
Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Russell Duke's Fertilizer Business

So much trivia, so little time.

For example, Grace Communion Seminary. How did that slip past me?

There's a link on the WCG home page, and another to the unmemorable ACCM. Apparently they aren't the same thing... or are they? And does anyone care?

Competition for Living University? Russell dukes it out with Michael Germano (warning - violent content, do not click.) Is Dr. G still on board? I'm not sure...

Now if "Grace" only offered a BTh I would gladly transfer so I don't have to write a 3000 word essay on the authorship of the Pastoral letters before the end of the month!

A little observation to finish with regarding the word seminary.

It was the Lutheran pietists who coined the term (another essay, don't ask!): "a term whose root means a hothouse for tender plants - to be nourished ostensibly by the loads of 'fertilizer' dumped on them by their professors!" (Carter Lindberg, in an address at Lutheran Theological Seminary)

So yeah, good name!


Anonymous said...

so I don't have to write a 3000 word essay

Gavin, since the Great Tribulation started on Saturday, you probably don't need to worry much about finishing... but just in case... let your lords, the professors see you so doing when they come....

Anonymous said...

Writing an essay? Oh, man, have I ever had that wrong all these years! I spelled it differently, and I always thought "writing an ese" meant writing to one of your homeboys back in the barrio after you moved out of state!

Anonymous said...

I "Duked it out" with every COG Leader I could think of and won every one. I even waxed the Presiding First of Two Witnesses.

Does this mean, having defeated the Witness, I am the new one or there is a stronger one yet to come and smite me?

Unknown said...

I always thought the root word of "seminary" was "semen". After all the sexual misconduct of preachers and priests, it only seemed logical.

Weinland Watch said...

Thursday, Tired Skeptic: The Great Tribulation started in Ronald Weinland's mind on Thursday.

Shaping up to be the quietest one on record isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I fought and defeated Pack, Flurry, Meriedeth and armstrong...

I delivered crushing defeats to those wolves in sheeps clothing!!

Thomas Munson