
Friday 20 November 2009

Afflictions of the Righteous

Poor Mister Weinland. Such trials and tribulations! His poor, dear sainted wife Laura - such a cross (er, um, stake) to bear, what with those nasty IRS people sniffing around. Swiss bank accounts you say? This just proves that God's chosen servant is being provident! And now the Prophet/Apostle's daughter, the lovely Audra Little, is caught up in the agony (also here). I'm feeling teary-eyed at the very thought of this terrible injustice. But be thou comforted Audra, many are the afflictions of the righteous. And fear not brethren, they'll never convict Mister Weinland because the Great Tribulation begins in 2008 and...

Oh, wait... hmm.

But never mind, here at AW we're happy to express our unqualified support for the holy martyrs (Ron, Laura and Audra) - tastefully conveying our best wishes via this image of an IRS pencil sharpener. Hopefully Ron will, um, get the point.


Leonardo said...

Gavin, I'll have to give it to you...where in the world do you find such appropriate graphics to accompany your blog topics?!

They are great!

What's that old saying about "a picture says a thousand words?"

As far as the woes of Weinland, all I can say is, behold the real-life consequences of departing from a rational view of reality and replacing it with a supernatural one!

It's not the invisable Satan and his demons these folks have to worry about - they themselves are their own worst enemy!

Oh man ouch said...

Classy pencil sharpener! Is that Steuben? WCG could have given that as 25 year markers instead of the crumby non-working, dead battery, expired warranty, unreadable,lion lamb watch I returned....:)

I'd have kept the pencil sharpener!

Oh Man Ouch Again said...

They could have included a multi-colored set of pencils with each upcoming change clearly labeled, each change for a pencil, line upon line, change upon change, here a little,there a litte.


Anonymous said...

Great way to start my day!

That pencil sharpener is one of the funniest things I've ever seen on this blog (or any other blog, come to think of it). Where did you find it?

Anonymous said...

Nasty pencil sharpener!!!

Corky said...

Oh well, it will all be over with in 2012 so Ron, Laura and Audra have nothing to worry about.

Swiss bank accounts? Why not save your money in a "little black box"? Everyone needs to "squirrel away" some future walking around know, for a rainy day or a great tribulation.

I'm sure the IRS will be punished severely for interferring with the business of God's Prophet/Apostle.

Persecution by Caesar is what it is. That usually happens when someone doesn't pay tribute like they are supposed to do. A person could even get...crucified.

Mr. Scribe said...

Does this mean that Jesus will delay his coming and we will have to wait until these two get out of prison?

Ron, look here! There is list out for the best places to serve time.

Anonymous said...

I had a prophetic moment today.............

Anonymous said...

just take a lesson from the Mob & Politicians....(as if there was much of a difference;-)

"I do not recall..."

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Weinland could share a cell with Kent Hovind. Since Hovind considers himself a martyr for the Lord, a type of Paul the Apostle, Ken and Ron could play David and Jonathan and *ahem* comfort each other.

The Apostate Paul

If you will all Take Your Hymnals and Rise Brethren said...

maybe Audra needs to do a little karaoke on the witness stand ??

...Thy perfect righteousness O God the heaven's height exceeds! O God Who is like Thee Who has perform'd such mighty deeds? Thou who hast shown me trials sore and great adversities...
...How long in anger wilt Thou turn away? O Lord of Hosts when Thy people do pray? With tears and sorrow their table is laid, of bitter mixture their drink hast Thou made...
...Thou made us a scorn to our neighbours around! Our foes in laughter and scoffing abound!...
Like grass, my heart is withered! My days, like grass consumed! My God, take not my life now, in the midst of my days!

Anonymous said...

Afflictions of the Righteous???

No way!!! You got it all wrong!!!

Instead, try: "No rest for the wicked, lying, false profit."

And, NO, I don't have any sympathy for these scumbags who tell such lies in God's name.

Anonymous said...

God's Apostle won't stand for this, he'll sent the plagues of Egypt on the IRS and a slow painful disease on the leader just like he did the leaders of the churches. They'll learn not to fool around with God's annointed.

Anonymous said...

Where can I get one of these pencil sharpeners?

Did you notice ... nails through the hands and feet, just like Christ, this man is in good company. Pity the head is screwed leaving no place for a crown of thorns.

lnrd said...

Anonymous said...
Where can I get one of these pencil sharpeners?

Did you notice ... nails through the hands and feet, just like Christ, this man.............

is a woman, look see mammary. ..........

is in good company. Pity the head is screwed leaving no place for a crown of thorns.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:10, looks to me like that pencil sharpener "man" has breasts. A little scary for anyone with lead in his pencil...

        AMERICAN KABUKI said...

Anonymous said...

God's Apostle won't stand for this, he'll sent the plagues of Egypt on the IRS and a slow painful disease on the leader just like he did the leaders of the churches. They'll learn not to fool around with God's annointed.

It'd be worth the plane ticket to see him try that on the judge!

Contempt of court could get him put away indefinitely. He'd have to sit out the Apocalypse!

Mel said...

LOL Corky, I'm wondering why Lil' Audrey didn't tell the IRS that any involved IRS officials are going to die soon- and painfully- if they don't rule in the cult's favor.

Nostradennis said...

Yes, sadly and of course the sharpener seems to be a female. Obvioulsy the Bible is wrong in thinking that only iron sharpens iron...It also sharpens pencils.

This would make it a recenly found prophecy make more sense to me.

"Behold..(always begin with "Behold"), the woman, who is the church, shall be thrust through with ideas against her will.

Heresy shall she not she not see coming but wow shall she feel it betimes.

And behold, the head of the woman shall go round and round until the heresies be sharpened and honed for their attack against the children of the woman who was surprised from behind.

Round and round shall her head spin until the deed be done and the plot accomplished. Splinters shall the woman spew out as shavings and men shall gather shavings, slivers and splinters unto themselves as coming from the womean who was suprised from behind.....and they shall be many.

And the pencils of heresy shall be placed in boxes of three. Trinity upon trinity, inclusion upon inclusion, fully man upon fully god in a human body, yet spiritual...yeah whatever.....

And the woman, headless and sore of butt shall cryout...enough...yet shall it never be enough for shavings can be made into splinters and splinters can yet be made into slivers and even the sliver can be made into one alone who can sit in judgement over all and find not one in all of Israel as pure as he.

(To be read in all the churches)

jack635 said...

The IRS was the only agency able to put away the slippery Al Capone. Hopefully they can do the same with Witprostle Weinland. Would he too die of some disease while in prison?

Anonymous said...


Where did you get the Clip-Art from?

It could suggest that Ronnie is either going to be shafted or reamed...I am not sure which.

Is Ronnie the SUCKER who is going to get some of his own back,IF you see what I mean.



Gavin said...

Herzliche Grusse Jorgheinz

Simply tap "IRS pencil sharpener" into Google and you should get a result!

Anonymous said...

Danke Schön,Gavin,

Your pencil sharpener could yet be FLAVOUR of the month.



Anonymous said...

I am sure that Gavin will get " Cogger Graphic of the Month Award" with his pencil sharpener, and none will lick him into
first place.

Gavin,would some Steuben crystal do?
