Nuclear Armageddon launches today - in the fevered mind of Yisrayl Hawkins.
Then tomorrow is Friday the thirteenth!
It seems there has been a surfeit of nutburgers sizzling on the barbie lately. This in a tradition which once advertised itself as "a crusade for sanity" (the title of a TW article circa 1972).
Pam Dewey reports in her book that Dizzy Yissy originally gloried in the name "Buffalo Bill Hawkins." His brother Jacob founded a "House of Yahweh" in some god-forsaken corner of Texas back in 1975. Later Bill would claim he and Jake were - surprise, surprise - the Two Witnesses, despite his brother rejecting the idea. Later Yissy would claim October 2000 as the date of Christ's return, with 80% of planet Earth's population wiped out by mid-2001. I wonder if he passed that on to Shimon Perez when he had his photo opportunity with him in November 1998? (see picture)
Today he had another shot at it. Darn, missed again!
I want to reassure the two or three readers who don't share a WCG background that Hawkins and Weinland don't represent the WCG mainstream of times past. Nor, of course, do James Tabor or Lester Grabbe. The truth was somewhere in the confused middle. Frankly, "Buffalo Bulldust" is an embarrassment. Joe Tkach must be thanking his lucky stars that nobody much remembers Hawkins' ties with WCG.
I'm not sure what could top the Weinland-Hawkins Apocalyptic Double Feature... where do you go once you've played the End of the Age card to a chorus of well-deserved raspberries?
Yisrayl knows the answer to that one: you hunch your shoulders and bluster on. It worked in 2000!
Jim West's take on the day (from which I flinched the title of this post) can be found here.
It will be Armageddon soon for Yisrayl Hawkins when the Texas AG files charges against him for polygamy.
Prophetic musings since Paul uttered the words "Time is short" a couple thousand years ago have been 100%, 100% of the time to date.
The reality is that human beings cannot see into the future. They only imagine they do. Bible prophecy is rarely prophecy at all. And in the case of the major prophets, often false because they are emotional guesses based on wishful national thinking. Some false prophecies were also inserted into the OT by priests endeavoring to make false prophets out of the prophets. Bible characters play games with each other too.
The book is not as pure as one might think not without its prophets vs. priests politic.
The life of Jesus as "predicted" and reflected in Matthew's "fulfillment passages" are badly derived, and excised from the OT to come up with a Jesus story that whoever Matthew was, did not know in fact.
The Mary of Mark's Gospel certain forgets all the wonderous things of Jesus birth rather quickly. Of course Mark has no birth stories.
All of Matthew's fulfillment passages are misquotes and mis-applications of the original passages which were never meant to be prophecies of Jesus.
Jesus needed a spectacular birth story so Matthew and Luke provided them (they were inserted years later as you can excise them and the books read just fine without them.) Of course, they each provided a contradictory one. The authors simply had no idea about anything real in Jesus birth, so went OT text hunting to flesh it out. They just forgot to talk with each other before publication.
Good thing St. Francisi smushed them both together into the now familiar Xmas scenes of mangers and magi.
Prophecy comes alive...then usually falls on it's face and is forgotten until it comes alive again, and again, and again.
Daniel 11 is the same. History made into prophecy after the fact. Once one gets to Daniel 12, it all gets really fuzzy since that is the real future no one can seem to pin down..well except Ron and Dave
Never base one's spirituality on special knowledge about the future. That's religion. It's mostly wrong and leads to reading the Bible as if it was a newspaper and wrongly causing confusion and discouragement.
But then we knew that..
We mustn't forget the debt we owe the False Prophets -- with their track record, as long as they predict TEOTWAWKI, we will be safe! Remember how HWA's false prophecies about World War II resulted in Allied victories.
Hail to the, False Prophet,
True thou never wert-
What was YH's connection to the WCG ? Was he a member or just a plagiarist of WCG theology/prophecy ?
From what I understand (according to the A&E special), he was only a lay elder ---- Hawkins was not a paid member of the Levitical priesthood.
The A&E special had nothing to say abou WCG (because they, or they realized their viewers, have no idea who/what Armstrongism actually is), but did make mention that Hawkins split with the church in '75. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to surmise that Buffalo Bulls--- split with Herbie over '75 in False Prophecy.
"I want to reassure the two or three readers who don't share a WCG background that Hawkins and Weinland don't represent the WCG mainstream of times past."
Hawkins doesn't, but Weinland sure does. Take out the wacky unitarianism and false prophecy, and most of the sermons on the PKG site sound ss though they could have been delivered in the 1980s.
Why Weinland or Hawkins CANNOT continue as ministers or "prophets"
Bear with me...
A common belief of Christianity (and Judaism) is the explanation of "Failed Prophecies" as not really failed. God has simply not fulfilled them because they are intended for another time or period.
Thus when they fail for the modern fake prophet, he can say they lie yet ahead and he can keep on until he gets it right. Time is short, 3-5..you know the decades long routines.
The problem with this line of reasoning though is that the Bible suggests that prophecies were intended to be fulfilled within the lifetime of the listening audience, not thousands of years into the future.
For example:
Deut 18:20-22
"But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die. And if you say in your heart, 'How may we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?'- when a prophet speaks in the name of the
Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be afraid of him."
All that to say, if God did not intend to fulfill the "prophecy" within the lifetime of the prophet, how would we know if HE WAS a false prophet. Something eventually happening does no let the now dead guy off the hook. "Ezekiel" and "Jeremiah" as well as HWA and all now dead fundy prophets fit the definition of false prophets.
Ron Weinland and Hawkins have now proven, by setting dates that have come and gone, that they are kaput. False prophets in their lifetimes and no one to take seriously (if one does in such matters)
The bottom line in all this is that Christianity has employed a flawed methodology, regarding Old Testament prophecies.
They "excuse" the failed prophecies by claiming they were intended two thousand years into the future for our age as we see the COG's do when reading the major prophets as if finally it's all about to happen for us. It didn't for that ancient audience, sooooooooooo, false prohecies.
However,The prophecies were intended to be fulfilled within the lifetimes of the listening audience, to assure them these were God's words and that the "prophet" was not false.
The next thing to note is now that because of this, most OT prophets were false, Paul was false in his "time is short" as was whoever wrote Revelation saying, "things which must shortly come to pass."
Whoever wrote Peter tried to apologize for all this with a good dose of "God does not see as a man sees" and we got the "day is as a thousand years" apologetic.
Can one use or upgrade an already failed prophecies of the BIble to make new ones for down the road? Those who use those books to continue the fear and prophet for profit motiff are just as false and can be dismissed.
Or as Thomas Paine noted:
"Scarcely anything can be more absurd than to suppose that men situated as Ezekiel and Daniel were, whose country was overrun and in the possession of the enemy, all their friends and relations in captivity abroad, or in slavery at home, or massacred...I say, can be more absurd, than to suppose that such a mind should find nothing to do but that of employing their time and thoughts about what was happen to other nations a thousand or two thousand years after they were dead..."
Gavin said, "Yisrayl knows the answer to that one: you hunch your shoulders and bluster on. It worked in 2000!"
MY COMMENT - That seems to be a common thread among Armstrongite cult leaders. HWA did it, Meredith does it every 3-5 years, and Weinland is in process of doing it.
These cult leaders have no accountability whatsoever, and their words are quickly forgotten among the dumb tithe paying sheep.
I was absolutely amazed as a teenager about how nothing was said from the pulpit by WCG ministers when January, 1972 finally arrived - the prophesied beginning of the great tribulation after many years of prophetic sermons and congregational chat. HWA's "1975 in Prophecy" booklet suddenly disappeared.
Someone must have talked to HWA in January, 1972 about the deafening silence in the Church when January, 1972 arrived with no Great Tribulation. After all, January, 1972 was the end of the second 19 year time cycle going back to 1934 when HWA began "THE WORK".
HWA sent out a co-working letter explaining the real significance of January, 1972 was advertising "THE WORK" in Reader's Digest. That was a far cry from bombs dropping on America and the beginning of the Great Tribulation.
For those newer readers unaware of HWA's many failed prophecies, there is ample material available on the internet as well as the direct testimony of the children who grew up in HWA's WCG listening to these false proclaimations by Armstrong and his minions.
As I have said before on AW, these Armstrongite false ministers(and, I would include this Yisrayl Hawkins) have ZERO credibility anymore. They have cried wolf so often that one cannot listen to them anymore.
DennisDiehl said...
>>>The problem with this line of reasoning though is that the Bible suggests that prophecies were intended to be fulfilled within the lifetime of the listening audience, not thousands of years into the future.
For example:
Deut 18:20-22<<<
I wonder if "contempt" is still a mild description of how you treat the bible? If the answer is yes, why do you bother to quote it? Unless, of course, you are quoting it to demonstrate your contempt for it. If latter is the case, then, I understand your perspective.
What's the deal with Hawkin's members all naming themselves with the last name of Hawkins?
God doesn't love Weinland or this Yizrael character. Instead of 1/3rd of all plant life in the USA withering away, we are having a '500 Year Hydrological Event'. An excess of water. (See cnn.com or foxnews.com)
Just like herbie's ridiculous predictions of Mussolini and Hitler emerging victorious, these two are 180 degrees off the mark.
Tom said to Dennis: "I wonder if "contempt" is still a mild description of how you treat the bible? If the answer is yes, why do you bother to quote it? Unless, of course, you are quoting it to demonstrate your contempt for it. If latter is the case, then, I understand your perspective."
Dennis may disagree with me, but I tihnk Dennis holds in contempt the way most religious leaders use the bible. As a document it is a remarkable piece of literature 'documenting' some of the oldest stories in the history of man. I'm sure a good part of the bible is rooted in some historical fact, however what Dennis is pointing out is that the key to reading the bible is to keep in mind three things:
1) Who is doing the talking?
2) Who are they talking to?
3) What are they talking about?
Matthew forgot that.
Elijah (for example) wasn't talking to Mrs. Kieran's favorite boy, Charlie. Elijah was talking to ancient Israel. I am glad someone wrote it down. There are lessons to be learned from what the ancients did. Predicting hydrogen bombs launched by Germans falling on detroit is not something that can be learned from a bible. Are these 'prophecies' something that can be made up by a madman claiming to receive direct revelation from God and used to exert fear and control over the vulnerable? As we all know, the answer is yes.
When these leaders start proclaiming dates, taking up the role of the the two witnesses then they are straying away from any solid biblical basis for their beliefs (leaning on their own understanding).
The problem of course was that at times in the WCG it became "mainstream" to set dates for the end (1975). HWA always mentioned in his programs, things were going to happen in the next few years.
Just today in the Church of God movements, the precedent is now that we do not set any dates.
Generally people from all these end time religious movements are becoming more extreme as the perception is that the age of man is drawing to a close.
We should expect some of the end time movements whatever their beliefs to start making headline news as we start approaching 2012 and beyond (note, 2012 is the year new age believers think something terrible will happen to the earth).
Tommy opined:
" I understand your perspective."
No you don't.
Yes,it's Friday the 13th here in the Shaky Isles, and Tauranga,one of NZs fastest growing cities rocked and rolled t0 a 5.4 earthquake.
Surely, the WRATH OF GOD is visiting this SINFUL country.
Did I mention Tom is full of Shit??
I feel kinda uncomfortable, but I'll ask anyway; can I be one of the two witnesses?
Consider the false prophets of this year alone. What good American would give the time of day (or money) to some religious dog that bad mouths his/hers country to no end? Never offering a solution, just criticism. Such is the world of the ilk who goes by the name of Rod Meredith, Ronald Weinland, and now Yisrayl Hawkins.
Consider these words:
Theodore Roosevelt said it best in 1915: "There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else."
Woodrow Wilson followed that up with "Any man who carries a hyphen about with him carries a dagger that he is ready to plunge into the vitals of this Republic whenever he gets ready."
Such are the traitors that gleamed SO MUCH out of America pockets using fear and undue influence.
They can all go to hell! Scum!!!
I think that God abolished tithing about two thousand years ago to get rid of the false prophets. If the job didn't pay well, only the real, the sincere, the dedicated and the called would persevere.
But, the durned fools came up with a new set of exegetics, declared themselves to be the modern Levites, and soldiered on. And, it's not just the Armstrongites who are doing it any more. Some of the regulars on Trinity Broacast Network and Daystar are prophesying and preaching tithing now!
I quit a mega-church in Texas partly due to their emphasis on tithing. They were a mainstream baptist church and I was like "Dude, there's no high water mark or low water mark when it comes to giving, there's no water mark at all."
Oh and the scriptures in the old testament that say "how will you rob from God? In tithes and offerings!" were refering to the priests stealing money, not how much people were giving to the temple.
Where money is, so corruption follows.
Kscribe, I couldn't agree more.
>>Oh and the scriptures in the old testament that say "how will you rob from God? In tithes and offerings!" were refering to the priests stealing money, not how much people were giving to the temple.<<<
Ya should have robbed the plate when it was passed around! Giving to the "poor." Maybe even ask the Pastor for some money out of his personal account.
fenwick said..."I feel kinda uncomfortable, but I'll ask anyway; can I be one of the two witnesses?"
MY COMMENT - Sure, anybody can be one. There is about 28 or 30 two witnesses walking around on earth right right now. Dennis Diehl is keeping an exact count. So you can be one too!
Raise your right hand and repeat after me:
I solemly affirm (note: we don't swear in the ACOGs) that I will do my best to be one of the two Book of Revelation witnesses; to do my duty to profit by collecting tithes and offerings from the dumb sheep; and then to bluster on after my false dates and false prophecies fail to come to pass, so help me Gad.
Fenwick said, "I do".
Congratulations Fenwick, you are now one of the two witnesses of the book of Revelation. You can now collect tithes and offerings from the dumb sheep who appear to be getting even dumber as time goes on.
Great! Any idea who the other witness is??
Well it looks like someone else shit in their lunch bucket! See "My Thoughts
Fenwick's wife said... "Great! Any idea who the other witness is??"
MY COMMENT - Well, why not you Fenwick's wife?
Would you like to be the other two witnesses of the Book of Revelation?
You can be a silent witness to your husband's prophesying and profiteering.
Raise your right hand and repeat after me:
I solemly affirm that I will do my best to be the other Book of Revelation witness along with my husband; to do my duty to help my husband to profit by collecting tithes and offerings from the dumb sheep; and then to be silent as we bluster on after our false dates and false prophecies fail to come to pass, so help me Gad.
Congratulations Fenwick's wife, you are now a partner in crime with your husband - figuatively speaking of course - in the Book of Revelation two witness Church business.
You will be required to travel to diverse places around the world with your witness husband. You can now share in collecting tithes and offerings from the dumb sheep who appear to be getting even dumber as time goes on to pay for your hotel stays and meals.
It is a great way to travel around the world using other peoples' money whom you scare with eternal damnation and great tribulation to extract the money from.
The religion business is a great business for those who never want to work for a living or hold a real job. Take Meredith for example. He was able to defer working in the real world for a whole lifetime by extending the final gun lap every 3 - 5 years for 50 years!
Has anyone seen a picture of Tom Mahon on the internet yet?
Texas Doomsday Prophet Faces Bigamy Charges
Officials say Hawkins also helped others to become bigamists
ABC News/June 6, 2008
By Brian Ross and Vic Walter
If nuclear war doesn't begin next Thursday, June 12, as he has predicted, self-proclaimed Texas prophet Yisrayl "Buffalo Bill" Hawkins will be left to face a widening investigation of his activities, including several felony counts of bigamy.
"When you're violating the law, then you can't hide behind that religious shield and you're gonna be held accountable," said Shane Deel, the district attorney in Callahan County, Texas, who has filed the criminal counts against Hawkins.
Hawkins, 73, the founder of the House of Yahweh religion, located on a 44-acre tract outside Abilene, has been charged with helping others become bigamists, and bigamy himself.
There are allegations he has as many as 30 wives, according to Deel.
"I've got a wife, one wife," Hawkins said in an interview broadcast on "20/20" Friday.
District Attorney Deel said, "I'd like to have him say that under oath and confront him with our evidence."
In a book entitled "The Laws of Slavery and Marriage," Hawkins wrote in 1994 that in the idea Yahweh marriage, "three (wives) are better than two, and two are better than one."
"In a situation where a family is made up of several women married to one man, EVERYONE in that family COULD BENEFIT in various ways," he wrote.
Hawkins's ex-wife Kay says he added that to the sect's preaching after she caught him having an affair in 1993 with his then-secretary at the church.
"He had the power to re-write the Bible and he did," she told "20/20."
"I wanted him to say, 'Yes, I have sinned', but instead he had the biggest proud look on his face," she said.
Hawkins says his ex-wife is a traitor "like a hog who's been washed that turns back to mud."
"I don't know what she's talking about," Hawkins said of his ex-wife's allegations.
He acknowledges he wrote that the law of Yahweh allows multiple wives, but says that until doomsday comes, he and his followers observe the law of the land.
"When the kingdom of Yahweh takes over, those that want to marry, you know, have an extended family of some kind, the bible doesn't forbid it. But the laws of the land forbids it now, so we say we don't do it," he said in the "20/20" interview.
Several members, selected by Yahweh Hawkins to be interviewed by 20/20, denied that polygamy was practiced by the sect.
But other former members say they are not telling the truth, because to do so would be to break a vow and face "the lake of fire" in the kingdom of Yahweh.
"He's a liar, a con man, a false prophet," former member Miriam Martin told "20/20" of Hawkins.
She says Hawkins gave her husband approval to take a second wife.
"He said you take her to a hotel, put your talit around her, which is a man's prayer shawl, say a vow and then 'F' her, and that's exactly the instruction that he told him to do, and how he told him to perform this marriage," she said.
Martin, who left the sect in 2000, says she was jealous and outraged over her husband's actions but was told she had to allow it under the laws of Yahweh.
"He told me years later that he married her because I did not give him enough sex," she said of her ex-husband.
"That is not a righteous reason for a man to claim that you're going to take another wife, because she doesn't give you enough sex," Martin said.
Her ex-husband denies taking a second wife. He says he helped raise the children of another woman but did not marry her.
the pop-up ads on this site seem to be connected to the FeedJit that has been recently added.
when I stop the download before the FeedJit loads there are no pop-ups.
of course, it could be some other box that is prevented from loading completely too.
I'm not registering any pop-up ads here from FeedJit, or anywhere else. Is anyone else having this problem?
I've also noticed pop-ups recently. First there's a message at the top of the screen inviting me to execute "Microsoft (R) Dynamic HTML Editing Control" (which I always ignore, as I don't know what it is). Then, if I click on "Comments", a pop-up ad fills the screen (usually seems to be for "grandhotelcasino.com"). Strange.
Same here for pop-ups. First I get invited to download that Microsoft thing, then instead of going into comments I sometimes get an invitation to apply for an American "green card", whatever that is.
Gavin said...
>>>I'm not registering any pop-up...Is anyone else having this problem?<<<
I also did notice the occasional pop up from the Financial Times and a few other technical sites, but they are not much of a problem.
At first, I thought someone from the Financial Times was targeting me to invest my "hireling income" on the plummeting Stock Exchange, but now I know it was only a glitch-;) Still, hope springs eternal.
I am receiving pop-ups too when I visit the AW site. I am not sure how it is happenning as I have pop-up blocks on my computer, but I am getting them too.
I am getting the casino gambling pop-up all the time when I come to AW, as well as education ads.
I am now making the connection in my mind as I have been receiving notices on my computer that I have malware and adware viruses. This has been a recent thing.
Gavin...I get pop up's too. Ads from "The Few but True Just Me not You" COG in UK.
Richard said...
>>I am getting the casino gambling pop-up all the time when I come to AW, as well as education ads.<<
Oh dear Richard! Is someone trying to tell you something, but the penny has not dropped. If I were you, I would ignore the educational ads, as the returns from a hefty wager on a gambling site might persuade you to post a photo of you smiling all the way to the bank.
I believe that the spirit behind all of these organizations is pretty much the same. There is amazing congruence of belief and action among the varying derivatives of Armstrongism.
I believe that the WCG walked up to the doorstep of polygamy back in the Seventies. Polygamy was condoned in the OT, a prized source for Armstrongite doctrine. And GTA was talking about how that he viewed the woman he was having an affair with as really a "wife". At that juncture, the WCG could have recognized polygamy, restored GTA to integrity and become FLDS-like. Not really far-fetched.
I am not sure why this was not a tipping point for the WCG. My guess is that HWA kind of liked having GTA on a skewer. Restoring GTAs status would not have been as useful as having a point of leverage against him.
-- Neo
Tom incoherently noted:
"Oh dear Richard! Is someone trying to tell you something..."
You're running out of ways to be rude and arrogant aren't you Tom? Getting lonely over there at your how to be a true Christian blog?
I've trashed the three add-ons that might have caused the pop-ups. Will reintroduce them separately over the next week or so in order to identify the culprit. Please scream loudly if/when the pop-ups reappear.
Thanks for your patience: I hate those things too!
Neo said, "I believe that the WCG walked up to the doorstep of polygamy back in the Seventies. Polygamy was condoned in the OT, a prized source for Armstrongite doctrine".
MY COMMENT - I pondered Neo's comment for awhile, and searched my long distance memory of the WCG. On the surface at first Neo's statement didn't make sense to me. Remember the WCG was a Church organization that stressed families even though it broke up families over the Divorce and Remarriage doctrine - until, of course, Herbert Armstrong wanted to marry a divorcee many years younger than his age. Then, it was OK and the Divorce and Re-marriage doctrine changed.
Then, a couple things came back to my memory from 40 years ago. First, polygamy itself was not ever taught from the pulpit and in church publications, that I am aware of. But, there was "an undertone" that existed among some WCG ministers when it came to teenage girls in the Church.
I can only give a several anecdotal testimony:
1) When I was about eighteen, out of the blue a WCG minister informed me that he could arrange to get me a very young girl if I wanted, and proceeded to ask me how young a girl I would like? Only now has the significance of that conversation with the WCG minister just hit to me today as I pondered Neo's comment. One of the things the FLDS is accused of is arranging marriages with under-aged girls.
2) The second is hearsay and is a rumor that I remember that spread through my local church area. As many will re-call the Church grapevine was very reliable.
A minister who was ousted in the 1974 rebellion, was rumored at the time to be creating a teen retreat along with a land-owner member in our local church congregation primarily for young girls. The land which the member owned was a very remote area. The rumor was the intent of the teen retreat was actually a place in remote seclusion where select young teen girls in our local church could go to take their clothes off and enjoy nature in the buff along with the WCG minister - his own little private nudist sex camp stocked with selected church girls!
3) This same WCG minister always had a couple select teenage church girls staying with his family during the summer months while school was out. This particular WCG minister had no teenage children of his own at the time. Allegedly, it was to help Mrs. [NAME WITHHELD] with her young children and help around the household (free church labor). Looking back now, it does make me wonder about this arrangement?
So, to Neo's point, I don't have any recollection of polygamy being formally taught, but that doesn't mean it wasn't practiced by some on the fringe in the WCG. The WCG had many different fringes such as the handful of people who participated in the slaughter of lambs at Passover time. That is why there are so many splinter groups from the WCG, and Hawkins is among them.
I got the pop-ups too, for some strange things. I hate those things.
I was getting the pop-ups when going to the comments as well, but only after you added the "what reading level is your blog" widget, Gavin.
(The tipoff was the ad logline on the bottom of the widget for the casino pop-up that consistently appeared.)
I would say that's your culprit right there.
Well I use to use Netscape, at least before I died!
this one!
There are no problems with pop-up's with Netscape unless you are trying to "pop-up" out of that damned oak box in the res"erection" and then find that a "Tkach_virus" stops the whole process in its tracks!
It does look like I will have to start over my ministry with a new twist. Instead of the protestant way of recruiting tithe payers with "tracts", maybe someone can help by creating a "POP_A_HERB" that automatically pops up some sermon (like my famous two tree sermon) and immediately convinces you that "I AM" what I be Bro....A stinking rotten corpse!
The pay is a night with Loma.
Now on another note, God is working with Ted at the moment in an effort to save your soul. Please feel free to name someone here that is willing to do the work! The pay is a night with Ted! Not as good as a night with my daughter, but it will suffice!
In Jesus name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
John Hagee, Christian Zionist who raises millions for Israel had been in the news recently. The Anti Defamation League (ADL) is upset with Hagee's views from a sermon he gave on Hitler in the late 1990s.
John Hagee likened Adolf Hitler to a "hunter" sent by God to force creation of a Jewish state.
Statements in Hagee's books claimed that the Jews' "disobedience and rebellion" were in part responsible for "the opposition and persecution that they experienced beginning in Canaan and continuing to this very day... Their own rebellion had birthed the seed of anti-Semitism that would arise and bring destruction to them for centuries to come."
A Catholic civil rights group which expressed concerns about some of Hagee's pronouncements about the Church, and gay groups, upset about Hagee's statement that Hurricane Katrina was, in part, God's judgment on New Orleans because of its tolerance of gays and lesbians.
Hagee has called the Catholic Church a "false religious system" and a "false cult system" and has suggested that the church played a role in the Holocaust.
Pop ups have now popped off. I come in through an anonymous proxy server to skirt the bamboo curtain. For a few days, after Ambassador Watch comes up, the browser (IE6 and Mozilla) would be thrown to http:///robots.txt. The workaround was to hit the browser stop button at the right time... All better now!
CONSTANTINE’S SWORD, by Oscar-nominated documentarian Oren Jacoby, is an astonishing exploration of the dark side of Christianity, following acclaimed author and former priest James Carroll on a journey of remembrance and reckoning. [More]
Why are intolerance, violence and war so deeply ingrained in religion?
Why did the Cross become a rallying symbol for persecution?
How does one man who loves the Church confront its history of crusade and conquest?
Herbert W. Armstrong said...
>>Well I use to use Netscape, at least before I died!<<
You will be resurrected and forced to use it for all eternity.
A nonfiction cinematic essay tracking the movement of apocalytic christian nationalism from the margins to the mainstream.
For screenings and trailor go to
This video was mentioned on the Military Religious Freedom website.
For someone who said "I must go to Mizah and prepare for Pentecost" you should have something more meaningful and encouraging to say here on the Sabbath if you're going to stop in for a visit.
BTW "Mizpah" actually means "Watch Post" so in fact, when you came to "Ambassador Watch", the COG "Watch Post", to post, you were actually coming TO Mizpah and not leaving it go to it to prepare for Pentecost..Weird huh? God moves in mysterious ways.
oops, just a human here..."I must go to MIZPAH to prepare for Pentecost"
Ambassador Mizpah said...
>>>BTW "Mizpah" actually means "Watch Post" so in fact, when you came to "Ambassador Watch", the COG "Watch Post", to post, you were actually coming TO Mizpah and not leaving it go to it to prepare for Pentecost..Weird huh?<<<
Actually, a better translation of Mizpah is Watch Tower. Even though is was and probably still is a location in Israel, in ancient times, it was a location where reliable men of courage were posted to keep watch for the approaching enemies of God's chosen people. But today it is metaphor for all Christians to watch that neither they nor his brothers are taken captive by the devil.
For in spite of the fact that the hirelings betrayed God's flock for less than 30 pieces of silver, and the phrase, "every man for himself" is often proclaimed with enthusiasm, genuine Christians still understand that they are their brother's keeper, and are required to lay down their lives for one another; not sell one another for "the mammon of unrighteousness."
I shall now return to Mizpah and watch and pray, that I may be counted worthy to escape those things that shall come to pass,and stand before the son on man.
Tom proclaimeth: "I shall now return to Mizpah and watch and pray, that I may be counted worthy to escape those things that shall come to pass,and stand before the son on man."
Tom, I can hear you patting yourself on the back all the way across the atlantic.
Tom Mahon said, "I shall now return to Mizpah and watch and pray, that I may be counted worthy to escape those things that shall come to pass,and stand before the son on man".
MY COMMENT - Thanks for the good laugh, Tom. You are such a comic!
The only thing you are worthy to escape is posting yur picture on the internet as you promised you would several months ago!
Tom is such a Dick
Tom Mahon said, "For in spite of the fact that the hirelings betrayed God's flock for less than 30 pieces of silver,"
Wrong again Tom!
Even if you assume 2 ounces of silver per piece of silver, that is 60 ounces of silver, or roughly $1,000 in 1990s prices.
God's flock was betrayed for a lot more than 30 pieces of silver.
Get it right Tom. And, while your at it Tom, get another haircut and post your picture on the internet as you promised. TIME IS SHORT.
How come every time you show up this place turns into a bathroom grafitti wall? Do you have that effect everywhere you go???
Even more interesting about the "hireling" Judas was that Matthew totally screwed up what he thought was an OT prophecy about him.
The author of the Bible's book of
Matthew believes that the prophet
Jeremiah prophesied that blood
money paid to Judas would be used
to purchase a potter's field. In fact,
there is no such prophecy in
Jeremiah; the closest thing to such
a prophecy is instead found in the
book by Zechariah.
The closest match to the words in Matthew's prophecy-fulfillment claim are found in Zechariah, not Jeremiah ("Jeremy"), as Matthew claimed:
And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter (Hebrew: yatsar) in the house of the LORD. (Zechariah 11:12-13)
The Zechariah passage above is almost certainly the one Matthew had in mind, because it is the only place in the Old Testament where a potter is given silver, and it's also the only passage which parallels the valuing of a man's work at thirty pieces of silver, the blood money received by Judas for turning over Jesus.
Unfortunately for those who believe the Bible is without error, the Zechariah story concerns a shepherd being insulted by low wages and throwing them contemptuously at a potter; it has nothing to do with a potter selling a field; there's no field, and nobody sold anything. Thus, the Zechariah story clearly is not a prefigurement of priests purchasing a potter's field with Judas' blood money; Matthew was mistaken.
The whole story of "Judas" is a NT construct to disparage the Christ killing Jews. "Matthew" tried to construct a story of betryal from the OT and screw it up.
"How come every time you show up this place turns into a bathroom grafitti wall? Do you have that effect everywhere you go???"
That's hilarious!
Another reason to doubt Matthew's potter's field story comes from the Hebrew word for paymaster or treasurer: "atsar", which is suspiciously close in spelling to "yatsar", the Hebrew word for potter.
It's not hard to imagine that Zechariah's words were incorrectly transcribed, because it makes far more sense for an man insulted by his low wages to toss them back at the paymaster than for him to cast them to a potter. The editors of the Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible probably got it right when they translated it as "treasury".
So, if there never was a potter in Zechariah's story, then Matthew probably made up the whole thing.
Texas Monthly Magazine had an article on Hawkins in their July 1997 issue. At that time the world was to end in three years. The article can be found on their website, TexasMonthly.com.
Anonymous said, "Tom is such a Dick"
Yes, but we won't know if it's Harry until Tom posts his picture as promised.
Re 30 pieces of silver.
Note that Matthew writes that this prophecy was SPOKEN by Jeremiah, not 'by the word of...' etc. It was passed down orally.
'...Then was fulfilled that spoken through Jeremiah the prophet, saying, And I took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of Him who had been priced, on whom they of the sons of Israel set a price...'
17Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:
18"A voice is heard in Ramah,
weeping and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children
and refusing to becomforted,
because they are no more.'
"said" didn't mean "in the book of" to Matthew. It was not an oral tradition. It was said in the book.
"for this is what the prophet has written:
6" 'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for out of you will come a ruler
who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.'
In the same chapter, Matthew 2 we find that prophets both write and say what is in their books and can be quoted.
If it's an oral tradition strung out over 2400 years, it's hearsay anyway. What oral tradition from your family can you quote from that far back?
"said" didn't mean "in the book of" to Matthew. It was not an oral tradition. It was said in the book.
Excuse...SAID didn't just mean it wasn't quotable in the book
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