"J" from the Shadows blog observes: All I can say is, that was extremely quick, wasn't it?
Already observers are wondering whether the lucky lady will recapitulate the Ramona Martin epic. If you're old enough you may even remember the PT article octogenarian Herb wrote - salivation in print - celebrating the successful consummation of his marriage vows on the morning after. Ramona's views were unpublished.
The Worldwide News ran a photograph of the happy couple with officiating minister Garner Ted Armstrong - who relented at the last moment despite being opposed to the union. It was probably one of the last father and son shots before Stan pulled the rug out from under Ted.
Ramona of the painted toenails (makeup doctrine? what makeup doctrine?) proceeded, of course, to take Herb to the cleaners. Truly a mother in Israel!
Dave himself confirms the nuptials in an aside in his latest sermon (along with claiming no know more about prophecy than anyone else in history, and suggesting Weinland is demon-influenced!)
Meantime I know all AW readers will join me in sincerely wishing Big Dave all the wedded bliss that his hero Herb enjoyed with Mrs. Martin.
Update: The identity of the new First Lady is revealed in the comments section, and some interesting questions are asked.
I'm listening to Dave's King of the North, Part 2 about how Germans have always been to greatest, even back in Genesis. He first takes a swipe at Ron Weinland (rhymes with Rheinland?) and casually mentions how he (DP) and his "new wife" were watching the news on television. Still waiting for details about Ms P mark 2.
Isn't that interesting. "casually mentions." You'd think there might be some room for reception, a congratulatory party or or or, even a name and introduction.
Anyone is able to remarry anytime they wish. I wonder if the church knows her? One would think as well that getting married within the year would presuppose knowing each other ramonically, I mean romantically, for some time.
At least we're being consisitent in the terms. "My new wife.." (MY new guppies are doing just find thanks too) I'm sure she is a "Mrs Pack" and it will be hard to find out her real name as it will seldom be mentioned without it being attached to Dave's name or possessive nature.
Sounds like he's slipping her in rather than introducing her.
I wanna gal just like the gal that marrided dear ol' Herb!
Ya gotta admit, old Ramona must had some glimmer of moxy in her, how many women have changed one of Herb's doctrines twice?
"Pack-ers", get your lipsticks ready!
Wonder if its mandatory that she only call Dave "Mister"..............
Gavin said, "Meantime I know all AW readers will join me in sincerely wishing Big Dave all the wedded bliss that his hero Herb enjoyed with Mrs. Martin".
MY COMMENT - That cracked me up. Thanks for the good laugh.
the new wife is vernia ansety, rcg was her first "cog" experience. like the cult rcg is, they soon brought her over to wadsworth, ohio to help proofread and be a secretarial assistant. she is a registered nurse (i believe so) and is actually one of the nurses who cared for mrs. pack while sick. i think back to the sermon he gave after his wife died, and had the guts to say how his wife's death had severely impacted his household income. WHAT? and then proceeded to make his wife's death into a fund raising event for him, i mean the church. what a con!
We, the AW "Rat Pack" are indeed prophets! Our predictions came true, but Weinland's have not!
Shirley Pack died on July 22, 2007, less than one year ago.
We all scribed, in general unison, that Pack would be married agian within a year, to a much younger woman. (Bride is rumored to be in her 30s).
WE ARE PROPHETS! - The first publication associated with a COG that got it right the first time and without hedging!
And done without a nickel of offering or tithe! There is hope brethren!
Bill Lussenheide, Menifee, CA USA
Rumored released press photo of new young bride...
(copy link, and paste into browser)
Bill Lussenheide, Menifee, CA USA
Apparently, it was obvious at the July 2007 RCG Ministerial Conference (held the same month Shirley died) that there was already something developing between Dave and the nurse who had been living in his house!
My guess is that once the inevibility of Shirley's death hit Dave last summer he realized the chance to remarry would soon be upon him. Regardless, wooing a bachelor apostle in mourning is quite an accomplishment.
Well done Verna.
I am left to wonder how Dave's quick remarriage effected Shirley's sisters (one in UCG and one in LCG) and his children?
Anstey was granted a temporary licensed practical nurse state of Ohio LPN permit/w meds by endorsement of another state's nursing license in December of 2004. Her Ohio LPN license subsequently lapsed August 31,2008.
License and Registration Information
Credential License Type Original Issue Issue Date Expiration Date Status Discipline How issued
IP.407573-MEDS Practical Nurse w/MEDS- Temporary Work Permit 12/21/2004 12/21/2004 06/21/2005 CLOSED
PN.118205-MEDS Licensed Practical Nurse - MEDS 03/24/2005 03/24/2005 08/31/2006 LAPSED
So her license lapsed 8-31-2006.
Does this mean she was "nursing" to Shirley Pack without a license? Let's hope she wasn't administering any medications in violation of Ohio law.
Not to mention the conflict of interest if she was becoming increasingly romantically involved as the bride to be of Pakenstein.
"the new wife is vernia ansety, rcg was her first "cog" experience. like the cult rcg is, they soon brought her over to wadsworth, ohio to help proofread and be a secretarial assistant"
Vernia Anstey's name appears on Real Truth's mast head as a Pack editorial assistant. Think Pack pays her a sweet salary? The salary contributes into his skimpy household income. How else could he afford to give three tithes and special offerings to the church?
Her earlier New York state LPN license issued in 1992 (invalid in Ohio):
License No: 221952
Date of Licensure : 06/10/92
There was already a "special affection" between Pack and Anstay by the time Shirley Pack died. She even sat with him the day of the funeral. Even worse, Anstay literally moved INTO Pack's office large executive office at a separate desk, sitting at Shirley's desk!! within weeks of the funeral.
Sounds like dating an apostle has its perks.
Ohio has both "no-fault" and "fault" grounds for divorce. The "no-fault" grounds include "incompatibility" and "living separate and apart without cohabitation for one year." There are nine "fault " grounds in Ohio. These "fault" grounds include:
1. another spouse living at the time of marriage (bigamy);
2. willful absence of a party from the marital home for one year;
3. adultery;
4. extreme cruelty (defined as "acts conduct calculated to destroy the peace of mind and happiness of one of the parties to the marriage");
5. fraudulent contract (i.e. a party was induced to enter the marriage as a result of a fraudulent representation that materially affects the essential elements of the marriage;
6. gross neglect of duty (i.e. acts that constitute an omission to perform a legal duty, such as a failure to support the family);
7. habitual drunkenness;
8. imprisonment of the adverse party in a state or federal institution at the time of the filing of the complaint; and
9. an out-of-state divorce.
Ohio is a separate property state. I wonder if there is a prenuptual agreement, and if the interests of the children are protected.
"So her license lapsed 8-31-2006.
Does this mean she was "nursing" to Shirley Pack without a license? Let's hope she wasn't administering any medications in violation of Ohio law."
Correction: Her license does show to be lapsed as of 8-31-2006 on the Ohio Board of Nursing website, without renewal. If Shirley Pack died a year later on July 22, 2007. So she could have been administering narcotics or other powerful drugs, doing so without a valid license, such as Vicodin and morphine in violation of Ohio law- that is, until Shirley died, and she became Pack's new bride.
Is that a picture of Dave and his new wife on this posting? Pretty much looks like the way I would expect Dave to take a wedding picture of the happy couple
Has nutty ronnie turned into a pumkin yet?
Vernia's name appears in the Real sTruth way back in August 2007!
Re: Dave's photo -- he's wearing a red tie; in China, that counts as a wedding photo...
Nice couple.
Too bad we cant see the Mrs. Wonder if he'll take a page out of Winelands book and name the new Mrs. the Second Witness.
Some things are stranger than fiction.
There is a Vernia Anstey listed by Reunion.com, profile http://www.reunion.com/159541576 - but without joining, all that is revealed is Lockport, NY, age 45, birthday April 4...
DP turns age 60 this coming December. Since Vernia is 45 - he married a woman 25 years younger.
Did Pack hire Vernia for her office and secretarial skills, or for some other skill?
To look at it another way, if Pack turns 80, Vernia will be 65.
Weinland curses his critics with cancer and Pack, at the height of his honeymoon bliss, throws back the demon card.
This is a nasty sandbox.
Send for our free booklet, "What is a True Christian?"
/-- DP turns age 60 this coming December. Since Vernia is 45 - he married a woman 25 years younger. --/
Or 15 years younger, depending on which state you went to grade-school in... ;-)
Gotta love 'im -- Dave is a true disciple of the Apostle. Garner Ted said he was shocked -- shocked! -- when his dad left Loma's deathbed, came out into the living room where all the evangelists were mourning, and said, "Well, I guess it would look bad to the church if I got remarried immediately..."
I suppose marrying your dead wife's nurse is better that marrying your babysitter. It's in that sort of league, though.
Weinland curses his critics with cancer and Pack, at the height of his honeymoon bliss, throws back the demon card.
This is a nasty sandbox.
What you're just coming to that conclusion now?
This has been a nasty, dog-poop and rodent-dropping-filled, mosquito-larva-infested sandbox since Herbie started cajoling people to park their butts in a drafty old schoolhouse in Eugene, OR, in 1933.......
Far be it from me to correct the Gavinmeister. However this is all wrong..
"The news is out... David C. Pack, Grand High Poobah of the Restored Church of God, has remarried, less than a year after the death of his first wife, Shirley"
"his first wife , Shirley."
Should read
"his first wife, Mrs. Pack"
"his first wife, Mrs. David Pack
"his first wife, Mrs David C Pack"
"his first wife."
At no time was did she actually have a name.
The new wife will now be referred to as:
"his second wife, Mrs. Pack."
"his second wife, Mrs...
Oh you get it.
"Vernia's name appears in the Real sTruth way back in August 2007!
That August Real issue is the same issue in which he pays tribute to Shirley, while making as many marriage comparisons to Loma's impacted turd on HWA in the same article.
I don't think one should automatically assume that the Packster just tied the noose err knot! He probably has been married for some time now and only made reference to his "new" wife closer to the anniversary of Shirley's death thereby slipping it in in order to make it seem more acceptable. If one can suffer through it there is a picture towards the end of the "work" 2007 video that shows the "new" wife. And more important than Herbert's maneuvering on makeup was the reversal of the divorce and remarriage doctrine that many people suffered through UNTIL HE Herbert wanted to marry "Mrs. Martin"! Yeah such a great example!
As mentioned above, the new Mrs. Pack (MP2?) appears in RCG's "Behind The Work - 2007" video. Here's the specifics:
Link: http://www.thercg.org/btw/btw_2007.html
You can choose from one of three formats, or watch it streamed. MP2 appears at 01:07:24
Or better yet, save yourself the trouble and view an extracted pic at:
I feel badly for her. I can't help but think that Mr. 21st Century Apostle laid on the charm, and only now is she beginning to realize just what a fine mess she's gotten herself into. If as was stated above this is her first COG experience, she's probably more than a little naive about characters such as Pack.
It's been my experience, based on people I've known in RCG that they idolize Pack. They hold him in awe, perhaps even more so than was practiced in the Armstrong era WCG.
I've met Dave Pack, and he is very charismatic. No doubt he can be quite charming to someone who doesn't know any better, and who looks up to him as God's great servant.
He also knows how to manipulate people by flattery. He claims to despise flattery, yet he is very skilled at it (classic hypocrisy). I've witnessed him use it first hand and I can tell you he's very skilled at it.
RCG is very secretive, so it's likely his loyal inner circle has known about the marriage for some time. I'd wager one of his favored "Two Witness" wannabes performed the wedding.
OK, let's try this again, the pic is at:
OK, third times the charm... Click this link for the picture
fyi again said, "I can't help but think that Mr. 21st Century Apostle laid on the charm, and only now is she beginning to realize just what a fine mess she's gotten herself into."
MY COMMENT - What mess?
All she has to do now is file for divorce, claim alimony and receive a settlement for a chunk of cash from his CG religion business.
Not bad for having to sleep with the Apostle Dave a couple times, and give him nuggie.
Dr T trashed Dave again, but there was no mention of the new Mrs P. The assault was mostly based on Dave's gimme gimme sermon -- and a down in the downloads.
I think young Bob must tread carefully, as older folk will remember when HWA pulled the same tricks himself. Go to your bank and borrow...
Don't Tell Billy Joel!
He's always a
He can kill with a smile
He can wound with his eyes
He can ruin your faith with his casual lies
And he only reveals what he wants you to see
He hides like a child
But he's God Faux Apostle to me
He can lead you to love
He can take you or leave you
He can ask for the truth
But he'll never believe you
And he'll take what you give him, as long as its free
He steals like a thief
But he's God's Faux Apostle to me
Oh-he takes care of himself
He can wait if he wants
He's ahead of his time
Oh-and he never gives out
And he never gives in
He just changes his mind
And he'll promise you more
Than the garden of eden
Then he'll carelessly cut you
And laugh while you're bleedin
But he'll bring out the best
And the worst you can be
Blame it all on yourself
Cause he's God's Faux Apostle to me
He is frequently kind
And he's suddenly cruel
He can do as he pleases
He's nobodys fool
But he cant be convicted
He's earned his degree
And the most he will do
Is throw shadows at you
But he's God's Faux Apostle to me
In Dave's May Update, "his wife" was mentioned a few times, but still remains nameless (not even "Mrs Pack"). It appears likely that some internal announcement must have been made off the record. I wonder if she has been in the audience?
Way to go Dave!!! Now you have a new Mrs. Pack to do your bidding and bring in extra household income too. Remember when I worked for you... and you said if Mrs. Pack died that you would never remarry? You are such a fraud and a liar!! The new Mrs. Pack has already found that out, I am sure of it!
I'm sorta busy, but surely someone out there has the time to complain to the OH Board of Nursing that this lady, acted as a nurse, and most surely administered the narcotics, etc. to Shirley in her dying months within the Pack's home...oh I mean house. After all, was she not the only one regularly in the house other than Dave? We all know that Dave was too busy "doing the work" to administer her powerful painkillers, etc.
I hope someone will take the appropriate action who has their complete address because this needs to get out.
I can remember shedding tears when Mr. Pack gave his good-bye sermon in Rochester, NY. . . when the Buffalo, NY Church fasted for his back to heal. . . his warm, and compassionate counsel to me as I considered myself one of his "Golden Boys."
As a sermon speaker, very few, if any could challenge him. . . and there was obviously some talent he had as a writer. However, as time went on, and the WCG dissolved into splinters and obscurity, many of these men could not shake the caste system they had taken part and encouraged.
When I hear of him asking the brethern to sell what they have. . . I want to believe he isn't doing this and would like to see the proof. However, it's not until something hits you square in the face, that one realizes that the situation concerning Mr. Pack is really a major TRAGEDY! As a minister, he will take the word given by his Elders, over the obvious truth provided by a lay member, (much less a wife and homemaker.) And as I had to experience, would sacrifice that poor and "dumb sheep" so that his Elder could definitely save face. . . then I knew that he had lost the gift he once had. Having my wife basically called a liar, woke me up out of this nightmare.
I am sorry at hearing of Shirley Pack's passing. What is unfortunate, is that many in the RCG will think that Mr. Pack is SO righteous that God immediately provided a wife out of nowhere for him. With ALL the rules and regulations concerning who can get married. . baptism & real conversion. . .and the glut of women available to men in the RCG, I'm just absolutely amazed. I know we should not condemn and judge another person. Nevertheless, I can only feel pity for Mr. Pack who has become blind, over time, with the power he continually yields among his brethern!
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