That's the question Ron Weinland was asked on Britain's TalkSport radio this week by James Whale (who, as the photos show, actually looks a lot like Ron, except hipper.) I'm not sure Ronnie really answered it. But for those of you unfortunate folk living in the USA, Ronaldo proclaims nuclear attack within sixty days, or maybe ninety... it kinda depends... But those devious Europeans are right now planning a surprise attack on America's port cities (San Francisco, New York.)
And lo, Ronnie will be announcing from Jerusalem just who will join him as number 2 in the Two Witnesses next Sabbath, the 19th. My best guess is Big Bird from Sesame Street.
Are we all excited?

45 -90 days... the second trumpet gets blown. Ronnie seems to be backing away from saying that anything will actually happen on the 17th. Could the old boy be stringing this out while he milks the publicity - and income stream - for all its worth? Perish the thought!
"Why are you going to Jerusalem?"
"That's where my job starts."
You can expect the Israeli authorities will be keeping close tabs on this bloke when he touches down. He probably has a file right next to Rohan's and David Ben Ariel's. My advice? Don't let that sucker off the plane.
You can listen in to Prophet/Witness Weinland's interview right here. Knock yourself out!
A Tale of Two (or three or four ....) prophets.
I am a bit confused. Rad Ronnie one half of the Dynamic Duo says the complete nuclear destruction of the USA is only a matter of weeks away. Death, Carnage and Pillage is eminent.
Yet, Apostle Dave Pack is building a TV studio and a two year college for his future ministers, and to filter out his two witnesses.
Meanwile, the prophet and apostle in Edmund Oaklahoma is also building a college for his blind mice.
Could sombody please help me understand this conundrum?
So many Apostles. So many Prophets. So many Witnesses. (APW's)
I think that Weinland looks a lot like Uncle Fester (from the old Adams Family), although he acts and says things even weirder than the original "Fester"!
(pic below)
I willing to lay even money bets that the "second witness" will be his wife. Clues?...who else could it be currently in Jerusalem? Not likely the newly ordained Johnny Harrell who is in his Jerusalem entourage, nor some hapless tourist visiting the Wailing Wall. The clue lies in the fact that Weinland claims that he will be the "spokesman for" the second witness.
As the wife is a "submissive" and generally subordinate in COG culture, then this makes perfect sense.
Bill Lussenheide, Menifee, CA USA
People at work were highly amused when they were told that the tribulation begins a week from tomorrow. They even asked for the website URL.
Religious nuts have made God a laughing stock and God had nothing to do with it or them.
Perhaps there will be a surprise attack on America's port cities (Seattle, Miami). But it wouldn't be the Europeans. More likely the radical Islamic Arab terrorists.
But wouldn't we expect an attack on the Israelis first, before the attack on the Gentile Brits and Americans? Isn't that what Bible Prophecy says [ignoring the fact the Britain and the United States aren't even mentioned explicitly in Scriptures, but Israel is]?
Place your bets.
Next Sabbath [after the postponed Passover], the betting parlors will not be taking any more entries.
If anyone can answer, my wife wants to know, if the Great Tribulation begins on the Passover and the people will have to flee for the place of safety, will they be able to finish the Passover service first or will they have to take it a month later?
No, no, let Ron get off the jet. The Israelis will be just fine with that. Check the luggage as a precaution, but Homeland Security is pretty efficient these days -- after a bad start, so that will be OK too. What Ron will probably need is police protection. It's pretty clear by now that he won't have God's.
Here are some points in the interview that Gavin links,
1:40 -- Second witness to be announced on the 17th by Weinland.
5:20 -- After April 17, 45-90 days to 2nd trumpet, then nuclear weapon detonated in US, in port cities
13:15 -- April 17 will see something in news, more than "a minor irritation"
13:50 -- People will mock. Ya' think????
15:25 -- Starting April 17, pope will not be happy with RW.
18:55 -- If not clear by mid-June, RW will admit to being false prophet. I suggest that you don't hold your breath on this one.
19:40 -- Antichrist not a single individual, rather the Catholic Church .... and he will be given special powers on April 17 while in Washington DC. If "he" is not the pope, who is he?
21:10 -- repeats that 45-90 days after April 17, second trumpet blows and port cities destroyed by nuclear weapons.
Here's what I'd like to see. The Israelis turn him around when he tries to enter the country on Monday. When he returns to the US, he is arrested for terrorism for threatening to detonate nuclear weapons in our port cities and is held in Washington DC on the April 17th, in time to become the false prophet he talks about 20 minutes into the interview.
In the latest post on Ron Weinland's personal web page he talks about the interview he had last Monday with Mike McConnell. He states: "So, I was prepared to quote what is written in the book and to show the increase in the magnitude of several of the thunders since the last book was published in October of 2006."
But on page 96 of his book, he wrote: "All Seven Thunders will increase in power and recognition over the next two years (from the date of the first printing of this book) and on into the final three and one-half years of great tribulation.
So is it all of the thunders, or just several of them?
The trouble with these radio interviews is that from the point of the interviewer, his primary job is to entertain. The facts and truth languish far behind in his priority scheme. For example a well known talk show host whose first name rhymes with "shush". If the interviewer holds his kooky guest's feet to the fire he risks having the guest hang up on him and then he'd have to ad lib for the rest of the show.
If you think about it, it all makes sense: This is what Armstrongists are all about.
It is the lust for power.
The ultimate power is the power of God to be a witness who can [finally] call down fire from heaven and consume enemies. It is a powerful driving lust which many cannot deny, and that, to their own ultimate destruction.
This is all about the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life -- which is no different than it ever has been since Herbert Armstrong started this mess in the 1930s.
At least the man who kept vigil over Herbert Armstrong's grave for several years waiting for him to be resurrected finally gave up. Just when do we think Ron Weinland will give up his silly quest? Or is the answer, "NEVER!" until he dies because the lust is so strong for the power he wants?
At least he's not making us wait long. I'm hoping that this ends up becoming such a powerful example, that it will make all of the ACOGs back away from interpreting prophecy. That is clearly NOT an area of expertise for them, and they'd be much better off capitalizing on some of their stronger qualities.
IF RW is arrested, and detained or imprisoned in Jerusalem, it could draw further attention to him. This could have the net effect of spawning a string of copycats, going on for years. I hope that Israeli officials realize this, and do whatever they need to do quietly.
I guess we all knew that Rohan would not be the only mentally unstable Armstrongite capable of creating an international incident.
ROTTEN RONNIE WINELAND (reasonably correct name and spelling)
Bringing the way of truth into disrepute, exactly as prophesied.
Some people were seduced by the thought of how soon Wineland's predictions would come to pass and how confident the con-man was. Now that the time has come, the frustrating delays and postponements have already begun to set in and could string them along for many more months. Embarrassingly, it could turn out that they had misunderstood everything they thought he had clearly said, as he will probably have to explain to them in future ramblings. Nothing is actually going to happen besides him huffing and puffing and collecting more money from them.
"If you think about it, it all makes sense: This is what Armstrongists are all about."
Please refrain from throwing a blanket over someone like Mr. Weinland and other COGs. His actions are certainly not condoned by many other "Armstrongists".
"If anyone can answer, my wife wants to know, if the Great Tribulation begins on the Passover and the people will have to flee for the place of safety, will they be able to finish the Passover service first or will they have to take it a month later?"
For Immediate Release:
The flight to Petra will take place after Passover services, from midnight until the next morning, just as the Israelites fled Egypt. The Night to Be Much Observed will take place enroute to Petra, preferably during the flight. Kosher meals available. We are trying to arrange an in-flight movie of Mr. Armstrong.
The Apostate Paul,
Western Hemisphere Director of Transport for Flight to Petra
AP.."Benedict's first trip to the United States as pope begins Tuesday — a five-day visit to Washington and New York, including a speech at the United Nations. Anyone expecting strident speeches from the man once called "God's rottweiler" for his role defending Roman Catholic doctrine will be disappointed."
Will the "Rottweiler" leash a vicious attack on Rotten Ronnie? Will he bring down fire from heaven to fry Ronnie into a french fry? I await with baited breath.
Time is fast running out for you non-believers Ronnie The Terrible is about to unleash Armageddon on the World:
Rev 11:2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty [and] two months.
Rev 11:3 And I will give [power] unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred [and] threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
Rev 11:4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
Rev 11:5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
Rev 11:6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
WOE! WOE! WOE! RONNIE THE TERRIBLE GOING TO JERUSALEM, Please MR. Weinland DON'T GO!!! to late Ronnie done gone kiss your ass goodby.
Will the "Rottweiler" leash a vicious attack on Rotten Ronnie?
The Pope's reaction?
"Ron who?"
Please refrain from throwing a blanket over someone like Mr. Weinland and other COGs. His actions are certainly not condoned by many other "Armstrongists".
That's not what we're talking about, is it? It's the "prediction addiction", the preoccupation with the end of the world, the Great Tribulation, the Place of Safety.
Armstrongists, if nothing else, have several things at their very core to make them Armstrongists: A belief in British Israelism, the punishment of America and Britain for being Israelites, but not obeying God [and particularly not the Sabbath, but, then, whether many Armstrongists themselves actually keep it is a question], Death, Doom, Destruction, Devastation and the Place of Safety: All of these obsessive preoccupations, and more add up to Armstrongism.
If you don't believe in these things, then you aren't a true Armstrongist. If you do, you are the same ilk as Uncle Ronnie, but just don't act upon it to the same degree.
So there.
Please excuse my ignorance, but just when do we get to be introduced to Rotten Ronnie's sidekick, Mr. Second Witness?
What has been bothering me is who will be the head honcho, you know the boss man. Is it witness number one? Witness number two? Or will Misteeeer Pack insist that he is above all and is in total and complete authority.
This is all so confusing.
Saaaay! While we are on this topic, aren't the armies supposed to surround Jerusalem?
So has anybody gotten any reports about those armies around Jerusalem?
And shouldn't Uncle Ronnie be headed for the hills if they do?
Does Ron have any family such as brothers, sisters or parents, aunts,cousins,childhood friends who can help him?
And, of course, the world has always been coming to an end,
as is evident in this 1947 co-worker letter.
Ronnie is a slick little weasel, and so was herbie.
I mean, after writing a book with a huge "1975" on the front cover, not to mention the "in Prophecy" part, the weasel herbie was able to convince so many of his deluded followers that he never prophesied about the year 1975!
Amazing! Such are the amazing results of brainwashing.
Heck, even all these years after weasel herbie's death, some still claim the herbie wasn't a false prophet, and use all kinds of mental gymnastics to hold to that delusion, like:
*I learned God's Truth from MISTER Armstrong, and...
*God would not use a false prophet to teach His Truth...
*Therefore, MISTER Armstrong could not be a false prophet!
(never mind the obvious lack of logic in that dandy of so-called 'logical progression'!)
Oh and for good measure throw in some codswallop in order to bolster the delusion like, "Well, they were just his OPINIONS, he wasn't saying they were prophecies. Musta been a typo on the cover on that book, and lots of typos on other things he wrote. And 'microphone errors' in all those things he was recorded saying..."
Ah, the mental gymnastics involved!
Folks like Tom and Ronnie could compete in some kind of "Special Olympics" for those gymnastics!
I can see it now! The judges would hold up a signs with numbers on them and give them higher points based on things like "an iron grip on delusion", "fantastic obscufation of facts", and "leaping tall logic in a single bound"
Ha ha ha!
But I digress.
If herbie could do it, ronnie can do it. He's a weasel, too, and has the benefit of having seen how herbie lied to and manipulated his sheep.
Just say, "I never really said that!", and the brainwashed sheep will believe, in order to not enter into the uncomfortable mental-reorganizing task of admitting they were very wrong, and the requisite uncomfortable re-thinking of (and letting go of their death-grip on) the "I have found the Truth!" delusion.
I guess it's more comfortable to believe that there was once a time that was hunky-dory and believe in the manipulating politician or religious figure that relies on peoples emotions, and not facts, in converting them.
Oi, vey!
An anonymous poster soon to be chastised by Tommy-boy posted
Please excuse my ignorance, but just when do we get to be introduced to Rotten Ronnie's sidekick, Mr. Second Witness?
It will be announced from Jerusalem on the 19th. Or maybe it's the 17th. Rotten Ronnie has mentioned both dates.
What has been bothering me is who will be the head honcho, you know the boss man. Is it witness number one? Witness number two? Or will Misteeeer Pack insist that he is above all and is in total and complete authority.
Ronnie-boy has stated that he will be the spokesman for the 2 witlesses. Smart money is on his wife being the 2nd witless. In any case, the 2nd witless won't have to say anything -- seems to me that contradicts the idea of being a witness. And no, the Packatolla doesn't get to play in Ronnie's sandbox.
This is all so confusing.
Yeah, Ronnie will baffle you with BS if you let him.
Newsflash! I got a scoop and an informant gave me a picture of the second witness!
Not that he'd be saying anything Ronnie wouldn't say himself...
It's called dissociation.
Armstrongism is filled with it.
Don't try to reason with it.
Just a friendly tip.
Or to put another way, my first Law:
Never argue with someone you know has a mental disorder.
Or worse, several of them.
mel quibbles about
>>*I learned God's Truth from MISTER Armstrong, and...
*God would not use a false prophet to teach His Truth...
*Therefore, MISTER Armstrong could not be a false prophet!<<
Mel>>>(never mind the obvious lack of logic in that dandy of so-called 'logical progression'!)<<<
"Obvious?" This is another bare assertion, unsupported by evidence or argument! To simple minded, deluded Armstrongists, blinded by the mantra, "prove all things," nothing is obvious unless it is demonstrated to be so! But I am fully persuaded that you will either be unwilling or, what is more likely, incapable of constructing a cogent and persuasive defence in support of your BEER assertion.
"BEER assertion"?
I'll drink to that! A beer should go well with Ned's honey sandwich...
Do Numbers Count?
"Seven times a day do I praise thee, Because of thy righteous ordinances" (Psalm 119:164)
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy; six days you shall labor and do all your work;
and the seventh day is a Sabbath to Jehovah your God (Exodus 20:8)
Over thirty times in the Scriptures is the phrase 'seven times' used. It applied to the priestly duties and it applied to prophetic statements. The number forty also crops up frequently, as does 'a thousand'. There's 'seven' - 467 times it appears, 93 in the New Testament. Then there's the mysterious '666'. And there's the idea that man's 'day' is 6000 years. Is there any significance to numbers in the Bible? Are they literal or symbolic?
...most numbers used in the Scriptures are just that - numeric values to be taken at face value: the twelve tribes, for example, or the numbers slain in battle or the size of armies (or are they rounded up, just as in modern reportage?)
...some usage is clearly not literal: 'the cattle on a thousand hills are mine' doesn't limit God's inheritance, nor does 'a thousand shall fall at your side' limit Israel's prowess in battle
...then there are the obviously symbolic numbers: eg 666, over which Bible students squabble as to the meaning
...what of the 144,000? Is seven always literal or does it sometimes have symbolic meaning? And what of that thousand years - the 'millennium? Or forty - sometimes literal, sometimes symbolic?
...also contentious: the 6000 years assigned to man's self-rule. It is nowhere in the Bible explicitly stated as such, but derives from the analogy of the God-appointed seven-day week. Just as God 'worked' for six days and rested on the seventh - so man is left largely to his own devices for six 'thousand-year days' which will be followed by one such day of 'rest' under the reign of Messiah
...this idea has focused minute scrutiny on prospective dates - all, so far, wrong - for the return of Jesus, and is based on Archbishop Ussher's date for creation as 4004BC. It fuels the view that we are now in the 'end time', with millions of Christians expectantly awaiting the 'rapture'
...we are now, based on Ussher's date, a decade past the expiry of the six thousand years. One explanation for the discrepancy is that Jesus has 'delayed his coming' - based on Jesus' parable in Luke 12:40ff.. Or, the calculation - notoriously difficult - of six thousand years may be in error
...it is also possible that the 6000 years is analogy, symbolic. It informs us that our human tenure of Planet Earth is temporary. We have made such chaos that God must, ultimately, intervene to save us from self-inflicted annihilation, and to Himself take over the reins of government for a literal or symbolic thousand years
...whatever - the fact is that we are hell-bent on destroying our planet, with mankind failing to learn from previous catastrophic mistakes. Multiple factors point to our imminent destruction. Jesus warned: 'And you, then, be ready; for in the hour you think not, the Son of Man comes' (Luke 12:40).
Burgers said...
"If you think about it, it all makes sense: This is what Armstrongists are all about."
Please refrain from throwing a blanket over someone like Mr. Weinland and other COGs. His actions are certainly not condoned by many other "Armstrongists".
Sun Apr 13, 08:58:00 AM NZST
I say, "Thank you Burgers!" We are not all agreeing with Ron and many of us hold to that which we have proven good scripturally, or as someone earlier said, "Armstrongists". We hold to many of the teachings Herbert Armstrong introduced that were in the scriptures, but not to everything he said.
In the past couple days, we've talked to two people who have spent time in Jerusalem and one of them spent a year there.
According to both of them, every few weeks another of the two witnesses would show up.
"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses" how can we deny the truth of all this?
It's so obvious that it just has to be true! Particularly if your brain has dissociated from reality and you, as an Armstrongist, are dyslexic given to wrong attribution!
Oh Gavin, Be merciful and of tender compassion to we, your poster children. Visit us not in thine furry any longer and forgive our sin. Look down upon your servants and restore unto us that which only you moderate.
We have sinned. We are but dry grass under thine feet, yet are we repentant and humble of heart. Hear our cry. De-moderate us in thine loving kindness Gavin, and rebuke us no more in sore displeasure.
For an enemy as shown tares amongst us betime and in our foolishness have we answered fools according to their folly, or not depending, and provoked thee unto moderation in thine wrath.
Demoderate us as the times of the end draw quickly upon us. In the Sign of Aries on day 17, shall the first trumpet sound. Leave us not with moderation in that day. We beg thee of Gavin of Zealand.
Free us Oh Gavin, for we repent in sack cloth and garbs too numberous to mention.
In your loving kindness now be merciful to us. In compassion, blot out the stains of our inquitous comments. For before you we show our broken spirt, which we know to you is a sacfice most sweet. And our broken, contrite hearts, thou..Gavin, Lord of Zealand the New, shall not despise.
Restore us to non-moderation, lest we perish. The first Trumpet which we will not be able to hear, draweth nigh. But we must speak of that which we cannot hear. Pulllllllllllease Lord Gavin, free thine servants to do your will.
Sacrfice doth thou not want..pfffft...thou carest not for it. But our broken spirit do you seek. Yea, our spirit is broken. Despise us no longer betimes.
In the Name of Captain James Cook, we implore thee and thank thee for all thine blog hath wrought.
I believe God has revealed to me that Ron is indeed the first witness and that Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry are the second witness.
This is because both Dave and Gerald are "Half Witt's" each so it takes both to make one.
Remember you heard it form ME. If I am wrong, I will stop down.
04 14 08 @ 10:31 adds up to 67. That is the number of Dennis is right.
Let's ignore the crazy ones. Do not respond to HWA was like unto one of the 12 type of posts. Instead of Tom it's now Ron who we need to be concerned with. And this can be done without name calling.
Ronnie's meeting with El Papa will be most interesting.Of course, he will be expected to genuflect before the Papal luminary and kiss the Pontifical ring finger.
Tea with two sugars and club tomato and cucumber sandwiches,with a slice of lemon,will,I am sure, be the order of the day,drunk out of Meissen china.
I wonder what sort of gift Ronnie will present to his Holiness? Steuben crystal perhaps.
Ronnie will be comforted to know that the Pope does not claim to be a prophet,only the direct successsor to St Peter the Apostle.
Truly,we live in interesting times.
It maybe,as I type this, that the EU is loading paratroopers aboard military aircraft bound for Jerusalem.
Head for the hills!!
Petra,here we come.
Sin-seerly yours
37 is the Biblical number of destruction.
So said Family Radio's Harold Camping a few weeks ago -- another man who predicts Jesus will come back in 2011. He's pinned "the end of the world" as 10/21/11.
You get that number, by the way, from the days the flood covered the earth. 37 x 10 = 370, you see.
Pay no attention to the wheedling of Dennis Diehl!! One has only to look at the nearly dead JLF to see what happens to discussion when every topic gets hijacked into some stupid did/didn't neverending argument that has nothing to do with the original topic.
Tom, you may find it shocking that people under the influence of many different wacky destructive cults' teachings have used so-called logic similar to yours. I'm talking about your idea that:
*I learned God's Truth from MISTER Armstrong, and...
*God would not use a false prophet to teach His Truth...
*Therefore, MISTER Armstrong could not be a false prophet!
Oh, Tom! That's such an overused cheesy argument by other cult members, you may be jealous to learn.
Hey, just take out "MISTER Armstrong" from the above and substitute names such as Reverend Moon, Joseph Smith, or Jim Jones.
You can see how people deluded by other cult teachings use the same ostensible logic.
It's fun and easy, try it!
You can do it in a box.
You can do it with a fox.
You can do it in a house.
You can do it with a mouse.
You can do it here or there.
You can do it anywhere.
You can do it eating cake.
You can do it while you rake.
You can do it drinking tea.
You can do it while you pee.
You can do it Tom-I-am.
Just don't do it eating ham.
Maybe it's time to have a contest between your daughters to come up with some better logic for you- something that's not an age old standard defense of goofy cult leaders of all different stripes
mel said...
>>You can see how people deluded by other cult teachings use the same ostensible logic. It's fun and easy, try it!<<
Is this what you call a cogent, coherent and persuasive argument? Perhaps it is time for me to announce that I am a prophet. For I prophesied thus: "But I am fully persuaded that you will either be unwilling or, what is more likely, INCAPABLE of constructing a cogent and persuasive defence in support of your BEER assertion."
And though the term "BEER" was intended to be a pun, aimed at Ned, it turned out to be an apt description of the origin of your assertion.
VonHowitzer said...
Pay no attention to the wheedling of Dennis Diehl!!
Weedling? Uh uh. Just a fun way to ask if the lesson had been learned.
Aw, Tom....
You are deflecting, again.
A commonly used tactic when cult-indoctrinated people are confronted with views other than the ones believed by the cultist.
It's a common way in which cult-indoctrinated people protect their delusions. I understand that it might blow your mind to try thinking outside your little herbie-induced box.
So, let's go back.
What I'm saying is, it's easy for most people to comprehend. Theodor Seuss Geisel would agree, and maybe even say things about it like:
"You can do it in a box.
You can do it with a fox..."
Ok, here we go, Tom-I-am.
Got your tea and cake?
Got the family gathered around the computer?
Ok, take a deep breath and read:
It was asserted that herbie was a false prophet.
You responded with the following "logic":
*I learned God's Truth from MISTER Armstrong, and...
*God would not use a false prophet to teach His Truth...
*Therefore, MISTER Armstrong could not be a false prophet!
Ok, Tom. I hope you're sitting down for this one:
Within that so-called "logic", there is ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSE to whether herbie made prophecies, and whether they were false. NONE!
Your response was a deflection, and meant to bolster the cult-induced delusion in your mind, plain and simple.
So, I pointed out:
"Hey, just take out 'MISTER Armstrong' from the above and substitute names such as Reverend Moon, Joseph Smith, or Jim Jones.
You can see how people deluded by other cult teachings use the same ostensible logic."
What's the matter, Tom?
You don't like people to point out the fact that you tend to react in ways typical of those under the influence of cult indoctrination?
You know, I'm sure that many people reading here notice that that's what's going on with you.
It's easy! In fact, Theodor Seuss Geisel would agree, and maybe even say things about it like:
"They can do it in a house.
They can do it with a mouse.
They can do it here or there.
They can do it anywhere..."
In other words, Tom-I-am, it's easy to notice that, as I wrote before:
So, have a bite of cake, and a sip of tea, and then take a deep breath. Read that last paragraph.
People notice it, Tom.
I hereby predict that we will see Tom's photo here within the next 5-7 years.
In his Wales interview, Weinland stated that if things have not dramatically changed by June of 08, then he's a false prophet.
I'm not drinking the Kool Aide just yet, but if some of the things in his book actually start to happen, I may open that sucker up, otherwise, it will be great fire fodder.
With George Bush, Dick Cheney and Tony Blair at the helms, any Bible prophecy can seem to come true without anyone's amazing ability to see it coming. We have some seriously sick psychopathic leadership in the world today.
Don't forget though! On the McConnell show, Weinland gave himself until "mid-July or even later than that". McConnell pinned him down to "If after Labour Day we're still having a picnic?" and Weinland agreed to that.
In the March 29 sermon, it was "by Pentecost or the end of July".
The fact that he hasn't even made up his mind on which date he's going to try and "get the church back on track" a la the Herbster, suggests that he probably isn't going to do it.
Not wanting to risk leaving it too late, I listened to the whole of that interview "while it was still yesterday".
If you disregard the content (or don't attempt to evaluate it), RW's "matter-of-fact" presentation comes across as frighteningly reasonable. Made me think of something G.K. Chesterton wrote: "The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason." That's an insight we would all do well to keep in mind. (I am not suggesting that RW or anybody else is "mad", of course - just sharing this generalised insight.)
Something else occurred to me a few hours later: RW has clearly stated that [to paraphrase] if these things do not come to pass, he will admit that he was a false prophet and will stop preaching. That is certainly commendable. What I find revealing is his implied criterion for qualifying as a false prophet. Because RW is not the only one to whom HIS VERY OWN CRITERION could be applied. Excuse the capital letters - but, with his take on "just what do you mean... false prophet?" RW appears to be in the process of single-handedly blowing not only himself but also an entire religious system out of the water - with not a single nuclear device in sight!
Back in February Gavin had an entry about the hard times that had fallen on the condo market in west Pasadena.
At that time I went to the LA county Assessors web site and did a bit of searching, and the recent comments on 363 Grove reminded me of a map I saw there.
The link is:
If the link doesn't work, go to the LA County government site, find the Assessors page, then do a parcel search. Since Grove has been vacated, search by street intersection, using Orange Grove and Del Mar. Click on one of the parcels, and you should get a current parcel map that shows the vacated Grove Street.
As for "363", it doesn't show street addresses, but it had to be somewhere between Orange Grove and St. John to be on campus.
As you poke around on the other parcels for the old campus, you'll note that the academic/admin part all have recording dates of 1/31/05, but do not show a sales price. The housing along Orange Grove seems to have been sold in bulk, with many of the parcels recording 7/21/05. The two colored in orange must have been subsequently sold, each for $40 million.
If you want a true end time Prophet, then that is Michael Mullen, author of teh book War of the Angels and is currently writing his second book Reign of Terror. This guy went through profound supernatural experiences in teh 70's and recorded them in a book. His story is being made into a film by Amadeus pictures and he underwent a lie detector test which he passsed. He does not give specific dates but merley says that WW 3 will happen. He is NOTHING like Ron Weinland who in my opinion is just a false prophet. Twenty five years ago when the book was first
printed Michael Mullen wrote that Juan Carlos was most likley the antichrist, now in the present day we day that prophesy coming true, as he is the "leader of the 11th nation to join the revived roman empire" (the EU), who according to the Bible will be the antichrist, The bible also says that the antichrist will come as a man in peace, and that he will make a 7 year truce with Israel, Juan carlos has been very active behind
the scenes as far as the Palistinian / Israeli conflict goes so far that he won the Mercury prize in Germany
last year for creating a perfect blue print for a peace plan for Israel / Palistine. Other prophesies coming
true include the chipping of people, with microchips, already many people in the world have recieved actual microchips in
their bodies and more recently a card is being developed much like a credit card with a barcode that will hold
all your details such as passport and drivers licence.
Please visit the main website below and read thousands of testemonial of supernatural experiences by people, any problems or questions please do not hesitate to contact me
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