According to an unconfirmed posting on an LCG board, this is the abode of Dr. Roderick C. Meredith, Presiding Evangelist of the Living Church of God.
It's good to know that the Eternal is taking good care of his faithful commander-in-chief.
If you'd like to contribute to the upkeep of the gardens, remember, Rod's meager stipend is made possible through your generous, sacrificial tithes and offerings.
Update: For details on the Meredith domicile - all from publicly available records - click over to the Mecklenburg County Real Estate Lookup System, enter Rod's name in the search field and, ta-da! Click on the photo link at the top of that page and you'll find that the picture is indeed genuine (though perhaps a little dated.)
It's a high-end tract home, a "McMansion" on a half-acre lot:
Assessed Value of Rod's Home
In 2007, Rod paid $4,221.34 in property tax.
Rod's 2007 Property Tax Assessment
The home sold for $345,000 in 2003. That would have been the price of a house in a San Diego slum around that time, so if he sold a home in a decent San Diego neighborhood, he was probably scaling down when he bought in Charlotte.
Well religion is certainly being very good to Ron and Rod. Wonder what kind of home Dave Pack has? Perhaps "I have never quite had a home like this before," would work?
While comparing material posessions and accumulated stuff, is not something, I feel, I have ever gotten excited about for any number of reasons, these guys do well!
I'm tempted to take pics of my one bedroom apt and send them to Gavin..:) Let's see, I'm sitting facing out the one patio window looking at the SC State Police barracks. Nice area though. To my left, about two feet away is the couch. To my right about eight feet are the shelves with pics, humidor and my dad's 1950's camera that he got for family pics.
Further along that wall..about three feet is my artifact collection and two feet further down the wall towards the only door to get in here (and out!) is my 12 gallon fish tank with my 15 guppies, two catfish and two algae eaters...oops, I mean 18 guppies...ooops....21....oops... :)
Throw in a small kitchen the usual bathroom and bedroom and viola! All done! A swat team did take out the drug dealer downstairs a few months back and the guy that committed suicide two floors down was finally found after a month when he did not pay his rent. :(
And this is a nice location for the budget!
I tried to organize the building so everyone would give me 6.7% of their income (tithe is a touchy word around here in Bibleland) but that didn't work out.
Yes religion is very good to those who teach not to lay up treasures on earth where moth and rust doth corrupt...
I remember visiting the home of the one in Atlanta who started the WCG revolution and one who is now close to RCM in LCG, homes in Atlanta years ago before WCG tanked. All I could conclude was that I was out of some loop!
"Holy Crap" did come to mind. I was fascinated that in ones, the two car garage was covered in radio controlled airplanes. It was a hanger, not a garage. These men may have had other sources of income or family connections as well, so I don't know. I just noticed. I can't believe others didn't as well. I guess it's whatever one is used to. Maybe it's no big deal.
People give such lip service to their Jesus like humility and non-materialism. Well not Dave Pack...One has to look long and hard to find the word "Jesus" anywhere in his sermon titles. The Cosmic, kick your ass, Christ gets all the publicity. A COG trait if there ever was one.
I believe some assuage their tendency to need big homes by offering to build God one for himself. That way, what can God say!
Well, I've buried a lot of indespensible people so it passes.
Maybe the false self of ego and trying to keep the painbody at bay causes people to buy big houses for two...who knew!
Oh oh...PS alert!
If you keept two spray bottles, adjusted to stream not spray full of rubbing alcohol...the southern cockroach cannot survive even one blast! I think they breathe through their carapace. ONE SHOT! They run around in a circle and stop dead! How cool is that! :)
And VERY cost effective and clean! Kill and sanitize!
I think I remember a sermon were Rod stated that he might have less money in his bank savings acount than the average church tither, because he was giving so much to the work.
Does the work include gardeners and lawn care too?
You should really be careful not to spread rumors. When you find out that is not Mr Meredith,s house what are you going to do about it?
Wow , very IMPRE$$IVE. As RU$$IAN Tkaches have shown, there is still plenty of money to be mined from fear-ridden Armstrongites
The laborer is worth his wages!
We would like to see a picture of your house
Yeah, the elite of the "church" didn't know what Paul meant by "hope, faith and charity".
The word for charity is "agape", meaning benevolent, compassionate love.
Never was/is compassion for the poor of "the church" shown. Not even when a member had to skip sabbath services for lack of gas money because it was his third tithe year.
Therefore, like the Pharisees, they tithed everything but ignored the weightier matters of the law like judgment and mercy.
Rather than being "benevolent", they were/are malevolent toward their own members. They definitely don't do any benevolent works in the world and therefore disobey Jesus in Matt. 5:16.
Well, that's two transgressions against the new covenant already and as Paul says, "love thy neighbor as thy self" (Gal. 5:14). The word for love in that verse is "agape" and Paul says in that same verse that that fulfills the law.
So, it's no wonder that Armstrongism preaches old testament law - it's because they refuse to fulfill it and thereby they break the new covenant.
To the person who wants to see a pic of my home: you can be assured that it hasn't been paid for by tithes and offerings of any sort, and that the outstanding amount on the mortgage is its most impressive quality.
To the person who suggests that the "rumor" is false: check out the first comment. If it turned out that the LCG board information was a hoax I'd happily withdraw the posting and retract. Somehow I don't think that'll be necessary.
Gavin's posting is correct based on my previous internet based property tax research following the money.
Spanky lives on the south side of Charlotte just south of 485 Martin and Providence Rd. by Providence Country Club.
The same information can be had with a few clicks for the Packatolla's humble house of three tithes.
So Gavin your position is that no church should have any employees?
Positive Dennis
Well this house, if you look at the picture very closely, appears to have Holloween decarations on the door and in the front yard. I would guess it probably isn't Roderick Meredith's home.
Gavin, It is so aperant that you have crossed Bob Thiel! He is apparently miffed that you have shamed Rod. His anonymous attacks on you are so childlish.
Keep up the good work Gavin. You are causing a great disturbance in the force!
Whether or not the house in the photo is truly Rod's, rest assured that where he lives is a wealthy area. Notice that he lives next to Providence Country Club. All that area is really a new extension of some of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Charlotte; if you go further north on Providence Rd. you will find yourself in "old money" land. Rod is just living in new money land.
Yes, we do feel for Rod living in that ramshackle abode; the servant of the living God deserves far better than what we see in the pic.
Come on, all you AW bloggers,let's start up a Housing Fund for Rod.
According to Zillow.com , Rods home is valued at aproimately $477,000 and is 3633 sq feet and is on a huge lot with 24,393 square feet in a beautiful wooded area.
The home is fairly new, built in 1996.
John Rittenbaugh leader of the "Church of the Great God" lives just mere minutes away from Rod.
Here are the details on his NC house...
Not as nice as RCMs but still with nice pillars in a great area. Square footage is 2260 and lot size only at 7700 sq ft.
Zillow appraised value is aprox. $254,000.
Anonymous 4:29 said:
"The laborer is worth his wages."
That is certainly a true statement, but in a religious context perhaps this anonymous Anonymous could come back and quote to us what Christ thought about hirelings. And then there is the apostle Paul who made a point in 2 Cor2:17 of telling that he and Barnabus where not like so many others who were peddling the gospel for profit.
On another point, why is there are so many cowards on this forum who are afraid to put a name to their posts? I guess they just don't have enough conviction in what they believe to stand in the light of day.
It's nice to have Meredith's home address. I wonder what he'd think if I compiled all the outrageous comments he's made over the years about masturbation and homosexuality, wrote em up, and mailed them to him.
What amazes me is that he and Weiner Dude seem to have similar taste in architecture.
This is too funny! At AC, we were told not to divulge the location of HWA's home, practically at the penalty of eternal death in the Lake of Fire!
Anonymous said...
The home sold for $345,000 in 2003. That would have been the price of a house in a San Diego slum around that time, so if he sold a home in a decent San Diego neighborhood, he was probably scaling down when he bought in Charlotte.
Since when did San Diego real estate prices matter a fig to home prices in Charlotte? I could just as easily argue that homes in Edinburgh sell for 1.2 million pounds, or a nice Zurich flat sells for 4 million Swiss francs. its a bit of a non-sequitur.
My bet is he took some of the cash from his home in Rancho Bernardo to fund the creation of the LCG, considering he moved there right after the GCG insurrection.
The rest went into the new home. He certainly is living in equal splendor to his Rancho Bernardo home.
What Rod did was tactical, but not sacrificial for the sake of the work of God.
BTW, all those weeds Rod and Dr Hoeh used to claim they picked by the railroad tracks in Pasadena as students to eat, nobody asked them to do that. If Herbie could find the money to bid on a replica of the Petite Chateau in Lugano Switzerland, he could feed hungry students.
To "the anti-thiel":
Thanks, but to be fair there is no indication that Bob posts anonymously here, and I'd be surprised if he did.
Someone anonymous wrote:
"Well this house, if you look at the picture very closely, appears to have Holloween decarations on the door and in the front yard."
My question:
Was there a 'Herb-O-Lantern' there?
Yikes- that could be scary!
I will pray for your spelling.
"On another point, why is there are so many cowards on this forum who are afraid to put a name to their posts?"
cuz we don't want to see pics of our houses on here!
Rod's house looks like an average American house to me.....maybe that's why the world hates us.
I just had to look.
You make me feel like such a voyeur.
"Rod's house looks like an average American house to me.....maybe that's why the world hates us."
Who is us??? You post anonymously. Are you a coward? Are you a Bob Thiel minion? A Spanky minion? And who hates you? Are you a Persecutory Type, a Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type?
Living COG is dwindling fast.
"Well this house, if you look at the picture very closely, appears to have Holloween decarations on the door and in the front yard. I would guess it probably isn't Roderick Meredith's home."
This photo was probably the one taken by the real estate agent when the previous owner put it on the market. From all the other evidence, I would say it must be his house. Halloween decorations were probably the previous owners.
Can we make this a series? Call it..... "Crime Pays for Celebrity Cultmeister's" or "Your Home is now Mine"
No, there is something missing here!Can anyone help me????????
maybe you could find pictures of the other COG leaders' houses and post them....I'm not suggesting that you give out any addresses, just pictures of the homes.
might be interesting.
"Rod's house looks like an average American house to me.....maybe that's why the world hates us."
As Jesus said, "If they hated your big house, know they hated my even bigger house first!"
I saw God's really nice big house in Pasadena, but far as I could tell, he never really spent any time there and finally got evicted anyway."
You're idea of average is cut above my experience. But yes, the world hates you because you are average.
He's an older man now. It's time for him to think about inheritances for the kids, and perhaps even about assisted living as old bones start creaking more than he can handle alone. A home like this lets him live nicely in part of his children's future inheritance.
Then again, this may have been the only home he could find with a basement capable of lead shielding and storage space enough to weather 3.5 years of German atomic attack and occupation -- if Petra isn't yet furnished with nice homes for the prophetic elite when the warning has been completed and fulfilled.
Personally, I don't mind if Dr. Meredith lives in a nice place during his golden years. I hope he's warm and well enough to learn, to think, to meditate, and to get past the tired rut he's been depending upon for prophetic insights. He still claims credibility based upon time spent with HWA, which forces me to wonder what he thinks of Aaron Dean, whose time with HWA was arguably more intimate and constant than his, and at a time in HWA's life when he was evaluating his life's work and wrapping things up.
If it exists, why doesn't Aaron recognize RCM's superior experience and move on over to Living? Better yet, at this point in his life and in a new, comfy home to relax in, why doesn't RCM recognize at least some of the flaws in his message and move forward with revised material?
David Pack's house
Total Value: $307,490
Square footage (including basement): approx 4k.
More interesting is the fact that the property was transferred to Shirley's name in 2000, then back to David in 2007.
Tax reasons?
Cowardly Anonymous respondeth in answer to:
"On another point, why is there are so many cowards on this forum who are afraid to put a name to their posts?"
cuz we don't want to see pics of our houses on here!
As well as being cowardly you are somewhat egocentric if you think we have any interest in your house. Unless, of course, you are Bob Theil or one of the other well known cult apologists.
It doesn't seem that Jesus had a nice house, at least not early on.
He traveled back and forth between Galilee and Jerusalem. Most of his time was spent in Galilee. Galilee was originally part of the Northern Kingdom; so Jesus may have been a blond haired Israelite, he may not have been Jewish. There was a significant remnant of Israel in Galilee and these folks and the Jews did not get along very well.
When he was near Jerusalem he appears to have stayed in Bethany with Mary Magdalene. Once Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had kids they probably continued to use Mary's home.
Mary was apparently pretty well-to-do; so Jesus married into some money.
Not as much as McCain... :)
The link to Pack's info:
Doesn't work for some reason...
AR has had photos up on Dave Pack's royal pad from the Medina County website since yesterday:
To anonymous: It isn't a tax thing. Ohio is a separate property state, and it could even be due to a pre or post nuptial agreement. What if Varnia falls out of love, "pulls a Ramona" and wants to get divorced?
Though they have been stigmatized in popular culture as cynical arrangements and romance-killers, prenuptial agreements have become more and more common in recent years. Indeed, with approximately 1/3 of all first marriages, and nearly ½ of all second and third marriages, ending in divorce, a prenuptial agreement may be seen not only as practical but as necessary.
After all, what are the divorce statistics for the COG ministry on average?
Without such agreements, the state may either grant each spouse one-half of the marital assets (if they live in a community property state ) or divide the assets based on an “equitable distribution” (if they live in a non-community property state).
Pack's domicile, Ohio, is a separate property state.
It is also considered an equal "contribution-distribution" state when the issue pertains to marital property. Generally property obtained during the marriage belongs equally to both spouses and will be divided equally during the dissolution of a marriage, unless the action creates a substantial "hardship" to one party. There are some exceptions to the division law; property such as personal injury awards, inheritances and so forth belong solely to the spouse that was named in the action. In addition, all property acquired before the marriage or during a separation is considered to belong solely to the spouse who acquired it.
That's why Pack retitled the house in his own name shortly after Shirley died.
Dennis, I hope the link answers your query on "what kind of home Dave Pack" owns.
Stan Gardner
Ambassador Reports
Anonymous who can't link:
If you're getting "Auditor's Office Transfers", click on "Click here". The auditor's page should come up; click the "All Searches" tab, click "Real Property Search". Use the "By Owner" -- you only need to enter "Pack".
Hope that works. It does from behind the Great Firewall.
Re: Jesus the homeowner
Remember GTA's Real (estate)Jesus? Back when GTA was on radio, I can remember he speculated that Jesus owned at least one home, and perhaps several.
At the time, I thought this was just to counter the popular notion that Jesus was poor.
With Halloween ghost and pumpkins on the steps? Me thinketh not!
I remember Herb explaining his obligation to live a little high on the, uh, hog because of his AICF responsibility. He asked the membership if they expected him to take the visiting potentates to McDonalds...
Not every HWA-wannabe can afford colleges, a cultural foundation, a fleet of aircraft -- but at least they can have a nice place to live in case the odd dictator drops by.
And, of course, God loves quality.
annon said:
"He traveled back and forth between Galilee and Jerusalem."
Obviously you have never made the little back and forth between Galilee and Jerusalem on foot.
Three Gospels say Jesus ministry was just one year and John says three. It's over a hundred miles of waste howling desert wilderness and a thirty mile trip UP mountain from Jerico to Jerusalem.
How many times have you walked thru the desert like that in one year? I drove it twice.
It's always interesting to me how people can figure out just what Bible characters did 2000 years ago when they know nothing about what their own grandfathers did in 1956 , or what they did themselves last year.
Dave's home is amazing. It's overarching. Stupendous really. I don't think I have quite seen a a humble couple called by God to follow Jesus example, quite like this before brethren. I"m sure Dave has told the church he needs that in God's work because he's tall.
All kidding aside. It's stunning the materialism one can enjoy in Jesus name.
Any home for the average person in Galilee amongst fishermen would be at best a shack. They still are or all connected as shops with back rooms for families in town. Sepphoris, a town just four miles from Nazereth was Roman and prosperous. Strange it is never mentioned in the NT and most have never heard of it. Nicer than Galilee for sure.
There is some evidence that Nazareth did not exist as anything but a necropolis during Jesus time and NT writers, not knowing this and misusing the OT "prophecies". nuther story.
I gotta get a gullible following somehow. I'd like a log home!
Real estate is a localized market as most know. The adage, “Real estate is location, location, location” applies.
I am Washington, D.C. based, and I can tell you that if Weinland’s and Pack’s homes pictured were here in the Washington, D.C. area, they would be about $1 Million+ homes – even in this present down market. Meredith’s I can’t tell from the picture, but it would be at least $750,000 here in Washington. I had to say this in order to put the cult masters homes into proper perspective for myself so that I can relate to them.
For contrast and perspective, I worked in corporate America in competitive jobs most of my life (made it to the Vice President level in a $200 Million company), own my own business, and I live in a modest $400,000 house (that is modest in Washington, D.C.).
Fear religion is a very lucrative business. The homes of the cult masters provide the evidence. What more can I say?
Richard noted:
"I worked in corporate America in competitive jobs most of my life (made it to the Vice President level in a $200 Million company)"
Hi Richard, long time not phone chat!
I worked for a 200 million dollar CORPORATE SOUL , made it all the way to Preaching elder by age 24, never a look again after that.
Generically calculating, I "inspired" for better or worse, the giving of over 40 million in nearly three decades. (sorry about that! I thought it was right at the time.)
I then had to beg for an occasional raise learning to buy high and sell low to move to the next area for Jesus ...and all I got was a miracle from Jesus (as explain to me by Ron Kelley) and a be warmed and be filled slap on the back from the Dept of Reconciliation. They said they'd pray for me.
I pointed out that WCG didn't need to reconcile racially near as much as with everyone else. Well that went over like a lead brick.
I really hesitate to even chat about my financial contributions to the church in time, money , youth etc and what seems to me to be a rather clouded got old future because there is always that person who reads AW that punches me in the face with "and I hope you go straight to hell and suffer for it all because you were a minister and deserve what you "got"' That's a soul ripper to me. But being open about it all is therapy for myself as well soooooo..one takes the chance I suppose. I still would like to know where every other former full time minister went and why they don't reveal themselves on AW.
I suppose I"ll drift away from this all at some point for my own good. I've sworn off AW at least ten times :)
I have such great experiences. I hate what disorganized religion does to people.
Call me again sometime, I need a good laugh!
Dennis Diehl said,
"I gotta get a gullible following somehow."
Not gonna happen, Dennis. After all these years you still lack the qualities necessary to "get a gullible following..." Like, for instance, you have a conscience, a sense of right and wrong, a smattering of decency about you, and an ego that admits that you could actually be wrong about something. You need to overcome all that stuff if you want to fleece the flock.
Herbert would be proud of Big Dave and Rod, see what an Ambassador education can do,they were taught at the feet of God,s Apostle,remember Zerubbabel "For who hath despised the day of small things? THINK BIG!! CARS, HOUSES,BIG WORK,AND ESPECIALLY BIG TITHES AND OFFERINGS.
To the person who said this can't be Meredith's house because of the Halloween decorations, what rock are you living under? Photos are not necessarily current on county web sites! If you would just take the time to go to the county web site you would see the very same photo. I think it is quite funny that the photo of his home goes against Meredith's very teachings..........
Personal property will one day be a thing of the past if Agenda 21 of the United Nations get their way! So enjoy your belongings whilst they remain yours!
In the new society just ahead of us prior to Christ's return, wealth will be taken away from private ownership to become the property of state where it will be fairly distributed to all those in need.
A house built on tithes will not stand! Even in God's World Tomorrow, wealth will be fairly distributed out. God's world is a world based on giving and sharing. Not a society based on injustice where the few have much, and the majority have little!
Robert, your conspiracy comments are getting nuttier by the day. Agenda 21? You really need to get out more!
"Three Gospels say Jesus ministry was just one year and John says three. It's over a hundred miles of waste howling desert wilderness and a thirty mile trip UP mountain from Jerico to Jerusalem."
Jesus was a Galilean. He was from the Northern Kingdom where the Northern tribes of Israel settled. He spent most of his time there, only going to Jerusalem of the various Feasts.
The journey to Jerusalem during the Feast seasons was quite normal; not easy but normal.
Jesus' main concern seems to have been the Israelites around Galilee not the Jews in Jerusalem.
There was a good possibility that he was illegitimate and that he grew up poor. So he probably did not have a nice house.
He also didn't believe in tithing; that was something added to the the law of Moses by an all male priesthood intent on fleecing the people.
HWA, Rod Merredith, the kind males in UCG, and the male "priests" in the Saddleback Church
all continue to enrich themselves by taking what is not theirs to take. Jesus never did that.
Jesus who was probably an Israelite , not a Jew, he knew that the bulk of the Law of Moses came from Canaan or from the priests of the Southern Kingdom of Judah.
Jesus taught people not to keep those things that were put into the law by men. He became a tremendous threat to the established religious order in Jerusalem. That is why he stayed primarily in Galilee.
He was safe in Galilee.
The priests in Jerusalem hated him; and he didn't like them.
Gospel Thomas 102
'Jesus said, "Damn the Pharisees! They are like a dog sleeping in the cattle manger: the dog neither eats nor [lets] the cattle eat.""
UFO recanter, William Cooper, vindicates Herbert W. Armstrong on the Sabbath. William Cooper, a contraversial type, who was killed in 2001 in strange circumstances spent his time researching the New World Order.
In the programme, Ecumenism, Roman Roots of Vatican and Pagan Catholicism, William Cooper, uncovers the early Christians observed the Jewish Sabbath.
Yet again, proof that HWA was ahead of his time. What more proof do you need! Now get on your knees and repent, and go back to the Sabbath!
Listen to it for yourself!
Robert, you MUST get off the "shrooms" and get a life!
Just got a look at the apostles estate. This place is HUGE!!!! 4 bedrooms. To the best of my knowledge there is only the "Apostle" his wife of 8 months and his setpson living in this palace!
The Clarian call has worked! But more must be done.
I am going "trick or treating at merrydeaths house this year! Thats a given!
"Even in God's World Tomorrow, wealth will be fairly distributed out."
yep, those who work will be wealthier than those who won't.
there will be no government welfare programs to take from the workers and give to the lazy.
"I pointed out that WCG didn't need to reconcile racially near as much as with everyone else. Well that went over like a lead brick."
At least you had the guts to point it out to them, Dennis. The rest of us just fire potshots along those lines from behind the anonymity of the Internet.
Their reaction is unsurprising.
Robert said...
In the new society just ahead of us prior to Christ's return, wealth will be taken away from private ownership to become the property of state where it will be fairly distributed to all those in need.
A house built on tithes will not stand! Even in God's World Tomorrow, wealth will be fairly distributed out. God's world is a world based on giving and sharing. Not a society based on injustice where the few have much, and the majority have little!
You know, there was someone else who thought just like that. Karl Marx, I believe his name was . . .
Ah, yes, Karl -- the missing Marx Brother, Pinko.
"than those who won't.
there will be no government welfare programs to take from the workers and give to the lazy."
A good Republican response! The "kingdom" will certainly have an unregulated economy.
Take from the poor and subjugate an entire class of people to serve the wealthy.
Yep yep...
Anon Said: "The laborer is worth his wages!"
I really hope you are kidding here. RCM keeps asking people to dig deep, it is his company basically. How can you think that a man who asks people to mortgage their future should be allowed to live in the lap of luxury. Really, to live like this when the members live mostly in rentals and eek out meager existences on what is left over from digging deep. Way down deep.
The quote should be; You will reap what you sow.
Well we know that if you promise to rob Peter to pay Paul, you count on Paul's full support...
All this brings to mind two certain quotes from "Should Accusers Be Answered":
Quote one:
A former employee once stated, and I quote, that I make “$125,000 a year 91 DO YOU BELIEVE OBVIOUS LIES? (tax-free), have a huge expense account, live in a mansion and have a palatial office—all paid for by about 200 brethren.” This received wide circulation outside RCG—and probably still does—his attacks having begun earlier with worse charges in late 2000, when he left us. While every element in this statement is pure fiction, some have been foolish enough to believe such outrageous stories.
Quote two:
Let me extend the point for further illustration: For those who still doubt after this explanation, I could go on to ask: Would I need to post a picture of my house for people to know how ridiculous the earlier quoted accusations are? Would they need to see my tax returns for several years to know that my salary is far—FAR—below the figure quoted above, and how almost tiny my expenses are, even as the leader of the Church?
Seems that picture has indeed been posted, though through no action of Dave's...
Well, well, well...
It seems Rod is feeling magnanimous this week!
Remember Syd Hull, the South Africa evangelist who left LCG to follow the Apostle Dave? And then got tired of Dave and decided to endure Charles Bryce?
Well, he's baaack!
From the Presiding Evangelist
Dear Fellow Ministers,
Greetings from Charlotte! We are delighted to announce that Mr. and Mrs. Syd Hull in South Africa have come back to the Living Church of God! Although he went to two other different fellowships for a while, he has heartfeltly acknowledged that he made some terrible mistakes and wants to come home. They are coming back just as members—not in the ministry—and requested that themselves as they understand the situation. They have both acknowledged that what they did was wrong and that they are sorry for hurting others. They realize that this is where the Work is being done and want to be part of Christ’s Work at the end of the age. So let us all rejoice and pray with them that this will all work for good and that all of us can learn every lesson God wants us to learn as we move through the trials and tests of this human experience. Please pray for them—pray for God’s Church in South Africa—and please continue to pray for all of us in the Work.
We are grateful for the prayers and effort put forth by Messrs. Rod King, van der Byl and Botha in visiting with the Hulls to help be sure that this is all done correctly. And we certainly can thank God that He is the “Father of mercies” to all of us and will continue to work with us as long as we sincerely want to do His will.—Roderick C. Meredith
Now, how long do you all think the Hulls will have to sit around "just as members"? My money's on a year, maybe 18 months before El Syd gets ministerial responsibilities again.
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