our last President was told by God to rid the world of Sadaam, "and so I did."
I believe the god haunted can draw the very things they fear to themselves. I can do that well on my own too.
I always remember HWA telling us that when he was in Africa (why I don't remember because WCG was not real big into African dignataries), he was told of a "prophecy" of a man in "a white suit" (HWA wore one on the trip) who would bring them truth. Of course he took this as a sign of his being on track. Uh huh.
I don't feel we are in for good times in the near future. I could be wrong. I think real or "false flag" events will occur not because of God's agenda, but man's perhaps. It won't have anything to do with prophecy, but I'm sure they can find some that will help the cause.
Someday we will all learn that this planet was one of the mental wards for the galaxy and it will all make sense.
* The increased sunspot activity that will result in great heat, devastation, and climate change sometime during the next decade.'
"Doh! Dang (we in LCG don't say Damn or use crosses) ...I aready wrote that chapter..."
'Quiet' sun could mean cooler days
September 13, 2009
THE number of sunspots has declined dramatically in the past two years - but scientists say it is too early to tell if it is the start of a solar depression that could lead to cooler weather on Earth.
Over the past millennium, whenever the sun has had long periods of low sunspot numbers, Earth has weathered equally long cold snaps. The most famous of these was the Maunder Minimum of 1645 to 1715, when sunspots all but vanished for 70 years. It coincided with the coldest period of the Little Ice Age.
For the past two years, sunspots - dark and intensely magnetic blotches on the sun's surface - have been at their fewest since 1913.
''This is the quietest sun we've seen in almost a century,'' said NASA solar forecaster David Hathaway. ''Since the space age began in the 1950s, solar activity has been generally high … We're just not used to this type of deep calm.''
Sunspots cause other solar activity such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections, radiation from which can interfere with Earth's magnetic field, upper atmosphere and, many scientists believe, climate.
Scientists expect to record 290 spotless days this year. Last year, there were 266, the most spotless days since 1913, when there were 311 recorded.
''People are wondering about whether we're going into another Maunder Minimum or not,'' said Iver Cairns, of the University of Sydney's School of Physics. ''The balance of opinion is that it's too early to tell. But it could be very significant.''
Bob Thiel is a profit! Spanky is hoping he will gain extra tithes off of the sales from the book.
The normally sane Corky writes: “Herbalists used to cure certain human maladies with plants but since they were maliciously called sorcerer and witch by the priestly class.”
Not to disabuse you of your Brother Cadfael’s addiction, but the herbalists were pretty much frauds and the idea that their craft was ever that widespread is rather recent fiction. To be generous, until somewhat modern times witch doctors, herbalists, priest, physicians and your great aunt May had fairly much the same efficacy. Maybe the herbalists were better at getting you stoned.
Another of our adroit and sane crew lights upon my first reaction with “The drift between RM and the doctor seems to be widening. I fully expect to hear that Dr. Bob is leaving the LCG due to it's drift toward protestantism. This will follow soon. Watch!”
Isn’t this enough to get Dr Bob kicked out of the sect? I mean his lay healing pill poppery dispensing may be thought of as tangential to cult affiliation, but transgression into prophesy has to be viewed as occlusion onto reserved Spanky turf. Time and again Dr Bob has stated that he does not write or speak for God’s One True Church, but is merely a reporter of community news. At best, this latest work is additive heresy, at worst, sedition. The time must now come for the Rod of discipline to Spank and Spank hard lest the rest of the brethren stray into homebrew message transmission. HE MUST BE DISFELLOWSHIPPED or the LCG has totally lost franchise.
I do think Dr. Bob is throwing up his own tent. (And I do mean throwing up as opposed to pitching.)
Mark Lax
Mental Ward Looking For Clients wrote:
“Dr. Bob is now exhibiting the outward signs of mental illness.”
You know, Mental, in the final analysis, I really think this is the best (and simplest) explanation proposed for all the end-time zaniness we see among COG prophecy fanatics like Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, etc.
Yes, I think in some of the larger COG groups, their paid ministers are probably in it, at least now to a great extent, for the continued paychecks and potential pension packages. I know there are a number of ministers who themselves know that a lot of COG doctrine is simply not true, even though such ideas will always be popular and uncritically accepted by the COG tithing-paying sheep.
But for the greater majority of ex-WCG nutcases like Thiel, it appears that these people truly believe in their loony predictions, and mental illness seems to be very much looming in the background.
And as nutty as they appear to us - who’ve already been through the HWA end-time prophecy gig and found it seriously wanting – unfortunately there will always be a certain number of gullible and uninformed people who will carelessly buy into all this nonsense, much as we foolishly did in former times.
That’s why I think websites whose presence can stand and relay the actual historical record of HWA and his mass of failed prophecies serve an important purpose. I wish there would have been an Internet back in 1974 when I first became involved with the WCG prophecy machine.
By the way, I wonder about the book’s ONE reviewer out there on Amazon: how could Lupe Gutierrez have made a review of the book, claiming “Since reading the book I have experienced a paradigm shift in the way I think, pray, and live” when the book hadn’t even been published yet?
According to Amazon, the book's first edition release date is today (Sept 15th). So how could the reviewer have reviewed it back on August 4th unless it was reviewed by one of Dr. Bob’s disciples?
Megachurch jeebus said: "Heroin Jeebus suggests that you change the term, "documented knowledge" to "completely unverified horseshit", as well as changing "knowledge seekers" to "gullible kooks lacking in the fundamentals of discernment"."
By knowledge of prophecy and what is going to happen are you saved, and that not of yourselves, nor works, lest anyone should boast.
He who understands prophecy and knows what is going to happen shall be saved, but he who does not will be condemned.
Someone once said that everything that a man says is basically an attempt to, how shall I say it, have relations with a woman.
Likewise, anything these guys say about predictive prophecy is an attempt to make money.
The Bear
Is Bob confident about his predictions, or is he just THIELING his way? The latter,I suspect.
Gavin," grammatical infelicities"...wonderful language that you use.Bob has had more than the occasional BAD SPELL,unorthographically speaking, and his grandma,oops grammar is not always all that she/it could be.
Bob,has given us a FEAST of reading.
Talking about SUCCOTH,or the FEAST of BOOZE,all the profits,pardon,prophets will be quoting their favourite verse....
Matt 11:28 "Come unto me all that labour and are HEAVY LADEN,and I will give you rest." It is that " heavy laden " bit I want to deal with.
Spanky and his ilk are always looking for the dosh,the moolah,the gold.So in these times of recession,all you wealthy and financial types who are heavy laden with cash can donate to the collective cause.
Mark my words, at this coming Feast around the world sermons,reminders will be given about the parlous state of the
And that wonderful celebration called Xmas is about to be prematurely celebrated in retail shop windows about a month from now.They want your bucks and so do Spanky,Gerry and similar.Watch for the pathetic pleas for extra-extra special offerings over and above the already generous tithes you are giving already.
"Doh! Dang (we in LCG don't say Damn or use crosses) ...I aready wrote that chapter..."
Not supposed to say D[]ng either Doctor Bob. Not very godly at all.
Perhaps Dr Bob,our naturopath,can help Greg Albrecht with his "beans" dilemma.Charcoal tablets and peppermint tea might help,also.
Dan Brown's book,"Lost Symbol" has just been released onto the market...anyone purchased a copy...any consumer reviews via AW?
"Without Roots" by Razinger and Pera is an interesting read,also.
And all this before the most momentous Feast that the collective COGs will have celebrated.Prophecy is sure to be high on the agenda.
Mark Lax said...
The normally sane Corky writes:.
Well, at least I'm normally sane but there were not many herbalist left to blame the black plague on by that time in history so they had to blame that one on the Jews.
But hey, it was someone to blame (besides the useless prayers and anointing by priests) and don't we all love torture and burning and stuff?
Here's how it will eventually go down. Meredith will eventually die, and the LCG will split between Dr. Bob and whoever else is gunning for the top position. I just have one question. Why is the book for sale privately, and not offered as part of LCG's free literature to the public. I think I see coup d'etat coming.
Well, hate to say it, but it appears as if the Armstrong movement (pun intended) is soon going to need to purchase a flatus napkin (toilet tissue) factory to deal with the solid, liquid, and gaseous wastes emanating from their borg collective!
Coco Joe said...
"By knowledge of prophecy and what is going to happen are you saved, and that not of yourselves, nor works, lest anyone should boast.
He who understands prophecy and knows what is going to happen shall be saved, but he who does not will be condemned."
I hope you made these statements with tongue in cheek Joe, or else we will have to start spelling your name Coocoo Joe :-))
As for the remark, by someone else, about Greg Albrecht and his wife being reduced to eating beans, consider how old he must be getting. That now is probably the only way he and his wife can make beautiful music together.
Tom Mahon said...
...The phrase, "are likely," clearly indicates that God is not speaking through Dr. Thiel. The prophets of God always spoke with certainty.
So equivocation is of the devil? ROTFLMAO!!! I guess if that's true Dick Cheney must be a shoe-in for Sainthood!
God must only support full-bore loonies. Strange how that almost sounds like an endorsement of Dr Bob. "Bob, you're not as crazy as the rest of them are!"
I have removed the comment above - in the absence of any supporting documentation or evidence - that infers that Bob earns a certain six-figure salary from his health business interests. Bob's business income, whatever it is, is really not a concern of anyone here. It's also worth noting that Bob does not receive a salary from LCG, nor has he been (at least last time I heard) ordained.
The web site that was pasted by Leonardo lists Thiels vitamin company and it's yearly income. It is NOT private information, it is the in the public domain.
Bamboo_bends said...
>>Tom Mahon said...
...The phrase, "are likely," clearly indicates that God is not speaking through Dr. Thiel. The prophets of God always spoke with certainty.<<
>>So equivocation is of the devil? ROTFLMAO!!! I guess if that's true Dick Cheney must be a shoe-in for Sainthood!<<
Equivocation is certainly of the devil! As for Cheney, if he is a candidate for sainthood, there is no evidence of it.
Tom Mahon said...
Bamboo_bends said...
>>So equivocation is of the devil? ROTFLMAO!!! I guess if that's true Dick Cheney must be a shoe-in for Sainthood!<<
Equivocation is certainly of the devil! As for Cheney, if he is a candidate for sainthood, there is no evidence of it.
Are you sure you're not confusing equivocation with fornication?
Coco Joe said...
By knowledge of prophecy and what is going to happen are you saved, and that not of yourselves, nor works, lest anyone should boast.
He who understands prophecy and knows what is going to happen shall be saved, but he who does not will be condemned.
I've got news for you. Nobody gets out of this life alive! Being human is terminal.
Some die of war. Some die of accident. Some of disease. Physical life is a temporary reversal of entropy by quantum information, but its a biological trick that only lasts so long.
The genius of biology is in reproduction and the production of a new generation.
Its not in how well we worry about the end of the world that marks our presence upon this stage of life in our mortal coils, its how well we live, how we love, and how we make the world better for our children.
I've seen precious little in apocalyptic religion that makes the world a better place. Its just chock full of fear and fearful people.
The opposite of fear is not courage, its love. Courage emerges from love. Love casts out all fear.
Well stated Mr Bends, sir. Well stated!
Bamboo_bends said...
I've got news for you. Nobody gets out of this life alive! Being human is terminal...................The opposite of fear is not courage, its love. Courage emerges from love. Love casts out all fear.
And Gavin said...Well stated Mr Bends, sir. Well stated!
I totally agree with both of you !!
What I was doing was making a play on the words of Ephesians 2:9 and Mark 16:16, all in humor. :)
I guess I should have mentioned that I was "quoting" those scriptures.
The Bible says we are saved by grace through faith. (for those who believe)
I was trying to make the point, that what these apocalyptic fear mongers seem to be saying is that, unless we buy into their particular interpretations of prophecy, we are doomed.
And the bad thing is that, a lot of people seem to buy into their nonsense.
And so I just made a play on those two scriptures, substituting "knowledge of prophecy" for faith, or belief, as the Bible says. :)
Coco Joe said....
What I was doing was making a play on the words of Ephesians 2:9 and Mark 16:16, all in humor. :)
Gotcha. Doh! My Homer Simpson moment.
Email, chat and text postings all lack the nuance of spoken and visual communications. Emoticons help, but we all sometimes miss the more subtle forms of humor.
Sarcasm always translates badly in text. I've seen more than a few flame wars start because of sarcasm. Stuff that would never start an argument if two people spoke in person with the same words.
On the flip side, electronic communication is often surprisingly frank, and sometimes intimate. I often marvel at what shy people reveal about themselves in email.
One observes that Amazon is temporarily O/S(out-of-stock) of Dr Bob's MAGNUM OPUS.
There must be lots of minds out there looking for direction for the future in this topsy-turvy world.Hooray for Dr Bob!!
Gerry and Spanky should order this in bulk for their brain-washed adherents,as a gift for the up-coming Semiramide.
It will make a great shocking,oops,stocking stuffer.
Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Dr Bob's book is so jolly.
Bamboo_bends said...
"Sarcasm always translates badly in text. I've seen more than a few flame wars start because of sarcasm. Stuff that would never start an argument if two people spoke in person with the same words."
You're so right, Bamboo.
I'm pretty new to all this.
And so this is a reminder to me, that I should be careful to explain myself better, and keep in mind, that we are communicating through print, and not in person.
It could save a lot of extra typing. :)
Coco Joe
It appears the illustrious Dr. Bob has intercepted the link Leonardo posted. There is no longer any data listed under his company name at the website referenced.
I guess Bob didn't want the world to know at least one of his PhD's came from a diploma mill (Union Insitute).
Anonymous 1:39, as someone else pointed out earlier (perhaps it was you) this information about Thiel's organization was publicly available on the Internet - I found it via Goggle in about 30 seconds or so. It was in the public domain and therefore not illegal in any way to post it in my comment. And my intent was not to focus on how much money Thiel's company made last year, but instead to establish the connection between his "research" (vitamin) company and his publishing company, and thus verify that his latest book on prophecy was SELF-published, most likely because no serious publisher would ever dare touch it.
And indeed, bogus “PhD degrees” in the area of health and nutrition (apparently Thiel’s actual field) are awarded by the thousands every year from such diploma mills – this is fairly common knowledge. Such fields are not very well regulated at all, and so standards are pretty low as far as actual qualifications go.
Yes, I always am extremely skeptical of authors who proudly proclaim their PhD's in big, bold text on the front covers of books they write - yet never get around to informing readers as to the exact field of study it was originally earned in, or the granting educational body that it was earned from.
Not to beat a dead horse here, but our fellow blogger Larry, for instance, claims to be a scientist who has a doctorate from a “world-class university” – but has refused time and again to provide any specifics, even after Gavin made the offer to verify Larry’s claims without divulging specifics to the rest of us, which sounded fair to me. I just cannot understand why someone with a legitimate doctorate from a legitimate university would be so hesitant or ashamed of informing the rest of us regarding his hard-earned credentials, don’t you?
But anyway, as Nostadennis pointed out in an earlier post, this is a standard creationist tactic with regard to publishing. Some religiously-inclined believer with a doctorate in sports medicine (or whatever) writes a book on paleontology, a field he has absolutely no formal training in whatsoever, and then just assumes his reader's won't question his formal qualifications. Many creationist publications fall into this category.
It’s deception, pure and simple.
But then again, such books aren't aimed at the most educated nor discerning of audiences are they?!
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