Rumors are circulating that Big Dave Pack, High Poobah of the RCG (which I think stands for the Retarded Church of God, but I gotta check that) is due to appear on a History Channel "doco" series called The Nostradamus Effect (source). Good grief!
In separate news, this announcement from herbertwarmstrongvideo.net
Well the time has come to close the doors on a venture that lasted almost five years. The crew and I has tired of the project and the time to move on has arrived. I starting making videos before YOUTUBE was born. Back then you called it V-bloging if I recall correctly.
This project was hatched when I came upon the idea of telling stories in a way that people could relate to without spending an enormous amount of time reading and relating and losing their attention span. Originally the idea was to make three videos which I did with the help of others. Then a fourth when Terry Ratzmann went on his rampage. Sometime after that I saw that Feast film where the apostate apostle Herbert was surrounded with millions of dollars of expensive stuff supplied by the sheep. From that point on, the "Birthday Bash" series was born! That put us on a roll for another four years!
We have received a whole lot of positive comments from former church members and plenty of the negative ones from those who still wear the veil before their eyes. (The shortest and most hated video was “Herbert W. Armstrong in Hell.”) I personally want to thank all those who supported HWA Video over the years and wish to thank all those who shared their stories in the creation of these videos. These are the stories of the former members of the WCG. Your blood, your sweat, your tears, and dashed hopes.
The videos produced by HWA Video, known also as "Church of God Industries," will still be available on a server known as a “Large Scale Data Repository” or Petabox. The YOUTUBE videos will be deleted except for the few I wish to continue on with. We will be updating an achieve web page in the next few months, along with a page that displays most of the graphics used on the site in past years. The achieve page can be found at: http://ia331411.us.archive.org/0/items/HwaVideo/. The graphics page is still in development and will follow shortly. A link at that time will be provided on the page listed above. Sometime this month, when you go over to herbertwarmstrongvideo.net website, you will see a short “sign off” video. Hope you like it.
Thanks for mentioning this. I am glad you found it interesting.
Every now and then the letters section at ESN comes up with some good material and I like to spread the word.
Please keep "HWA is in Hell" on YouTube, it's a classic. What is he saying in video? What ever it is, he sure is in well deserved agony. This is what Hell should be: a place of eternal torment for Hitler, Tkach, HWA, Meredith & like money raking charlatans.
Previously I had held some respect for the History Channel. However, now it would seem that their criteria in selecting authorities is nearly non existent. K-Scribe would have been a better choice for the segment on Nostradamus!
I read the letter on ESN. It's interesting that the one that calls himself "That Prophet" (Gerald Flurry) turned down an interview to get his message to the whole world. After all this was supposedly a big part of what the PCG's work was all about. Now, the Johnny come lately Dave Pack has to pick-up the slack. This arrogant blow-hard looks for every opportunity to try and show up all the other COG's. Surely his falling Internet numbers must be part of the reason that he is doing this. All his grandiose ideas about the massive work that he and the RCG were going to do have not materialized. Surely, some of the not so blind members must be getting restless. Time will tell.
This was over on the WCG EXIT web site that your URL lead me to...
WCG Using Same Excuse as the Jehovah Witnesses:
February 10, 2009
I find that the WCG is using the same excuse that the Watch Tower Society makes when confronting their past: "Oh, that was the old WCG. That's the past. We're different now."
I wonder if GM and Chrysler could get away with advertising "We don't suck as much as we used to!"
Byker Bob said...
Previously I had held some respect for the History Channel. However, now it would seem that their criteria in selecting authorities is nearly non existent.
Well it is History as the Hearst family sees it isn't it? "Citizen Kane" William Randolph Hearst was never known to be a stickler for accuracy.
He was the Rupert Murdoch of his age.
"Please keep "HWA is in Hell" on YouTube, it's a classic. What is he saying in video? What ever it is, he sure is in well deserved agony."
Using the Reverse speech method, Herb is saying "prophecy will end."
The prophecies did finally end only to be continued on by those who wish to pick up an easy buck!
As far as Pack goes, some articles about him and his cult should be made public before the show. There is plenty of dirt on him.
When is everyone going to understand that God's Apostles are never wrong? And that any information they present as fact and truth is indeed undeniable and infallible? (As, of course, are they themselves...) It is always futile to question anything. I will never forget the day that we received an e-mail from a 13-year-old in LCG who, we had already learned, was distributing RCG literature at LCG services. Not to mention, he was attending LCG without his parents, and this distribution of literature was done on his own initiative and without any support whatsoever. Anyway, long story short, he was writing in with a question regarding certain historical information cited in an RCG article (or some other piece of RCG propaganda). As I recall, he was wondering about our source for the info. When the "apostle" read the e-mail, the first words out of his mouth were (rather indignantly, I might add), "Who does that 13-year-old think he is to question the Work of God?" True apostolic humility at its finest...
I lost respect for the History Channel when they started airing CSI episodes and wholly fictional (not even BASED on history) movies.
I suspect that "The Nostradamus Effect" is comic relief for the History Channel.
Dave Pack is no Nostradamus. The latter was a genius with the Hebrew Scriptures, Kabbalah and related works. He did his own research, wrote his own original "prophecies." People still clamor for his writings.
Pack is a parrot of Herbert Armstrong. Makes one crazy thinking about it.
Byker Bob said...
"Previously I had held some respect for the History Channel."
Yeah, look at their careless assumptions on the CHRIST MYTH (too many Christians in their advertising base). It's like trying to find objectivity on Allah worship on Middle Eastern television.
Speaking of the Christ Myth, just found this obscure link on Vrider's site:
Mr. Scribe said...
As far as Pack goes, some articles about him and his cult should be made public before the show. There is plenty of dirt on him.
Fri Sep 11, 10:55:00 AM NZST
Could you please direct us to this info? Thanks!
Byker Bob wrote:
"Previously I had held some respect for the History Channel. However, now it would seem that their criteria in selecting authorities is nearly non existent."
Well, a lot of this trend can be explained by the desperate attempt to secure high ratings from the coveted 18-34-year-old demographic among TV (and movie) viewers. At least this is the case in America.
Advertisers and sponsors of these kinds of shows simply have to demand a “dumbing down” on the part of the producers who generate this kind of “educational” programing because most of these kids they aim at are so blatantly uneducated, inarticulate and thus almost incapable of following the reasoning of legitimate authorities such shows used to interview and rely on for expert information.
A good example of this is to note the major American television networks nightly news broadcasts now (NBC, ABC and CBS) - the stories are so quick and shallow in order to appeal to those raised by the montage video editing techniques, first used in a major way on the initial MTV generation. The traditional morning news programs on the air now are little more than chatty newscasters holding coffee cups in their hands while bantering back and forth with each other. It’s become mindless entertainment, not a meaningful attempt to inform viewers of the significant news events of the day.
In fact, and this truly is sad, one major local station where I live routinely cuts away to live studio performances of local popular rock & roll bands, intersplicing such idiocy into the program as they deliver the local news. This shows the astoundingly short attention span of their intended audience.
But Bob, as you valiantly try to defend your completely indefensible supernatural religious assertions here on this blogsite, you're guilty of the very same thing: you routinely employ dumbed down arguments and cite extremely dubious authorities in the attempt to appeal to the uneducated fundamentalist mindset.
Other readers notice this, so really, Bob, how can you accuse the History Channel of degenerating to the low standards that you yourself routinely use in defense of your religion? Is there any substantive difference between what modern TV show producers have lowered themselves to, and the typical strategies that you employ in your attempts at apologetic?
(And my questions here are literal, not rhetorical!)
"And my questions here are literal, not rhetorical!"
No, they're rhetorical. You aren't asking any serious questions, just using Bob's comment on The History Channel's Nostradamus nonsense as a launching point to express your opinion that Bob's supernatural religious opinions are completely indefensible. Your questions are merely assertions phrased as if they were questions.
Oh, oh, Jared, you seem a bit angry here.
But can't you see that your comment is nothing different than Bob's? It's just a carbon copy, and does the very EXACT same thing Bob's are intended to do: which is deflect away from the actual issues by leveling a blatant ad hominem at the questioner in lieu of confronting my questions head on like a man.
You too, like Bob and Larry and Mr. Anonymous, just cower away off the field of debate because I, in actual fact, ask VERY serious, relevant and foundational questions that strike at the very bedrock foundation of your supernatural religious ideology so much so that you simply are not able to answer them in any serious or reasonable manner. And so you do the only thing you can do: impute and imply motives in those who don’t gullibly buy into your nutty assertions as you shrink away from the actual issues I bring up.
You accuse me of having bad motives, all in the attempt to evade the responsibility you have as a Christian to defend your views and assertions.
How sad, and in the words of Rod Meredith, “Shame, shame, shame on you” for being such an incapable coward.
Oh, oh, Jared, you seem a bit angry here.
Probably a case of projection on your part.
But can't you see that your comment is nothing different than Bob's?
No, and neither can you.
It's just a carbon copy, and does the very EXACT same thing Bob's are intended to do: which is deflect away from the actual issues by leveling a blatant ad hominem at the questioner in lieu of confronting my questions head on like a man.
You are welcome to your opinions, "Leonardo." But you're not entitled to have people debate you just because you demand that they do so.
You too, like Bob and Larry and Mr. Anonymous, just cower away off the field of debate because I, in actual fact, ask VERY serious, relevant and foundational questions that strike at the very bedrock foundation of your supernatural religious ideology so much so that you simply are not able to answer them in any serious or reasonable manner.
You're hilarious, "Leonardo." Yes, that's why we aren't taking up your invitation to engage in a futile debate with you -- because we simply are unable to respond to your challenges. It couldn't be that we, unlike you, aren't insecure about our beliefs and opinions and thus don't feel any compulsion to prove that those who disagree with us are wrong, wrong, wrong. No, that couldn't be it.
And so you do the only thing you can do: impute and imply motives in those who don’t gullibly buy into your nutty assertions as you shrink away from the actual issues I bring up.
What nutty assertions? You said your rhetorical questions, which manifested were intended to bait Byker Bob, were not rhetorical questions. I don't believe you. I know rhetorical questions we I see them.
You accuse me of having bad motives, all in the attempt to evade the responsibility you have as a Christian to defend your views and assertions.
To adapt a line from my Mabsant, "But as for you, I do not deem you worthy of receiving any account from me."
You have no interest in hearing any defense or explanation of my faith. You just want to engage in a world-battle, to try to prove me wrong and thus reassure yourself that you're right. I couldn't have any less interest in engaging in such an exercise in futility.
How sad, and in the words of Rod Meredith, “Shame, shame, shame on you” for being such an incapable coward.
Insulting your opponent -- yeah, that's a great way to convince him to debate you.
A suggeston: you also might be a little more persuasive if you didn't quote aged Armstrongist cult leaders at me.
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