The Web is a fluid place, and sites blink in and out of existence all the time. If you haven't caught up yet, two significant COG-related blogs have moved to new URLs, while another has been mothballed.
Felix Taylor's Life After WCG blog has moved over to WordPress: the new address is http://lifeafterwcg2.wordpress.com/
Stan Gardner's Ambassador Reports blog (with a name inspired by, and intended as a tribute to the late John Trechak's Ambassador Report) has had a minor change in URL spelling: http://www.ambassadorreports.blogspot.com/
Finally (and sadly) Gary Scott has brought his XCG blog to a close.
Unrelated to the above, I've just uploaded a recently submitted essay on the Dead Sea Scrolls and their significance for the New Testament writings. It's not particularly readable, and riddled with footnotes, but for what it's worth you can find it here.
And rumor has it that in December another site critical to a certain... xCg leader across the pond from NZ, will disappear on the perhaps mistaken premise that if you haven't gotten it by now, you probably don't have brain enough to ever will.
Then there is my blog:
Somebody tell me how to do those URLs on these Google blogs. They don't seem to work the same as on the forums.
The Dead Sea scrolls prove that . . . yep, the Jews had a holy book in the first century, surprise, surprise. However, it's missing Esther, oops, you don't suppose that means . . . apocrypha
Forty Years
Herbert Armstrong claimed that the door was opened to the gospel in 1946:
on page 124 of his autobiography, “Looking back in retrospect, it is truly amazing to recall how many things, lifting this almost obscure minor effort to the dynamic worldwide FORCE God’s work is becoming today, had their beginnings in 1946.”
From 1946 to 1986 when Herbert Armstrong died is 40 years, which is a time of testing and trials. Herbert Armstrong was tested and found to be wanting. His legacy was destroyed and dispersed. He left nothing of lasting value, but has left divisions, splinters and spit-offs.
So now we have come to the midpoint of forty years from the death of Herbert Armstrong and what do we find? Little else than divisions and wars amongst factions of the protesting daughters, attempting to carry on a portion of "truth" that Herbert Armstrong left to them as crumbs left to dogs at the table. As for a bride making herself ready for the groom, the churches of God look more like contestants of a women's mud wrestling contest in a pig sty.
Could it be that God Himself has raised up critics and adversaries against the madness? Could it be that the various forums represent a last ditch effort for the church of gods leadership to actually consider repentance, turn from their wickedness and loose the bonds of evil?
Maybe not, but no one can say that Scripture doesn't have precedents for such things.
They should very carefully consider what happens after 40 years. Is it possible Jesus Christ will finally say, "I never knew you" and start over with people with better dispositions?
"Herbert Armstrong died ..was tested and found to be wanting. His legacy was destroyed and dispersed."
That's because he lost the early truth he once held of the Pyramid-Inch: The Key to decoding Bible Prophecy.
Perhaps not so much a pyramid inch as a pyramid scheme.
According to Hebrews, Jesus Christ is the key to prophecy.
Excellent commentary on Dead Sea Scrolls update.It makes for a pleasant departure from synthetic theology that COGS aspirate.( use synonyms of "puff", "blow").
One can draw parallels(almost)with the Essene/"Pharasaic" prohibitions in your commentary with those of the COGS.Restrictive,even to the sacrifice of life.(Yes, and in Worldwide, members lost their lives because of ridiculous rules).And Christ comes and shows some humanity,putting things in proper order.
The Jews expected a Messiah at a certain time, likewise,Philadelphia says 2010,others different dates.They will all probably be disappointed.
And may I be permitted to mention our favourite organisations: note, I do not use the word "churches".
Rod Meredith's lot is now proclaiming China to be a threat upon America.
Oops,have I missed something,here.
I thought it was Assyria,the modern Germany that was the threat.Are these people now having a dollar both ways?
Or has their God revised his eschatological predictions? I remember somewhere reading that God is constant and does not change.
Therefore,might I most respectfully enquire,what is the provenance and reliability of these "disparate" prophecies?
Methinks their "prophets" have extended their range of top-shelf whisky,each brand giving a different sort of "prophecy".
One could venture that these COGs are spirit led, the stuff that comes out of the bottle being the source of "revelation".Aren't I naughty? But it's probably true in too many cases.
Most of these COGs have an in-house "profit", to come up with something a little new to keep the rabble interested,and paying tithes, of course.Have could I be so cynical about these most righteous and holy men of God?(Matt 7:20 says it all).
Fellskrivits, as the Swedes say, a slip of the pen-man.
Yet,here,we have two possible threats to America coming from God's TRUE prophets.A chap I once worked with,upon hearing that China would become maybe the dominant world power said,"Heaven Help America", and he was just a very intelligent businessman with no religious predilection,though I must add for obfuscation, his brother had a PROPER DOCTORATE in THEOLOGY and was a practising cleric.
Amazing how things tangentialise but it all fits in.
The Jews expected their Messiah to come at a certain time...HE DIDN'T.The COGS,likewise might be disappointed.Matt 24:42-44.These chumps JUST DON'T KNOW.
Excellent commentary on Dead Sea Scrolls update.It makes for a pleasant departure from synthetic theology that COGS aspirate.( use synonyms of "puff", "blow").
One can draw parallels(almost)with the Essene/"Pharasaic" prohibitions in your commentary with those of the COGS.Restrictive,even to the sacrifice of life.(Yes, and in Worldwide, members lost their lives because of ridiculous rules).And Christ comes and shows some humanity,putting things in proper order.
The Jews expected a Messiah at a certain time, likewise,Philadelphia says 2010,others different dates.They will all probably be disappointed.
And may I be permitted to mention our favourite organisations: note, I do not use the word "churches".
Rod Meredith's lot is now proclaiming China to be a threat upon America.
Oops,have I missed something,here.
I thought it was Assyria,the modern Germany that was the threat.Are these people now having a dollar both ways?
Or has their God revised his eschatological predictions? I remember somewhere reading that God is constant and does not change.
Therefore,might I most respectfully enquire,what is the provenance and reliability of these "disparate" prophecies?
Methinks their "prophets" have extended their range of top-shelf whisky,each brand giving a different sort of "prophecy".
One could venture that these COGs are spirit led, the stuff that comes out of the bottle being the source of "revelation".Aren't I naughty? But it's probably true in too many cases.
Most of these COGs have an in-house "profit", to come up with something a little new to keep the rabble interested,and paying tithes, of course.Have could I be so cynical about these most righteous and holy men of God?(Matt 7:20 says it all).
Fellskrivits, as the Swedes say, a slip of the pen-man.
Yet,here,we have two possible threats to America coming from God's TRUE prophets.A chap I once worked with,upon hearing that China would become maybe the dominant world power said,"Heaven Help America", and he was just a very intelligent businessman with no religious predilection,though I must add for obfuscation, his brother had a PROPER DOCTORATE in THEOLOGY and was a practising cleric.
Amazing how things tangentialise but it all fits in.
The Jews expected their Messiah to come at a certain time...HE DIDN'T.The COGS,likewise might be disappointed.Matt 24:42-44.These chumps JUST DON'T KNOW.
There are lots of ideas about the Second Coming which you can see
Sir Isaac Newton knew that it
could not occur before 2060. So there!
Gay dating the Churches of God
The reaction of many guys to this topic may be "Eeeewwwwww!", but this is a necessary and important topic for those who are engaged in seeking a relationship with xCGs. The first rule to remember in this pursuit as a guy attempting to be the Bride of Christ through a cult leader is that times have changed.
It used to be that Herbert Armstrong was the one with whom you set yourself to have a long term relationship. It was easy, after the initial difficulties, to allow yourself to be dominated, bullied and submissive to him, to give all your substance to him, in the hopes that he would advance your spiritual career and would validate your feelings of empowerment, even if they were somewhat illusory.
It is most confusing to the straight guys when Herbert Armstrong died and they had to adapt themselves to Joseph Tkach, Senior. It was a difficult adjustment in the long term relationship which was intense in unanticipated ways. After all the promises which were made and passed by, the investment put into making everything work and even the fact that as dedicated as you were, you never actually met your partner in person, and then this new person springs on the scene.
Breakups are difficult and particularly so those which are accompanied by death. The death of Joseph Tkach, Senior left some so devastated that they never really adapted to the intimacy with his son.
It is for that reason that many sought to the xCGs for companionship and new opportunities. Some wanted things to be just the way they were in their previous relationship and others wanted a new open relationship based on equality.
Therefore, it is important to discuss some of the more important aspects of gay dating the leadership of the churches of God.
1. Should I tithe on the first date?
This is an issue between you and your new paramour. While it is true that some relationships begin in the grip of powerful emotion, it would be wise to withhold the booty until it is clear whether or not the relationship in the long term will last. You may find that giving in right away is unwise and you are providing exactly what the leader you have chosen wants you for: There is no possibility that this relationship will last, particularly if you run out of money. Don't expect much if you do.
2. Should I go for those weekly telephone hookups?
It should be noted that long distance relationships seldom work out and meeting with your potential spiritual mate guy at only the Feast of Tabernacles may leave you feeling empty.
3. What should I watch for?
It should not come as a surprise that dating some of these church types can be dangerous. In extreme cases it has ended in death.
If you like S&M, then by all means go with the more extreme, such as Meredith, Flurry or Pack -- they will give you the good time you are looking for.
However, if you are looking for a relationship based on equality and don't particularly care for domination such as we have had in the past, then your choices are severely limited, although there are a few which are outstanding.
Some have found that the minister of some of the smaller churches of God will actually take you out on a date and pay for it at the Feast of Tabernacles or even if you visit them during the Days of Unleavened Bread. They will wine and dine you at five star restaurants. They will feed you in their homes. Some will even put you up for the night if you come by. These are true traditionalists known for their generosity.
However, they may have expectations which may be difficult to meet and performance may become an issue.
4. How do I start?
Making a list of desirable characteristics in this dating game is always the best idea. Getting it down on paper helps gel the ideas of what you want. Be sure to check the list before beginning and make changes to it frequently.
Do you want a binatarian God? Or are you monotheistic? Are postponements important to you? Do you want to eat out on the Sabbath and Holydays or do you want a group that prohibits such things and has frequent potlucks? Do you want more social interaction [equivalent to gay clubs] or are your pursuits more intellectual with concentration on Scripture.
Be sure you are both clear and honest with yourself.
5. What are warning signs?
In any intense long term relationship, fidelity is most important. Do you feel abandoned? Do you feel that your guy at the top is courting others and neglecting you? Perhaps it is time to look at ending the relationship.
Another thing is accountability: Sure, you give him your money, but how is he spending it? Is he spending it on the things he promised to spend it on? Or is he spending it on himself? Is that third tithe going to the fatherless and widow, or is it going into his private jet or household furnishings? If you find him cheating, it is a real sign of danger.
6. I've been dumped, what do I do now?
Few things are more painful than being dumped by your lover through being disfellowshipped. It may be that you gave him everything and he provided you with little more than cheap thrills through his magazines, booklets, cybercasts and Feasts, but somehow he's made you feel guilty.
Be clear on this: It's his fault, not yours. Feel no guilt, except that you should have been the first to have dumped him after ignoring all the warning signs that the relationship wasn't going that well.
Going cold turkey is best.
Obviously, you aren't going to be best buds after this. Avoiding him at all costs is best.
Learn and grow from this experience: After all, it isn't the end of the world and it isn't like you're going to end up in the Lake of Fire because he has rejected you. Move on.
The period of time of adjustment may be difficult and you may be tempted to go back and beg to be let back into the relationship. Resist the temptation: His demeanor isn't going to improve. Just be grateful that you have gotten out of an abusive relationship intact.
This thread just hit rock bottom.
People, don't listen to Gavin! Heresy I say, heresy!
The "real translation" of the scrolls can be found here:
This thread just hit rock bottom.
No. You'd be surprised how much further it can fall.
There have been those who have always suspected an undercurrent of psychosexual in Armstrongism. Maybe there's something to it....
"Anonymous said...
Gay dating the Churches of God"
I don't know who you are, but you are a bloody comic genius.
I think in the case of Tkach Snr he was clearly positioned by his handlers as a Geriatric Sex Symbol to separate old ladies from their money (and husbands if any). And let's not forget Garner Stud Hamstrung.
His bearing was upright, confident in the manner as old European royalty, a confidence that draws its energy from the servile attitude of those around him. His luxurious Brylcreemed hair gleaming in the overheads on the Knights of Columbus Hall stage (which was exactly 11 inches high), his Brooks Brother suit fitting him in sharp popping lines of authority and wisdom, his patrician features, nose slightly elevated, sideburns with tensile strength holding it all together....all of these things seemed to solidify the fact that here, before the unwashed masses in polyester, was a Priest of the God on Most High, Selah and Amen Forever.
"Many of you are going to be attending God's Feast this year on credit, using credit cards and such."
He paused, looking down at the podium which he gripped in Godly fevor, as if some great sorrow had just befallen him, a burden that he did not want to bear but did, out of love for his fellow homo sapien. He slowly shook his head back in forth, as if rejecting not the pain of the transgression, but rejecting the urge to judge the poor sod who had committed such a greivous offense. The polyester mass shifted with an uncomfortable guilt. They had done this. They had, in their stupidity and donkey lust, brought this terrible mantle and cast it upon His Beloved Servant. It was their fault, and as small children who disapoint a loved parent, felt anguish. Oh, how low could they get?? To bring such sadness on a tireless Servant of the Lord? There were some in the crowd who felt the sting of tears. Then he, Mr. McElliot, Servant of the God on High, a graduate of Ambassador College, stiffened suddenly, and looked up with eyes filled with righteous indignation. Fear swept through the crowd like a sudden spurt of adrenaline through the wriggling lunch of a carnivorous land mammal. Punishment. Vengance from On High was coming, and it was deserved. Oh yes. Oh why were they so rebellious?
His eyes, smoldering now, held them. No one moved for fear of drawing attention to themselves. To be singled out and Delivered Into the Hand of the Lord was a terrible thing. "Apparently," he he mouthed in a low tone full of menace, "many of God's People haven't learned The Lesson (The Lesson was a favorite topic of Mr. McElliot). Despite all of what you have learned at the feet of Mr. Armstrong, despite the very WORD OF GOD," the crowd jolted enmasse at the thunderous proclamation from On High, "many of you just DON"T GET IT! God's people do not borrow from the world in order to please what is not of the world! It's A TITHE, PEOPLE!!" Mr. McElliot's face was now red. His neck was swollen with the fury and power of the Almighty. Veins thumped and pounded on the rocky crag of his forehead. Children wept. Grown men cringed, hiding their tremulous shanks underneath cheap briefcases. The Lord had descended upon the rebellious camp of Israel in all his wrath.....
Dear "Anonymous said...
Gay dating the Churches of God"
Brilliant post with a bit of truth wrapped inside the humor.
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