
Tuesday 7 July 2009

Otagosh otagone

AW's sister blog has been withdrawn. Remember (if you're ancient enough) those letters the High and Herbal One wrote to co-workers long ago... each setback was portrayed as another clever leap forward.

Well, it isn't that way. Two active blogs is one too many, and to be utterly frank, otagosh was a bit pretentious and not nearly as much fun as this one. So, in the best tradition of making a virtue of necessity, the two have now been combined.

So expect to see an occasional biblioblog item appearing here among the usual curmudgeonly rumblings about Joe, Gerry, Spanky and their gangs. I'm sure you'll be as excited as I am at the prospect of a posting on 4 Ezra. No, really, 4 Ezra: how could Ronnie Weinland possibly compete with that?

More changes are in the wind for next year: a new domain and associated blog to replace AW. Not to panic though, there's six months to go yet.


SKMarin said...

Change is the name of the game--looking forward to them.

FT said...

Cool! You make looking forward to January 2010 a little more fun (actually that's when I turn 40! Yikes)! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Gavin,

"Curmudgeonly rumblings"...whew, I thought for a moment you were going to type " ramblings",with regard to Gerry,Spanky and their ilk.

AW can never be accused of " ramblings". Or can it.?

It is eminent commonsense to combine the two blogs as two are a big much to handle even for your readership.(Speak for yourself Jorgheinz).

The appearance of a bibliolog will balance the perjorative with the academic.Sometimes,we can all get carried away with downputting remarks.

After all,Rod and Gerry are two nice men whose only fault is that they have a distorted view of mankind.Apart from that,they are real gentilemen.



Anonymous said...

Ronnie cannot compete with a 4 Ezra.

I hope it is not like a 6 Jasher.

But anyway,keep the scholarship alive.



Richard said...

4 Ezra -- is that a CCM group, like Avalon?

Anonymous said...

You ARE going to be switching to WordPress on an hosted domain, right?

Gavin said...


Uh. My experiments with WordPress have been less than satisfying.

Well, frustrating actually.

So, not likely. :-P