
Monday 8 January 2007


There's a new kid on the COG block, all set to do business and receive your tithes. C'mon down Chuck Bryce and strut that COGwalk!

The new entity has been named the Enduring Church of God. No website yet, but we're assured there's one in the works. And you'll be as delirious as I am to learn that one of their first publishing projects will be a hymnal just like the old purple one!

Actually, Enduring is a great name. If there's one thing the brethren have to master in any COG it's enduring. Enduring slop for sermons, begging letters, bad music and some of the worst "counsel" imaginable from underqualified ministers. Yep, enduring sums it up.

But as to whether the ECG (not to be confused with other ECGs like the hilariously named Eternal Church of God) will endure very long as an institution, that's something else again.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised he did not name it :"The Endearing Church of God"!

jorgheinz said...

A billionth of my tithe to another COG schism.Each hardly makes cents.

And Gavin, may I pick you up on your statement about under-qualified ministers.Should you not have said "unqualified" ministers?
These cocks-of-the-walk were "pig ignorant".

Ambassador education hardly counted for anything in the real world, but then as COGGERS we weren't living in the real world.
And to think that we deferred to those nescients.

Erudition never was a strong point of Worldwide.Of course, it paraded as such,having originated from the Apostolic throne down which all that twisted doctrine should have been flushed.


Anonymous said...

I would have to heartily disagree with the comment that the "Ambassador education hardly counted for anything in the real world."

Each summer a sizeable group of Ambassador grads and our families get together. I think every one in the group makes a six-figure income and we all know of many other grads who have become highly successful using the foundational skills we learned at Ambassador.

I agree that our Theology training isnt extremely useful but Ambassador did have quite a few things right with its liberal arts emphasis, its speaking clubs and its other programs.

Most of the Ambassador bashing I hear is from those who have never been there.

For me, I dont think I would be a millionaire without that background -- not that money is a true measure of success.

Anonymous said...

You know a million dollars isn’t what a million dollars used to be. Per our most recent stats, 1 Million Americans are millionaires. Still, it has to be rough to be solvent, to have a savings at all when all during one’s salad days one is giving 30% to the work. Our pal who won’t give his name, reports:

“I think every one in the group makes a six-figure income and we all know of many other grads who have become highly successful using the foundational skills we learned at Ambassador.”

Plus, not to be immodest…

“I dont think I would be a millionaire without that background -- not that money is a true measure of success.”

Tell me, O Unnamed One with No Grammar Check Software Plutocrat, how oh how did your Ambassador College training help you and your so well to do pals get so far ahead of most mere mortal men?

I have never heard such a tale!

Mark Lax

Anonymous said...

I only spent two years at Embarrassing College. However, the speech classes and clubs were somewhat valuable. Frankly, in order to be scientific about any kind of analysis, you'd need to look at the skills and background which the different individuals brought to AC, as entering freshmen.

I should think that the business program at Pepperdine University, another SoCal "Christian" College, would have been far more valuable in terms of imparting bankable job skills.

Nobody really likes to admit that they wasted or squandered a portion of their lives, whether it be time spent getting a pseudo degree at AC, or time spent in one of the ACOGs. The forums are littered with folks who are trying to find at least some little miniscule thing that they have to show for their time in either.


Anonymous said...

Enduring I can see, it's the enduring of the members for sure but what I can't see is the "Church of God" part. What would a cult from a cult from a cult like that know about God?

I bet they know about tithes though, yesiree deedy dee dee. The only thing they haven't heard of or know anything about is truth. So, how can you have God without that important ingredient?

I'm so happy about the wcg splintering into ever smaller and stupider groups that I'm tempted to dance a little jig to an ole Negro gospel tune mos' ever' day.

Richard said...

O Unnamed One with No Grammar Check Software Plutocrat

The name-calling here is just getting too over the top for me. :--O

Anonymous said...

Well speaking of new magazines, one that is already taken is "The Philadelphia Remnant Journal" from none other than the minister driving the auto that killed Richard David Armstrong:

It's the Cult of God Fleeced Flock or something like that. Yet another in a long line of things none of us want to keep track of anymore.

Anonymous said...

such jealousy!....such class envy!

it's so worldly to resent those who have succeeded, those who have achieved!

it sounds to me like the ones that spend their time bashing HWA and the old WCG would do much better to channel that energy into being productive citizens...

covetessness is an ungodly trait, but then, the ungodly constantly attack God and His Church...

those that live according to the principles of God tend to do much better in life, spiritually as well as materially (although, God does not promise material wealth as a reward for loyalty to Him)

you malcontents would be well advised to concentrate more on your own lives, and less on what others are doing, then maybe you'll find the way to happiness.

Anonymous said...

To last brave anonymous poster:

I can't think of anything I have ever read on this blog or several others that in any way indicates a jealous or a coveting attitude towards herbie or any other leaders of the 100's of COG's.

I see contempt, disgust, and disbelief for the leaders' motives, and the consequences of their actions. I see sympathy, compassion, and hope for their members that they may one day be free of armstrongism.

God's Church!?!?! There are hundred's of off-shoots of the WCG all claiming to be God's Church, which one of these would you be referring to?

Be a man (or a woman) and sign your name.

Anonymous said...

Can't help but agree with the next to last post. You guys really do need to get a life.

Find something productive to do with your time, like rewarding work you really enjoy in a positive way. Spouting "yah, yah, yah" will only take you so far in life.

Real men and women find something positive to do with their lives.

Anonymous said...

I simply do not understand the bagging on AC grads. Makes no sense to me. Maybe the ministers do really need to get a real job. But many from AC did do quite well.

One thing AC/WCG was is what is called an early adapter. We were one of the first to have what was the first email of it's kind, cc:mail. WCG also had IBM ATs and XTs on almost every desk, leading the employees to be on the cutting edge when it came to desktop solutions.

The only department that lagged was Mail Processing for the most part.

A strange bit of foresight from HWA was that he wanted everyone to know how to think, everyone who wants to succeed today in business needs to be a pretty adequate typist. Many hated the typing class, but it has borne fruit in the long run.

I do not think the ministry is pig ignorant, whatever that means. I think many were and are narrow minded for sure.

There may not be a lot of AC grads at the top most positions throughout the world, but many, many have made it big in the business world in the USA and Europe.

Anonymous said...

"God's Church!?!?! There are hundred's of off-shoots of the WCG all claiming to be God's Church, which one of these would you be referring to?"

you do err in believing God's Church to be of one corporate entity.....there are many corporate entities that make up God's Church...and a good many groups that are not formal corporations.

The Church is composed of individuals called by God into His Church, the vast majority of which have most likely never heard of HWA or WCG.....

and maybe one day I'll actually sign up for this blogging service, then I'll have a name ;-)

and by the way, if you can't think of anything you've ever read on this, or any other "cog blog" that indicates a coveteous or jealous attitude, I would subimt that you don't really "read" the posts......there are a good many genuine, civil posts for sure, but they are not all like that...

Anonymous said...

Next to next to last anonymous:

My life is very positive, in fact, I consider the work that these blogs do and I am sure many will agree, a positive thing. Exposing the contradictions, hypocrisy, failed prophecies, bad works,abuse of members, and bad theology in order that some may be freed from armstrongism, is a positive and fulfilling thing to do.

Oh, and real men and women can post their names. If you can't figure out how to use the "Other" radio button and enter your name, surely you can type it in at the bottom of your post. Or at the very least use a handle so it is easier to identify who said what.

The the last anonymous:

You responded: "you do err in believing God's Church to be of one corporate entity.....there are many corporate entities that make up God's Church...and a good many groups that are not formal corporations. The Church is composed of individuals called by God into His Church, the vast majority of which have most likely never heard of HWA or WCG....."

By all means, please expand on this. If you attend one of the corporate entities, It is likely the leader of that corporate entity, if a follower of armstrongism, would disagree with you.

However, you and I may have found some common ground. I believe that we are called to God by God and that there is no 'True' earthly church. However, that is where it probably ends since I also believe that armstrongism makes about as much sense as a 747 with a kickstand.

Anonymous said...

One other thing, I have been reading sites, researching, and / or contributing to these blogs for over three years. I still have yet to find anything that remotely resembles envy, jealousy, or coveting (Aren't they all basically the same thing?). You may choose to interpret contempt for those who abuse power, twist scripture, ruin lives, and play God with the membership for jealousy or envy, but you are mistaken. However, I will admit my error if you can provide an example.

Anonymous said...

"The Church is composed of individuals called by God into His Church, the vast majority of which have most likely never heard of HWA or WCG....."

they all keep the Sabbath, however, along with observing the annual Sabbaths/Festivals, food laws, etc, etc.....Just because HWA taught it doesn't make it false...(although HWA did get some things wrong)

and yes, I do attend with one of the "splinter groups", and it's very likely that they do not agree with my assesment that not eveyone in God's Church has been somehow connected to the old WCG/HWA...but then, they don't agree with me about eating out in restaurants on the Sabbath either...and that doesn't really matter to me :-)

brave anonymous poster

Anonymous said...

In LCG we know that the Church of God is the spiritual Body of Christ and that we have brothers and sisters in other fellowships (as there are probably false brethren in our and other fellowsips --just like in WCG). Mr. Meredith has consistently taught this, and I have converted friends in United, etc. We keep in touch and recognize one another as brethren, but understand that we have different focuses as far as the Work of preaching the Gospel and other matters are concerned.

As far as AC goes--it was the best 4 years of my life. Unlike some, I had a wonderful experience that I would not trade for anything. I learned and grew a lot personally, and have been very successful financially and in other ways since graduation. But perhaps one's experience is colored by one's attitude and approach.

I had a friend in AC for whome everything "sucked". You create your own enviroment with the attitude you decide to have. Happiness is a choice--I choose to be happy by being positive.
Grateful AC Grad poster

Anonymous said...

I suppose i have a problem with how all of these splinters of WCG, who all seem to have problems getting along or even recognizing each other,with the attitudes of non-cooperation they show, could ever be one in Spirit in Christ . The scriptures do not read that over 500 splinters will make up the Body of Christ.
It makes you wonder if ,as they all say, that the Spirit of God is working with them, that they could even be remotely the "TRUE CHURCH" of God!,
rod 2

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how many of you even know what the splinter groups really teach.
Yes, some of the ministers of WW were harsh but that is not the way Mr. Armstrong taught and when he heard about it he put a stop to it but he could not be everywhere so he depended on the ministers to carry out what he taught but some one them became power crazed and they decided what should be preached.
Did that mean the church as a whole was bad? Of course not.
Ask your selves how many of the minister that was harsh is with any church group out there? Not very many in fact some of them do not attend any where God took care of the sitution.
I am not sure how come you all do not just let it go, If God thinks they are all wrong then He will take care of it.
Also, maybe some of you need to ask your self’s was it Ambassador collage the blame because you did not learn anything or was it your fault? Did you really apply yourself? Do you need someone to blame for not succeeding? I do not know you therefore I can not say that is your problem and maybe somewhere in your life you may have had a bad experence but you are older now so you should just put it behind you and say it is over and learn from it and go on with your life.
Maybe it is time to grow up.
I am not going to sign this not that I am a coward, but because it does not matter if you have my name it does not change what I have written.
And before anyone out there decides to critize my grammer you do not have to. I know it is not good. I am not an Ambassador graduate in fact I barely graduated high school.

Unknown said...


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