The United Church of God has a mission, which is to announce to the world the teachings of Jesus Christ. Further, the Church desires to prepare those that receive the gospel for the Kingdom of God. Understanding that many people have difficulty comprehending the true meaning of God’s Word; the Church has gone to great efforts to create bible study lessons that are designed to alleviate any misunderstandings.
The altruism of the Churches of God continually amazes me, and here, as you can see, is a sterling example.
... many people are confused by biblical scripture. Because the United Church of God wants so desperately to assist others with their journey and exploration of the Bible, they not only offer online bible study lessons, but they are provided free of charge.
Yes, you're probably all choked up, just as I am, at the selfless generosity of the lads in Milford. Imagine all those hours poring over volumes in the Hermeneia commentary series, consulting scholars in the leading universities...

Well, the proof is in the pudding, so to speak, even if it is a very stale pudding indeed, so you can check out the value of these fine "new" lessons for yourself (if haven't already, long ago) by clicking over to Who knows, you might learn something profound and life changing, unlocking those crucial questions the PR refers to. On the other hand, maybe it's the usual manipulative drivel. That'd certainly be my opinion, having had a look at some of these not-so-new "new" lessons years ago. But top marks to Team Milford for putting PR lipstick on a very old porker without batting an eyelid.
There is something new in the wind though. Brace yourself for wonderful really-new study guides from UCG. These are apparently new, so new that so far you can only access a sample lesson, and the details are over on Mike Bennett's blog. In fact Mike seems to be one of the shakers and movers on this project. I'm not sure what Mike's qualifications are for such a demanding task, but maybe he has the complete set of Hermeneia volumes...
Our team of dedicated writers has already written 45 lessons on everything from the armor of God to dealing with unemployment, and we are eagerly waiting to get them up on the Web!
Well, no, maybe not.
This falls into the same category as Dr. Bob's porky about a degree from TCU. Now it seems they are competing with each other to see who can tell the biggest whopper.
Of course it's all our fault for not understanding that it is OK to lie, cheat, and steal, as long as it is done for the greater good of promoting the one true church
Your turn of phrase is naughty but I LIKE IT.
There ARE new recruits out there,eagerly waiting for a new thing to appear.The philosophers on Mars Hill were always watching for,and debating, the neoteric.
And this new thing could be United's Bible Course.
However,to old CODGERS,oops,
COGGERS,like ourselves, this is the SAME OLD,SAME OLD.Having said that,even the most informed amongst us will surely find a gem or two of wisdom/understanding amongst all their rhetoric.Aren't I naughty: however,it is true.
Methinks,however,the time spent in gleaning these precious nuggets of truth would be disproportionate to the ultimate gain.
But,let him who is seeking United's word, study and search the Scriptures with assiduity,yea even dedication,as befits a true believer.
Erstwhile,we battle-hardened unbelievers,cynics and
doubters can tune in to the good stuff on Ambassador Watch.
Might I suggest that everyone go ahead and take the course, and in doing so, send your answers in to them via email, showing the flaws in their questions, as well as the loaded questions and questions dependent upon the methods of deception such as inference, assumption, rationalization, logical fallacies, and replacement theology? It could end up being rather entertaining, especially if everyone could share their answers somewhere on the web.
"Are We All Excited Yet?"
No, I am not yet excited.
My guess is that at least half the people who attend with the UCG won't even bother to read that stuff. Why should anyone else waste their time reading it?
There are so many wicked people in the UCG whose behavior has been so bad all along that it is impossible to believe that the UCG could have any right answers to anything. All the rotten fruits and nuts there show that something is terribly wrong.
The rampant immorality and dishonesty in the UCG remind me of what the WCG was like under the Tkaches just before they openly turned against everything. But then, many of these UCG leaders helped the Tkaches to destroy the WCG in the past. The sooner these same weasels destroy the UCG too, so that it does not waste anyone's time anymore, the better for humanity.
Wow! Some of the people who post here have some major-league hostility issues.
Anonymous said..
There are so many wicked people in the UCG whose behavior has been so bad all along that it is impossible to believe that the UCG could have any right answers to anything. All the rotten fruits and nuts there show that something is terribly wrong.
Its been my experience that the people in the UCG are a pretty nice non-extremist bunch. Its their leadership that is wonky. Milford is still caught up in HWA's old trick of making purses out of sows ears.
This all will play out like always does, people will hang on until they discover that there are two sets of rules, one to keep them in line and another for elite. Sometimes people have to get a belly full of this stuff before they can leave it.
larry said...
Wow! Some of the people who post here have some major-league hostility issues.
And there are some people who post here who don't understand why. Sort of like living in the dark, you know, like mushrooms being fed bullshit to grow.
UCG said:
"Understanding that many people have difficulty comprehending the true meaning of God’s Word; the Church has gone to great efforts.."
It's not a good sign when these Hams stumble on basic grammar.
larry said...
Wow! Some of the people who post here have some major-league hostility issues.
The bad things in the UCG are not what I wanted to see, but rather what actually exists there, and I was forced to see it. The UCG has some major-league SIN issues.
Of course, Larry is free to go there if he wishes, unless he is the type who just likes to talk and write all the time but never actually goes anywhere and never actually checks out anything.
Our team of dedicated writers has already written 45 lessons on everything from the armor of God to dealing with unemployment, and we are eagerly waiting to get them up on the Web!
If you want to get real and practical, maybe you can come up with something about dealing with the habitual liars and dirty old men in the UCG congregations?
I won't eagerly hold my breath waiting for you to get that up on the Web!
This basically is what ALL the COG splinters do: scramble around trying to put a fresh coat of paint on a rotten, damp, termite-infested wooden house built on a foundation of swampsand - then package and promote this whirlwind of useless activity as "doing the Work of God." The poor-quality dwelling is slowly listing to the side, but as long as it's still standing upright, it's viewed as a potential source of income, as well as a haven for those not willing to face the facts of reality.
Phrontistes wrote:
" is OK to lie, cheat, and steal, as long as it is done for the greater good of promoting the one true church."
Oh absolutely, this has historically been a clear operating principle of virtually every supernaturalistic religion since the very beginning - "holy deception" and "noble lies" being among the many labels the basic concept goes by, although I personally prefer the term "running away from reality" much better.
I knew Mike Bennett quite well out in Pasadena - where we were both students, and several years later, employees together: he worked for Editorial, and I for Publishing. He really is a decent, well-meaning kind of guy, like many church folks are - but is so caught up in "doing the Work" that it seems he never takes the time to deeply reflect on the wider realities and implications of COG religion.
Jorghinz wrote:
"even the most informed amongst us will surely find a gem or two of wisdom/understanding amongst all their rhetoric...Methinks, however, the time spent in gleaning these precious nuggets of truth would be disproportionate to the ultimate gain."
That's very true, Jorg. COG literature is not totally without at least some kind of occasional merit, sort of like the sporadic diamond mixed in among a large splatter of vomit.
But such diamonds can be had elsewhere, and without the inglorious surrounding mess the COG's mix them up with!
Anonymous 3:23 wrote:
"My guess is that at least half the people who attend with the UCG won't even bother to read that stuff."
Boy, you've got that right, Anon! The laity of UCG is largely composed of well-meaning yet tired folks grown so accustomed to COG religion, who are just too intellectually lazy to subject their metaphysical assumptions to rigorous questioning, and seeing themselves as having nowhere else to go in order to get their weekly fix of supernaturalistic religion - aside from all the other unbalanced and nutty WCG spin-offs.
UCG's team has had time to prepare 45 Bible Study Guides.
That's nice -- but at the same time, UCG claims to lack the staff to proceed with the "Bible Reading Program" it started in February 2002.
The BRP promised to take members through the Bible in three years. Instead, it's been in a "production delay" since March 2006 -- and is still one book away from getting to the New Testament.
Real hostility (if you should have it at all) should be directed against those who have attempted to hurt you or your family PERSONALLY and DELIBERATELY!
This probably is not true of anyone here posting about any of the COG's. While some of the leadership may be misguided, hypocritical, and even insincere, it is unlikely that any of them ever set out to hurt someone deliberately. It could have happened, but it is most likely the exception rather than the rule, and certainly would not have been sanctioned by the organization as a whole.
I know what it is like to be intentionally and deliberately targeted for personal destruction (death or imprisonment) by someone in power who is genuinely evil! It is an entirely different ball game than the experiences that former church members have discussed here. By comparison, those things are a minor irritation.
anyone who has been with the XCGs would recognize how different this statement is versus what the WCG would have taught under armstrong:
The churches "mission, which is to announce to the world the teachings of Jesus Christ. Further, the Church desires to prepare those that receive the gospel for the Kingdom of God."
so United does not preach the gospel of kingdom any longer?
"Of course, Larry is free to go there if he wishes, unless he is the type who just likes to talk and write all the time but never actually goes anywhere and never actually checks out anything."
Larry drinks Joey's Koolaid.
"I know what it is like to be intentionally and deliberately targeted for personal destruction (death or imprisonment) by someone in power who is genuinely evil!"
Oh DO tell us this tall tale of yours Larry, a teaser like that is too good to pass unverified!
Or maybe your story of "holy persecution" is just that, a story.
Just like your stories about having a degree from "a world-class university". And your stories of being a high-profile and published scientist.
Or maybe this is your story of how the church managed to suck you back in, when you were at a low point?
Some proof, Larry, would do wonders for your credibility around here. I note you have still not taken Gavin up on his offer yet, have you?
"Gavin said...
Given the skepticism about your educational qualifications, feel free to email me privately with the details in condensed resume form. I'd be happy to attest to their relevance (without sharing any details) in any subsequent correspondence.
Sun Sep 13, 02:52:00 PM NZST"
Just to compare and contrast, our resident Armstrongist-in-preaching, Tom Mahon, eventually did post his picture, as was requested here, and as he promised to.
So, even though he's an apologist for a closed high-demand thought reform system (even though he's rejected the "system" and still retains the thought reform), even Tom Mahon has more integrity in his Internet dealings than you.
Credibility, Larry. It's a beautiful thing.
larry said: 'his probably is not true of anyone here posting about any of the COG's. While some of the leadership may be misguided, hypocritical, and even insincere, it is unlikely that any of them ever set out to hurt someone deliberately.'
The power went to the head of many in the ministry and they behaved like little dictators. They weren't just misguided, they were corrupted by the power. There were also some good humble genuine albeit misguided ones.
I think it is a natural consequence of being put in a powerful / famous position. Marlon Brando said the crazy thing about becoming famous is people ask you for your advice on things you know nothing about. Our ministers were very famous within our congregations and we certainly asked them for all sorts of advice on things they knew nothing about.
larry said...
Real hostility (if you should have it at all) should be directed against those who have attempted to hurt you or your family PERSONALLY and DELIBERATELY!
This probably is not true of anyone here posting about any of the COG's.
"...attempted to hurt you or your family PERSONALLY and DELIBERATELY"
Yes, Larry, that is EXACTLY what happened! Also, I disagree with your implication that one cannot be concerned about justice for others.
"This probably is not true of anyone here posting...."
Larry, you liar, it certainly IS true!
Larry, what part of the truth do you not understand? When YOU babble about things of which YOU know nothing at all, and try to help the wicked to get away with their evil behavior, and falsely accuse and condemn innocent victims, YOU are doing Satan's work for him!!! Next time, stop and think a little before you spout off.
Anon 10:31, I'd say you're babbling. Have you ever looked into the eyes of someone in a position of authority who wanted to KILL you and tried? I have.
"Have you ever looked into the eyes of someone in a position of authority who wanted to KILL you and tried? I have."
See here, Larry, the taller your tales get, the LESS likely we are to believe them, not more.
In the space of two comments, you went from "personal destruction (death or imprisonment)" to "someone in a position of authority who wanted to KILL you".
Funny, MY father used to call his psychopathological lying "embellishment" --- and of course "the worldly" were absolutely open season to be lied to in such a wanton manner, because "the worldly" were not "the chosen elect of God".
What's your excuse, Larry?
Anon 04:58,
Where did you ever get impression that I care whether or not you believe me? I have said nothing on this board about myself that is untrue. I have no reason to lie.
Larry said "I know what it is like to be intentionally and deliberately targeted for personal destruction (death or imprisonment) by someone in power who is genuinely evil! It is an entirely different ball game than the experiences that former church members have discussed here. By comparison, those things are a minor irritation."
Your game of one-up-man-ship is beside the point. Whether someone in authority targets one person, or is merely fleecing a large flock without any care for who the individuals are, it's wrong.
Herbie was responsible for more deaths than any serial killer. Just ask the families of those who refused or were refused medical care based on his teachings. The fact that he didn't directly target those people doesn't matter in the end, they're still dead.
Gavin, I followed the link to the UCG website you provided, and did not find a link to download any PDF files. Even looked at the page source to see if I was missing something.
Are the PDFs linked from another page? Or have they done some cleanup after reading your post?
One of the reasons many came into the Radio/Worldwide Church was the FREE literature and Correspondence Courses .
The giving of FREE material is still the big hook that works in getting the public to take notice.
In this day and age of economic melt down…FREE …is the Key…
..if an organization wants to entice the public and reel them in…
One must remember that Herbert Armstrong and all the various offshoots such as UCG are not familiar names with the general public as they are to those of us who once were members and know their unsavory history.
The exploit of FREE Bible Lessons, Magazines and any other literature will be a magnate for interested Citizens who are searching for answers to today’s problems…just as it was back in the days of the depression and WW2 when Herbert realized the potential of reeling in the riches by first baiting the hook and dangling it over the water with a FREE worm for all those ‘fish’ in the sea.
Mike( Don't Drink the Flavor Aid ) said:
Herbie was responsible for more deaths than any serial killer.
Speaking of serial killers there is an interesting article about...
Psychopathy is a personality disorder manifested in people who use a mixture of charm, manipulation, intimidation, and occasionally violence to control others, in order to satisfy their own selfish needs.
Here is link address..
What doesn't go unnoticed is the fact that some of the character traits exhibited by serial killers or criminals may be observed in many within the political arena. While not exhibiting physical violence, many political leaders display varying degrees of anger, feigned outrage and other behaviors. They also lack what most consider a "shame" mechanism. Quite simply, most serial killers and many professional politicians must mimic what they believe, are appropriate responses to situations they face such as sadness, empathy, sympathy, and other human responses to outside stimuli .
Might I add some preachers
( ministers)
also have these unnoticed character traits...
enough said....
read the article for more...
"The giving of FREE material is still the big hook that works in getting the public to take notice."
Yep, that was one of the main things that sucked in at least a couple hundred to Witless Weinland's False Prophecy and IRS Scandal pyramid scheme, in 2008. Of course, I always took care to make the point that the literature was NOT free, and was only as a result of the tithes being milked from the brethren. (PKG, for instance, won't even baptize its members, without a 10% slice of the pie up front.)
So a cursory skim reveals: British-Israelism, the special chosen elect of God, and the omnipresent Armstrongist tactic "Send for our FREE booklet on X". All within the first few pages of LESSON ONE.
I'm sorry, what was that about UCG being somehow "different" or "better" than the WCG that it was modelled on? Because from where I'm sitting, this could have been published in 1977, never mind 1997!
This read like every single Good News (the original mag, not United's poor rip-off of the PT) article ever written, condensed down to a frothing-at-the-mouth rabidity of gleaming-eyed cult propaganda.
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