
Saturday 22 August 2009

Flurry Alert

Time to quit grousing and get in behind the work! No, not that "Work," but a PCG-focused initiative being promoted on the Living Armstrongism blog. The entry there explains itself, please do click across. My own inclination would be to do a Readers' Digest on the example letter: short is often more effective; but the strategy is sound. Unless the company is owned by a PCG member, this kind of feedback has a good chance of being effective. We can all grumble and trade horror stories, but here's a chance to get in there and raise a little righteous hell.

Kudos to Redfox712


redfox712 said...

Thank you very much for spreading the word.

This company that has given PCG their newsstand space needs to know what they are actually doing. That PCG is a high demand, controlling cult seeking new triple tithes payers.

I encourage any reader out there to send a message to them to make it clear to them what PCG really is. Who knows how PCG represented themselves to them? Let us make sure that they are not left in ignorance of this Armstrongite sect.

Lake of Fire Church of God said...

redfox712 said on his blog, "HWA managed to get on so many radio stations because, if I recall correctly, he hid the cultic nature of his organization. "Oh it's just (mainly) a news thing," he essentially told them. Perhaps PCG has done the same here?"

MY COMMENT - Art Gilmore, the introductory announcer of The World Tomorrow, for years would state at the beginning of the broadcast: "...Ambassador College presents Herbert W. Armstrong (or, Garner Ted Armstrong)....".

My recollection of 1960/1970s World Tomorrow broadcasts and telecasts masked or hide the fact that a church was behind the media presentation.

I believe HWA presented his cult material to the outside world as "educational". So, I wouldn't be surprised if Flurry does the same.


Anonymous said...

PCG had their magazine in displays next to the paper boxes here some 10 or more years ago. it didn't last long. one day they were simply gone.

Anonymous said...

"MY COMMENT - Art Gilmore, the introductory announcer of The World Tomorrow, for years would state at the beginning of the broadcast: "...Ambassador College presents Herbert W. Armstrong (or, Garner Ted Armstrong)...."."

With this exception, unfortunately, but they were pushing to get new tithe slaves, before Herbie kicked the bucket and everything went to hell in a handbasket.

If you watch the rest of the telecast I've linked to, you can quite clearly identify which parts are aimed solely at in-group members, that will go right over the heads of the unsuspecting public, and which parts were geared to pander to the worldly.

Anonymous said...


The Ambassador Watch Blog could have a section that maintains a list of various unsuspecting businesses, organizations, and VIPs around the world that are in the process of being deceived and used by particularly bad cults like Gerald's PCG.

Anyone learning about such a business, organization, or person could add the name and contact information to the list.

Those who care and want to help make the world a better and safer place could then contact them by email, snail mail, etc. to speed up their learning curve and warn them about that greedy, dishonest, little family wrecker.

No doubt false prophets like Gerald would like their victims to just go away quietly, but that is not really the right thing to do.

        AMERICAN KABUKI said...

I believe HWA presented his cult material to the outside world as "educational". So, I wouldn't be surprised if Flurry does the same.

The "education" comes after you join the cult, and what an education that is! You certainly never forget it!

After you leave it some idiot always pipes up "well nobody held a gun to your head to join it did they?" To which you should reply "that happens when he gets his little theocracy wish fulfilled - they'll be lots of guns held to heads".

The cult is devoid of tolerance.

Speaking of which, have any of you been following this "C Street Family" so called Christian mission to congressmen in Washington DC....there's not a whole lot Christian about it, and its all about toppling democracy (which they called a failed experiment) in favor of a theocracy. Scary stuff. They were once praised by George Bush Sr.

redfox712 said...

Anon 1:15

That is an excellent idea. Maintain a list of any organization that carries advertizing, carries their writings, holds TV stations, etc is a great idea. I've been thinking along those lines as well.

For starters someone needs to make a list of the news sources cited and used in The Trumpet Weekly.

Bamboo Bends,

I actually have heard about that C Street thing, but I know nothing about that.

Byker Bob said...

Art Gilmore often appeared on Dragnet 1969 and Adam 12. He usually played the part of a police officer.

I've got to hand it to Jack Webb, the force behind these two shows. He saw society around him falling apart, what with all of the free love, drugs, disrespect for police officers, and the breakdown of family, and he honestly tried to do something about it. Some of those old shows are blatant commercials for the police academy. One of my favorite Dragnet episodes was the one in which Gannon and Friday had a half-hour long debate with a hippie guru who was turning juveniles on to marijuana and psychedelics.


Anonymous said...

For a couple years as a young boy, Dragnet was my favorite show.

The Skeptic

Mel said...

I like Dragnet for it's comedic value, since Sergeant Friday's dialogue was so often 'over the top'.

One of my favorite episodes of Seinfeld is a spoof on Dragnet (the library episode), in which Jerry gets a visit from a 'Jack Webb-like' character, Mr. Bookman, who hammers Jerry with his 'over the top' verbosity. (While across the hall, Cosmo is getting it on with the attractive library assistant.)

Click here so see a bit of it.