
Friday 21 July 2006

Painful Truth returns

The Painful Truth site is now back online after Ed Mentell Sr. returned to take on the project, though perhaps only temporarily. You can find it now at


Felix Taylor, Jr. said...

Another boy back in town (well, at least temporarily). Armstrongites can start sweating now!

Anonymous said...

Armstrongites have an insatiable appetite for information. It is a by-product of their competitiveness. As they compete fiercely against eachother for the best positions in the church and kingdom, they savor the news of some other Armstrongite's downfall.

But at the same time, the Armstrongie leadership believes in carefully managing and manipulating information and no doubt rails against the viewing of anti-Armstrongite websites.

This set of opposing constraints makes me wonder how Armstrongites resolve this dilemma personally and whether they ever look at websites like Mentell's.

Anonymous said...

Loud applause . . . standing ovation . . . chorus of hallelujah in the background . . . the crowd breaks into cheering . . .

hip hip hooray!, hip hip hooray!, hip hip hooray!