
Click to enlarge. Unfortunately not easy to read even then, but you'll get the gist of it. (Update: the full text is now on PCG's website here.)
Gerry is not happy!
Gerry is, of course, Gerry Flurry, a.k.a. "that prophet" and Pastor General of the PCG (Philadelphia Church of God.)
The Branch Davidian references on Fox really seem to have set the old boy off.
"It was disgraceful. Yellow journalism at its worst." He speaks of his "1993 sin" which "I publicly repented of before the church and before God..."
"We will not allow Fox 25's damaging innuendos, smears, and lies to be the last word."
Fox News has attacked not only PCG, but "Almighty God!" "Fox 25 has more in common with the Branch Davidians." Gerry also spend a lot of column inches attacking David Ben-Ariel, formerly David Hoover.
Gerry, Gerry, Gerry... dude, chill; you're just digging yourself in deeper.
(Thanks to David Ben-Ariel who drew AW's attention to the ad.)
Addendum: The Flurry cannonade sounds again: round two of full page ads. Methinks the PG protesteth too much...
Five Columns! I think that the poor fellow has been reading the King James with extremely narrow columns for so many years that he forgot that we "normals" are strained to read text so broken by carriage returns. Is there a sane reason to make text so unflowing? Words aside - the formating is a nightmare. I myself do my level best to avoid multi-column bibles. It is hard enough to follow without formating getting in the way.
"How do you feel about Christmas?"
You forgot to add an option for those of us who observe the winter solstice, Gavin.
You can read the full text here:-
This is EXACTLY what HWA did shortly after the Attorney General Fiasco. HWA ran full page ads defending himself. It was done , of course, to recover in some way from the damage to the church and any financial consequences that would follow.
The only thing missing in the format is Flurry's picture. HWA included his. Dave Pack would include his too. Dave's would take up at least one of the five columns.
They are Branch Flurridians....and Gerald is miffed they pronounced it wrong.
There's a more readable copy on THAT web site.
Gerry, for crying out loud, lighten up!
The poor guy is off his nut, lost in an impenetrable forest of copycat buildings, stuck in a time warp of yesterday's Worldwide News, a curious pretender to Herbert Armstrong's World Tomorrow, but not quite up to the task.
"Gentlemen songsters, off on a spree, Doomed from here to eternity. Lord, have mercy on such as we, bah, bah, bah."
Tried and True formula for "Waaaaaaa, foul! We are good" is as follows.
1. Sound totally offended
2. Write way too much about it and way too small so only the dedicated read it.
3. Blame the "loon"
4. Discredit the "loon"
5. Imply there is only one, maybe two at most, "loons" that ever questioned you.
6. Pray to your creator this does not start a flock of "loons" heading your way. Also pray they don't go find real stuff you said to "your people," about all sorts of topics and expectations God has for them to obey.
7. Tell them of all your good works and don't remind them Jim Jones did the same when they questioned him three days before ...well you know.
My opinion is that Flurry's interests would have been much better served had he gotten his attorney involved in this, and worked behind the scenes. He certainly was not afraid to use them against WCG in obtaining the rights to Herbert W. Armstrong's highly toxic, and bogus old written materials. While the use of attorneys may be seen as not being altogether "Christian", at least he would not be directly inflaming the situation by personally ratcheting up the rhetoric. In the field of religion, the old adage that "any publicity is good publicity" does not hold true. Without attorneys, the media holds all the cards, and Flurry cannot win by directly confronting them.
There is one thing that we know beyond the shadow of a doubt. This situation has created an incredible fund raising opportunity for Flurry! It's what they do! I'm sure the member/coworker letters are on the presses as we speak.
I've made it clear that I am not a Flurry fan, or apologist. I'm simply an observer to this. He is arguably the most successful duplicator of Herbert W. Armstrong's empire building techniques. For this specific case, he might want to consider not acting in HWA's "valence" for once in his life. He should consider a little "openness", inviting public officials to his services, or to tour his grounds. It would also help matters if he were to reach out to other religious leaders in the Edmond community.
This is yet another example of what the Armstrong movement has been reduced to, and how God has divided and confused their tongue. It is most certainly not a case of attracting attention for Christ-like behavior, or for the sake of the gospel, though Flurry will undoubtedly attempt to paint it as such.
Well, a lot of money was paid for that page of advertising. If anyone reads it, it will be for the laughs they can get out of it.
Everyone is used to it. The fraudulent preachers, gay preachers and pedophile preachers are just common place anymore.
Trust me on this, PCG:
Nobody cares if your preacher is a crook, that's your problem.
I'm no GF fan by a long shot. I personally think he is crazy as a bedbug. His rambling over the top response was no help there, either.
However, I do think that the reporter was silly to reference the Waco incident. It gave the PCG reps something to attack and distract people from the other questions.
He also missed out in asking more probing questions about tithing (what happens if a member fails to tithe), what non salary perks the ministry receive, and if a member has a serious doctinal issue can he discuss it openly (not just go the minister for private correction)
The problem is that reporters can't seem to get the point across that groups like PCG are incredibly damaging and toxic without trying to bring in the "big guns" such as Waco.
I sent an email to Fox 25's news bureau a couple of days ago, letting them know that there is a whole barnbuster of information re: PCG and its Armstrongist heritage if they wish to follow up. With Flurry's full-page ad, he may just be opening up his organization to a major can of worms.
Again: we can only hope!
The Branch Flurridian Said:
"We will not allow Fox 25's damaging innuendos, smears, and lies to be the last word."
The Guys they say they represent said:
I Cor 4:12.....When insulted, we bless. When persecuted, we endure.
Romans 12:14...Bless those who persecute you. Keep on blessing them, and never curse them
1 Peter 3:9...Do not pay others back evil for evil or insult for insult. Instead, keep blessing them, because you were called to inherit a blessing.
1 Peter 2:23...When he was insulted, he did not retaliate. When he suffered, he did not threaten. It was his habit to commit the matter to the one who judges fairly.
Titus 3:2...Believers shouldn't curse anyone or be quarrelsome, but they should be gentle and show courtesy to everyone.
Let's face. A Branch Flurridian is no more able than most to not defend it's ego.
Luke 6:28...Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who insult you.
Matt 5:44...But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you,
Poor Benny Hinn had a time of it too once or twice.
"Hinn - in a strange growly voice that sounded like Darth Vader from Star Wars - uttered a curse on men and women who "dare to come against this ministry".
There can be no evasion of this charge. Hinn was very direct. He said "I place a curse on every man and every woman that would stretch his hand against this anointing; I curse that man who dares to speak a word against this ministry... "
I remember once HWA and GTA both pronouncing a curse on someone during a sermon. Whew..nice guys! Whoever it was must have really gotten to them.
GTA blew me out of my seat in Sabbath once when I was a mere 18 by yelling.."If you don't like me or like it here, GET OUT!" I didnt'know 'til Monday AM he was talking to me. Great story but I've told it before so I spare you.
Even the Apostle Paul ended up cursing and damning those that didn't agree with his doctrines, so we see how difficult it is to practice what one claims to preach.
Gal 1:8... But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! 9 As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!
Don't offer an apologetic, I realize no one wins arguments with true believers who end up saying things like.."and that's precisely WHY we CAN and should curse those that question us..."
Black is white and white is black..
Actually, it can be a beginning of looking into the abuses of the one man mindset in religion, as Camfinch noted.
For WCG it started with one favorable article in the late 60's or early 70's. That opened the way for more and other info was given news sources that they would not have known of. More articles came out and were less favorable. People spoke up and then came Jonestown and the resultant Receivership to WCG.
After that, it was all downhill, slowly but surely. The Church never quite recovered. More questions.
HWA died at a good time to divert the church and give it hope that someone new would correct outdated or unnecessary practices. I don't think anyone had the Tkach 180 in mind however. We know how that went.
Dave Pack will eventually draw the very same attention to himself. I'm surprised the media did not pick up on his "send it in" sermon. He lucked out for now. His problems will come from within as well as do they all and he will get to act out more HWA than he might have intended.
Should his new wife eventually leave him due to not knowing about his way of being...Dave will equate that with HWA and Ramona and just know he is still on track.
God love Flurridians and Davidians
The end....
Does that make Dr. Thiel a Branch Meredian? I think so!
Did he actually think the Fox report was going to be a puff piece? He is so out of touch with reality. Here's the thing, his $15 million performing arts building is nothing more than putting lipstick on a pig, trying to give his cult some normalcy in the community. Not to mention to stroke his Armstronglamaniac ego. I bet he thought that having built this that the the community would embrace him like they did Armstrong. They obviously didn't.
Good for Fox. They asked tough questions, legitimate questions, which reflect the perception of the public at large. Flurry would do right to get his head out of the sand.
Yep, Gerry does himself no favors with THAT giant failure of an ad. One can only hope it brings only more observation and questions, but the delusion is pretty stout there so do not hold out much hope of this waking up many of the Branch Flurridians. The Corkster is right: Gerry is just one of many preachers gone awry and it is now expected behavior by most for "Christian" leaders.
I believe the reference to the Branch Davidians is appropriate. The BD's after all are the first cousins to the Armstrongites.
Armstrongism is a fairly stable belief system but it's leaders are not stable. So there could be a tipping point that could cause any of the Armstrongist factions to move in the direction of the BDs. Some of the "splinters" out there are scary -- like that House of Yaweh bunch somewhere out in West Texas run by Ysrael Hawkins. Just a little nudge and the right conditions, and these people will proclaim Holy War and pick up M-16s and AK-47s.
-- Neo
One cannot help but notice how defensive the COGs can get.They stand up on their righteous hind legs and defend their ways before the public,yet the way they treat their membership is anything but Christian.
Threats are held over their heads of all kinds,they are sucked dry by compulsory tithing CONTRARY to the law of God.Hypocrisy is the word.
And they still have the same narrow attitude towards the medical profession that the Herbal hierarchy had 50 years ago.
Wonderful,gentle Christians..oops, I forgot that Christians must take the Kingdom by violence and Flurry's crew are getting plenty of practice for the main event.
I agree with you, Gavin, the more Gerry protests with such vehemence, the worse things will get for him. Considering his current role as a Prophet of God, the guy doesn't seem to have a great deal of wisdom or foresight.
He has forgotten the old proverb that says "A wise man overlooks an insult."
Perhaps the FOX News segment hit a chord that strikes a bit too close to home for the old boy.
Personally, I don’t see why Gerry just doesn’t call down fire and brimstone from heaven and end the whole episode.
Anonymous 8:51 wrote:
"Flurry would do right to get his head out of the sand."
That's the beginning of the answer to ALL of the most serious problems that face mankind in general, or any individual as well. Stop living in the bizarre fantasy world of your own making that you want to be true, and FACE REALITY - it's the ONLY way to true inner peace.
I wonder how many articles in the Trumpet started out as TV news pieces on the local Edmond Fox TV "Fair and Balanced" Channel? Rupert Murdoch didn't get rich by attacking the political status quo that's for sure!
One of the prerequisites to forming your own Armstrong sect is to have a highly right wing political viewpoint, even as they disavow voting.
Everyone knows God doesn't like Liberal leftist Gov't hand outs to the poor, that's what 3rd tithe is for!
Speaking of which I wonder if Flurry spends 3rd tithe money on Airplanes, jet fuel and luxuries like his hero Herbert did?
Leonardo said:
"Anonymous 8:51 wrote:
"Flurry would do right to get his head out of the sand."
Sand? :)
"FACE REALITY - it's the ONLY way to true inner peace."
Reality, while more real, is your friend, so I hear. Well said.
One time I was at the bank cashing my WCG Check and the teller said.."hmmmm, Armstrong huh?"
I said, "Yes"
She said, "You work for Armstrong?"
I said, "Yes"
She said, "I like Armstrong"
I said, "that's good,"
She said, "They put the floors in my new house and did a nice job."
I didn't say anything...
I did find a picture of The Presiding Flurridian and his new aircraft to do the work in.
You just have to be real careful to let it stop completely before stepping off or they will call you The Presiding Midget
(Someone transform that address to something more attractive)
Is Flurry actually blaming the bent radio antenna dude for fomenting Fox's negative slant?
I know, I know, I KNOW!!!
Ask me, ask me, ASK ME!!!
The answer is simple: Gerald Flurry is the one who is acting like that.
Flurry points out the wonderful things Philadelphia is accomplishing in the name of God.
What is new.
The Church Missionary Society from Great Britain sent out missionaries to the Maori in NZ and converted (I use the word advisedly) them to Christianity.This was in the years before 1840 even.And this was in the days of sailing ships.These stalwarts had to endure far more than Herr Flurry is experiencing.
Some even ended up in the cooking pot and I imagine Herr Flurry would be fairly toothsome...not exactly a prime cut.
And other nations from Europe were doing the same thing at around the same time..the Lutherans from Germany and Denmark, the Roman Catholics from France.And not only in NZ.In many other nations around the world,also.
Even in terms of proclaiming the Kingdom he is not unique.He has some features about his message that are peculiar to him,admittedly.
But he cannot crow that he is the sole/soul voice for God...it just ain't true.
While claiming to be Herbert W. Armstrong's most loyal supporter and successor, Gerald Flurry has slowly and cleverly managed to EDIT, MANGLE, and CHANGE much of what HWA had taught. Gerald has also ADDED a lot of new lies and nonsense, but no new truth at all.
While Gerald Flurry tries to pass himself off as the representative of Herbert W. Armstrong--and even of God--Gerald Flurry is really just a lying false prophet who represents neither, but who does epitomize the tyranny of Satan.
It is interesting to notice that David Pack has recently been trying to show that it is possible to believe that HWA was "the Elijah who was to come and restore all things" without also having to follow "kooks" like Gerald Flurry, Ronald Weinland, etc.
...he is not unique...
No, when you own the copyright to your precessor's works.
In Dave's latest update, he's claiming the publishing company looking at his rewritten Herb classics told him the books are "unique".
"In Dave's latest update, he's claiming the publishing company looking at his rewritten Herb classics told him the books are "unique"."
"Unique" can be a code word for when you just don't know what to say about something. Which being interpreted means, "bullshit."
From the newspaper ad:
We have built a solid 15-year reputation in the television industry by delivering the good news of the Kingdom of God to the world.
Wasn't The Key of David off TV for awhile after PCG bought the WCG copyrights, because it cost PCG so much money for them?
We are proud of what God is building here and want to share it with the community.
Interesting wording, since COG's preach so much against pride and about humility.
They were much more concerned about digging up dirt about me—like my intoxication arrest, which happened 15 years ago.
This comes only two paragraphs after the ad mentions "dirt" about David Ben-Ariel from 12 years ago. Is the statute of limitations 14 years or something?!
(Gasp -- Gavin thanked David Ben-Ariel for tipping him off to this ad! AW in cahoots with terrorists?!?!)
Fox’s negative reporting has given us unwanted, unwarranted and unfortunate publicity—but it is publicity that we will use to bring our story and good works more completely to the attention of the public. We would not be a responsible church if we didn’t respond.
This approach is honestly more evangelistic -- along the lines of people in Pasadena not knowing about WCG in years gone by.
But I agree with an earlier comment. The full-page ad, and in part this plan of response, has me wondering if PCG is ignoring the Biblical warnings against humans taking vengeance.
Yup, he's angry. So angry that a second full-page ad was in the Oklahoman Friday.
Link to PCG's text of the ad
One full-pager should have been enough for PCG. But they'd better be careful not to overplay their hand, or they're actually going to come across as the weirdos KOKH hints they are.
Anyone read Flurry's second ad? (thanks, Richard!) They're gonna skate on the allegations raised in the original interview. The reporter did a bad job, apparently "uncovering" things that could be easily refuted. PCG will still come off as weirdos, and possibly even as a cult, but probably as not having done anything criminal.
If the station wants to come out of this without feces on their faces, they're going to need to dig deeper. Let's hope Camfinch's letter gives them the incentive to go after the real stuff!
God has an inspiring plan to save most of humanity. If you want the plain truth about this all-encompassing plan of salvation as it is believed and taught in the Philadelphia Church of God, we will give you a free copy of our full-length book Mystery of the Ages, written by Herbert W. Armstrong. This 400-page work will thoroughly explain what we believe is the most inspiring subject in all the Bible.
Gerald Flurry
Pastor General
Philadelphia Church of God
Could I have an old copy of the original UNEDITED edition. I would like to read what Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in Mystery of the Ages BEFORE YOU CHANGED IT so that it would not contradict your new and different idea that the church can be run by a "prophet" rather than by an apostle.
I suppose you must be one of those who believes that HWA's book was "riddled with error" and needed to be corrected, but I am trying to get back to what was once taught by "the Elijah who was to come and restore ALL things."
P.S. Don't bother sending me your own revised and updated "little book" called Malachi's Message. I'll just go read Jules Dervaes' original version called The Letter to Laodicea.
After the last poll, I can't help but think they are designed mainly to give Gavin a representation of who actually frequents this site. Or maybe I'm just paranoid.
Paul Ray
Boy, for not living in houses built with hands, God sure lives in some nice houses built by men for him. I'm wondering if he has to live in them, or is it just like a time share thing to God?
God will have to spend summers with the Brash Davidians in Ohio and Winters in Oklahoma with the Branch Flurridians..
It could work if no one else builds a house for God.
Yes, PCG is Kookytown, for sure!
What part of, "A man of God doesn't get sh*t-faced drunk behind the wheel and then try to bribe the police officer when caught."
do some people have a hard time understanding?
Come to think of it, why didn't PCG use this ad to invite the public to a Sabbath service in Edmund -- to see for themselves what they're all about?
The second ad doesn't do that. Perhaps because visitors would be stopped at the door and turned away by the "end-time Elijah" screening test.
KOKH should realize PCG likes to have a good fight. Ask the WCG about that, since PCG fought it for years over copyrights -- even in court (despite what Paul wrote in I Corinthians 6).
If PCG took another "body of Christ" to court, I wouldn't be surprised if it does the same with KOKH.
"(Someone transform that address to something more attractive)"
Nothing can make Six-pack look attractive, but here you go.
Gerry said he has not had a drink of alcohol for over 13 years. Then he must not partake of Passover .
They were much more concerned about digging up dirt about me—like my intoxication arrest, which happened 15 years ago. Why, if that incident was such a critical part of their “investigation,” didn’t Nick Winkler ask my son about it during their hour-and-a-half long interview? Because the reporter only wanted to expose the ugly slice of the truth. Any additional truth, like my not having a drink of alcohol for over 13 years since then, would have brought a much more complete and balanced picture to light.
I have recently hired a private firm in order to obtained pictures of Gerald Flurries Plane
God loves quality, and rewards his true servants with just that, (according to their obedience and tithing record!)
Gerry sure is full of himself, he appears to think the public will take his BS the same way his followers do and say "mmm delicious, who's the cook?"
Reminds me of why attorneys advise their clients not to take the stand, but to remain silent.
Branch Flurridian said...
Boy, for not living in houses built with hands, God sure lives in some nice houses built by men for him. I'm wondering if he has to live in them, or is it just like a time share thing to God?
God will have to spend summers with the Brash Davidians in Ohio and Winters in Oklahoma with the Branch Flurridians..
It could work if no one else builds a house for God.
Put's me in mind of the hypocracy of the high priest in Israel making a show of going into the Holy of Holies in the second temple, as if God were still there, when, in thruth, He had left, never to return until Jesus entered at the age of 12 (Ezek 10:18).
Does no one ever stop to consider what the words on the page actually say?
...and a man that the Israeli police suspects of being involved in terrorist activity.
“Our church briefly communicated with David Ben-Ariel in the early 1990s. But we quickly cut off all contact after learning about his bizarre and even radical views. In 1996, while in Israel as an active member of the Temple Mount Faithful, Ben-Ariel—whose name used to be David Hoover—was detained by Israeli police and interrogated for six hours for allegedly plotting to blow up the Al-Asqa Mosque in order to clear the way for a third Jewish temple to be built.
And, that one of my detractors may have been part of a terrorist plot in Jerusalem and, to this day, cannot travel to Israel doesn’t matter.
"Suspects of being involved"? "Allegedly plotting"? "May have been part of"? None of that is as CLEARCUT as a certain runt named Gerald that the American police actually caught being involved in drunken activity.
NOTE WELL that Gerald Flurry the Raging Runt seems to be saying that anyone who wants to build a Third Temple for God in Jerusalem is a "terrorist" with "bizarre and even radical views." Contrast this with the Bible, where those who wanted to build (David & Solomon), or rebuild (Zerubbabel), a temple for God in Jerusalem were the good guys. In the Apocrypha, Judas Maccabeus was a great hero for getting rid of the pagans and rededicating the Temple. The spirits that Gerald got from the bottles, or the spirits that possessed Gerald while he was on the bottle, are not the same as the Holy Spirit.
As for anyone not being allowed to travel, maybe Gerald could explain why his PCG and himself are no longer welcome in Jordan.
David, is that last "anonymous" you?
Gavin said...
David, is that last "anonymous" you?
Judas! The minute Flurry mentioned David's name, I just knew that we were all going to be suckered into taking sides as we watch two Armstrong mutants duke it out on the forums and in the press. This is ridiculous!
The best way to tell is to compare the IP addresses. I've never gotten far enough into the Blogger dashboard to know if this can be done, but it's possible in WordPress, so it should be doable over here.
The great thing about Six Pack's ads is that the public is not going to care about them any more than they did when Herb ran his ads during the receivership. The broad majority of people ignored the ads.
PG10, I agree. It's just an expensive Sez you!
"The great thing about Six Pack's ads is that the public is not going to care about them any more than they did when Herb ran his ads during the receivership. The broad majority of people ignored the ads."
That's exactly right. The purpose of the ad is to shore up the embarassment of the members not the education of the public. The public did not care about HWA's ad then nor would about Flurry's now.
It is simply done so no one has to give a sermon on turning the other cheek or something so simple as, "well brethren, what can we expect? I am a little controling and weird. I have taught some pretty radical self absorbed perspectives and since I do see myself in the Bible, well, you know they don't like that."
I only skimmed these comments, so I don't know if this has been said. Still, it bears remembering that persecution is a good thing in COG-dom. To be hated of all men: that's the goal. When Ratzmann went on his rampage, there was all the talk about how this would put the LCG in the public eye and lead eventually to hatred. Instead, it's been forgotten, with the VT shooting and others replacing it public memory.
Flurry should be grateful for this coverage, for it shows, in his own mind anyway, that he's doing the right thing.
As for the Branch Davidians connection -- remember there is a commonality there other than a bubble off plumb.
Anonymous said:
«in order to clear the way for a third Jewish temple to be built.»
If one were to measure the perimeter of the temple mount as it stands today, it does not «square» with the measurements of Solomon's nor Herod's. What we actually see is the remains of the third temple as begun by Simon Bar Kohba, and in whose insurgance against Rome in the second century CE added to the fire of Roman hatred for anything Jewish in the time of Hadrian.
So for anyone trying to rebuild the third temple, you're a little late.
Also, if the temple is measured by an angel, could it be that it is a spiritual temple, one not seen with the naked eye, one built with living stones, which are assembled around the world wherever two or three are gathered in Jesus' name?
And baby makes three....
Third ad in weekend papers
I don't think PCG believes in trinities, so I'm tempted to gamble on a fourth ad appearing soon.
Nick Winkler and Fox 25, without realizing what they were doing, allowed themselves to be snared into attacking the Church of God. They let themselves be misled by ex-members and others who dislike our message. They accepted, without checking the facts, the testimony of expelled former members. In doing so, they tried to trash the reputation of the church of the living God!
A number of years ago when your (NOT God's) Philadelphia Cult supposedly had about 7,000 people attending, it was announced in services that more people had left the PCG (that is, had quit or been kicked out) than were currently attending. Now, years later, it is reported that you have fewer than 5,000 suckers left under your mind control. Many of the remaining suckers will probably leave or be kicked out too in the future.
It seems only logical that the TV station would check what the EX-members--the VAST MAJORITY--have to say about that whole bad experience with the tyranny of Satan, which you try to pass off as the "government of God."
And again, the PCG is not God's church at all. It is a sneaky impostor designed by Satan to make the truth look bad.
As for "checking the facts," it is your own PCG members who have been FORBIDDEN by YOU to "check the facts." That is why you cut them off from former WCG members (including their own family members) who could tell them anything, and forbid them to look up the truth on the Internet.
Just as Simon the Sorcerer did not represent the true Church of God, neither does Gerald Flurry represent the true Church of God.
Branch Furridian(?), the "public" NEVER cares about anyone or anything, unless it specifically affects them personally. And even that is questionable. So, why is anyone surprised?
"The great thing about Six Pack's ads is that the public is not going to care about them any more than they did when Herb ran his ads during the receivership. The broad majority of people ignored the ads."
My personal opinion is that Flurry and his group are wackos. But, they are entitled to do as they please as long as they don't hurt anyone. One thing I have learned through vast experience is that one should NEVER believe the Press when it comes to religion. Their agenda is ALWAYS to make religious people look bad, or even better, hypocritical.
"One thing I have learned through vast experience is that one should NEVER believe the Press when it comes to religion. Their agenda is ALWAYS to make religious people look bad, or even better, hypocritical."
Too bad Congressman Leo Ryan never got back to the states to give his glowing report on Jonestown.
Anonymous 9:48 raises an interesting point regarding the size of these ACOG organizations. There are "mega" churches in all of our major cities boasting larger memberships than probably each of the individual ACOG splinters.
ACOGs are pretty much inconsequential in impact, and are not growing in any statistically significant way.
I have believed for quite some time now that their actvities are only noticed by their own members, and those of us who have gained enough wisdom to have left them, and are waiting for Gamaliel's pronouncements to take effect.
With all due respect to the fine people who live in Oklahoma, how important to the USA is a news event concerning a small church group in Edmond? I dare say that 95% of US citizens probably don't even know that Edmond exists.
Round III
So much said, yet so much unsaid, and unanswered.
Of course, millions were spent on legal costs and copyright. The question was, whose millions?
Yes, you can disagree with Flurry, until you become a member, or after you become an ex-member. I remember a WWN article where HWA explained that "don't believe me" only applied to those who were not yet WCG members. After that, believe me...
>>>He speaks of his "1993 sin" which "I publicly repented of before the church and before God..."<<<
Ok, I give up!
Did Flurpy REALLY "publicly" repent???
I'd think such a public repentance would have garnered some comments, which I don't remember.
Does ANYONE remember that Flurpy "publicly repented" of trying to bribe a cop and the other associated sins he committed during that incident???
Or, is that silly schmuck just lying, again?
BB wrote:
>>With all due respect to the fine people who live in Oklahoma, how important to the USA is a news event concerning a small church group in Edmond? I dare say that 95% of US citizens probably don't even know that Edmond exists.
Actually, 99.99 percent of the worlds population could care less about Flurry, Meredith, Pack or any of the other moron ministurds running one of the 600 splinter cults of Armstrongism. And that is a great thing to know!
Larry wrote:
>>My personal opinion is that Flurry and his group are wackos. But, they are entitled to do as they please as long as they don't hurt anyone.<<
The problem is, Flurry and PCG HAS hurt people! This depraved degenerate has killed members through his teachings on doctors. He has destroyed countless marriages and broken up hundreds of families all because of the filth he teaches. He has tried to cheat family members out of inheritances because he thought he should get all the money. Are we to sit by as he starts preparing his cult to flee to a 'Place of Final Training' where thousands more will die?????? Flurry and his creepy little son are capable of such things.
PG10 - "preparing his cult to flee"
Will we ever get to the stage where any COG leader will go that far? I could imagine a final fleecing followed by a few leaders fleeing -- but not to Petra. Unless they were worried about arrest (which I understand made Herb consider an escape flight to Mexico City) why would anyone give up a luxurious lifestyle financed by a fearful flock?
If as you say, "the 'public' NEVER cares about anyone or anything, unless it specifically affects them personally", then why was it several years ago that you couldn't open a U.S. newspaper or turn on a TV without learning more than you wanted to know about Paris Hilton?
"One thing I have learned through vast experience is that one should NEVER believe the Press when it comes to religion. Their agenda is ALWAYS to make religious people look bad, or even better, hypocritical."
That's OK, Larry. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
Ewald Frank airs his programme on Triangle TV at 1130 hours each Sunday on Prime TV in Auckland,NZ.
He calls himself a missionary.
This man is doing just as much a ministry as is Uncle Rodders or Jerrycan Flurry.
He is the successor to William Brannon and has his headquarters in Krefeld, Germany.
BB wrote:
"With all due respect to the fine people who live in Oklahoma, how important to the USA is a news event concerning a small church group in Edmond? I dare say that 95% of US citizens probably don't even know that Edmond exists."
Then, PG10 wrote:
"Actually, 99.99 percent of the worlds population could care less about Flurry, Meredith, Pack or any of the other moron ministurds running one of the 600 splinter cults of Armstrongism. And that is a great thing to know!"
MY COMMENT - Let's take these statistics one step further to its logical conclusion. If 99.99% of the world's population have not heard the Armstrongism Gospel of the Kingdom of God, then the end cannot come (Matt. 24:14). If the end cannot come because the gospel has not been preached into all the world, then Herbert Armstrong cannot be the end time Elijah and he did not preach the gospel into all the world as he said he did. Therefore, HWA was fraud and so are all the other 600 splinter groups.
Anonymous said, "I only skimmed these comments, so I don't know if this has been said. Still, it bears remembering that persecution is a good thing in COG-dom. To be hated of all men: that's the goal. When Ratzmann went on his rampage, there was all the talk about how this would put the LCG in the public eye and lead eventually to hatred. Instead, it's been forgotten, with the VT shooting and others replacing it public memory."
MY COMMENT - I remember the many sermons in the 1960s WCG about persecution and martyrdom for our beliefs. Funny, after a lifetime of Armstrongism, the only martyrs in the WCG that I am aware of were those people who had the misfortune of sitting in the Milwaukee Church the day Terry Ratzmann - one of their very own members - went on his rampage.
"And again, the PCG is not God's church at all. It is a sneaky impostor designed by Satan to make the truth look bad."
Hey Hey!!! I did NOT design PCG. Never in my career have I ever been called upon by the Council of the gods to design a church to make the truth look bad! Religious people do that all on their own. I get tired of getting blamed for everything!
«in order to clear the way for a third Jewish temple to be built.»
If one were to measure the perimeter of the temple mount as it stands today, it does not «square» with the measurements of Solomon's nor Herod's. What we actually see is the remains of the third temple as begun by Simon Bar Kohba, and in whose insurgance against Rome in the second century CE added to the fire of Roman hatred for anything Jewish in the time of Hadrian.
Can we be sure it's the remains of Simon Bar-Cochba's abortive attempt to rebuild the Temple and not Julian the Apostate's abortive attempt?
Also, since Herod the Great built the third Temple (Josephus says he completely disassembled Zerubbabel's Temple and rebuilt it, using the same stones but greatly augmenting and expanding it), any subsequent Jewish Temple there would be the fourth Temple.
I watched the videos again. They appear fair and balanced to me. They made a note to say that the PCG is not stockpiling weapons. Fox also gave them the "last word" after each segment highlighting things that they asked to say.
The thing the Flurry's don't seem to understand is that they were portrayed as a lunatic fringe church because they act like a lunatic fringe church.
If Gerry wasn't paranoid before this, he sure is acting that way now with his tantrums.
That 99.9% thing.
In my experience I can't really recall anyone outside of the COG's that even heard of the organization. One or two may have heard of herbie, and a few more came across a plain truth at the grocery store or dentist office.
When trying to explain the WCG to people that were curious enough to ask about my 'religion' I almost always got, "So is that a cult or something?'
Before I started coming right out and calling AC "Embarrassing College", when someone asked me where I went to school, I'd usually slur the name as I pronounced it, so they wouldn't ask any more questions.
I can still hear one person's incredulous response in the ears of my mind: "Bastard College?????? Where in hell is that????"
Some good points have been made, especially by Richard noting how Flurry didn't like dirt from so many years dug up on him and then turned right around and threw some dirt about me from years ago. And by "anonymous" about how the good guys in the Bible were for and not against the construction of the Temple. (And Gavin, for the record, I never post anonymously).
This "little known blogger" has published a few "ads" of my own all over the Internet world in response to Flurry's wacko ad. Please feel free to widely disseminate them to the "largest possible audience." :-)
Gerald Flurry's Outrageous Attack Against David Ben-Ariel
Is David Ben-Ariel A Terrorist?
The Temple Mount Faithful is not a terrorist organization!
Is Gerald Flurry a False Prophet?
Oh boy -- as predicted, a fourth and "Final Advertisement" in the OKC papers! And this one's a two-page spread!
Link to the PCG text
So I'm invited to tour the campus in Edmond, attend a concert -- but not attend a worship service? Hmmmmm.
Oh Joy! The alcoholic Flurry has his own version of the The Young Ambassadors! Has Flurry copied everything Armstrong?
The Young Ambassadors makes me want to puke!
Quick, someone send Flurries letters from Headquarters to Fox News. I think I may have copies.......
NOTE WELL that Gerald Flurry the Raging Runt seems to be saying that anyone who wants to build a Third Temple for God in Jerusalem is a "terrorist" with "bizarre and even radical views." Contrast this with the Bible, where those who wanted to build (David & Solomon), or rebuild (Zerubbabel), a temple for God in Jerusalem were the good guys. In the Apocrypha, Judas Maccabeus was a great hero for getting rid of the pagans and rededicating the Temple. The spirits that Gerald got from the bottles, or the spirits that possessed Gerald while he was on the bottle, are not the same as the Holy Spirit.
Just imagine if That Runt and his Branch Flurridians had been around in Old Testament times when the Jews who had returned from the 70 year Babylonian captivity were trying to rebuild the Temple. Little Gerald would have been right in there with Sanballat (mentioned in Nehemiah), trying to discourage them, and telling everyone that the builders had "bizarre and even radical views." That dishonest little scumbag would have been listed in the Bible right there with Sanballat. As it is, however, Gerald is mentioned only in general Bible prophecy, such as when Jesus warned that there would be many of his false type.
Gerald might have even tried to offer to "help" at first, as did the enemies of Judah (mentioned in Ezra). Zerubbabel would have had to explain to Gerald, as he did to the other enemies of God, "You have no part with us in building a temple to our God" (Ezra 4:3).
Due to persistent false rumors that I, David Ben-Ariel, was involved in a plot to blow up the mosques in Jerusalem, even by lying religious leaders like Gerald Flurry of the Philadelphia Church of God (not just enemies of the plain truth of the Bible), I present here the State Department letter from former American Consul General in Jerusalem, Edward G. Abington, Jr. to Ohio Representative Marcy Kaptur. (Jr.'s hostility to the Temple Mount Faithful is explained in Why Edward Abington, Jr. Must Be Investigated! and his dubious character and conflict of interests in Something smells bad).
Edward Abington, Jr.'s State Department letter
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