
Tuesday 31 May 2016

RIP Karl Beyersdorfer

Since Gary broke the news online of Karl Beyersdorfer's suicide a number of other COG-related websites have posted follow-up comments including a commendably pastoral piece on Living Armstrongism. The following summary appeared on the COG-friendly COG News.
On the 28th of May a pastor’s suicide was reported: 
“Today it was announced in the Charlotte LCG congregation that LCG Joplin, Missouri pastor Karl Beyersdorfer has killed himself on 5/27/2016. Recall that his wife Gaylon fell and broke her hip two weeks prior on Saturday 5/14/2016 and had to have hip replacement surgery." [From Banned]
He was ordained in the Worldwide Church of God, joined Roderick Meredith in founding the Global Church of God, then continued with him in the LCG. His name in its list of congregations has been replaced by that of the area pastor, Gene Hilgenberg, but there is no announcement of his death on the website as yet. 
One LCG member has commented [on Gary's blog]: “I can tell you first hand that what is happening at LCG is heartbreaking. Especially for those of us who survived what happened in WCG. It can lead to feelings of depression, hopelessness and despair. Many of us love our church, despite what our critics think about it, and it is hard to watch it crumble like it is. I’m sure Karl had other reasons for what he did, but the current state of LCG didn’t help, I’m sure. It’s hard to see something you heartfelt believed in and gave your life in support of fall apart because of egos and bad decision. I could see where that would make your life feel like a total waste. In the months to come, especially after RCM’s death, it will be important for us to stick together and love one another through the turbulent LCG splits ahead which, at this point, seem inevitable.”
Bruce Tyler's death has been marked with a fulsome tribute from Rod Meredith. The suicide of a prominent minister is a much more difficult event to address, and yet the impact is just as profound - probably more so. Hopefully, LCG will do the right thing and publicly acknowledge Karl Beyersdorfer's passing in a respectful way that not only mentions his contributions but also speaks to a difficult situation. To pass by in silence and ignore what has happened would merely compound the problem. They could do worse than by using the Living Armstrongism post as an exemplar.


Redfox712 said...

Thanks for the mention. The post was partly an imitation of Kevin Caruso.

Byker Bob said...

Armstrong theology has certainly never been "once saved, always saved". Unfortunately, HWA taught that until you die and are resurrected, you can lose your salvation at any time. He also taught that you must repent and ask forgiveness for all your sins. Because suicide would seem to cut off one's ability to do those two things, most ACOG members assume that suicide is a TLoF offense. Other more informed theologies recognize human frailty, and believe that God also considers moments of human weakness before passing judgment. Hopefully, most of the people in the LCG will at least allow for that as a possibility. Black and white thinking doesn't generally do a very good job of helping bereaved persons deal with sad and horrible situations such as this.


Cheryl Barnes said...

He was taking some medications that cause delirium and confusion.

larry said...

does anyone know how he killed himself?

Unknown said...

Obituary for Karl Beyersdorfer , Joplin Globe...

Former WCG Member said...

Many, many people suffer from delirium & confusion, especially Alzheimer's patients, and yet don't kill themselves. I'm thinking depression would likely be a huge component.

Former WCG Member said...
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