Mormons collect "mormonabilia", so I guess Gerry collects "herbabilia," and there's been no looking back since he hauled the "prayer rock" to Edmond. Over the years since he's continued, um, pecking away...
No, Gerry, we're all really impressed, aren't we campers? Interested readers will surely want to flock, as it were, to the PCG's triumphant announcement of purchase. Maybe we could all hire a bus for a pilgrimage...
this guy reminds me of relatives who come to your grandmother's funeral and then secretly stick things in their pockets and fight over the possessions.
This could be quite a coup for the PCG. Sounds like the current owners of the Texas property might have underestimated the art market
What is the difference between gold calves and bronze birds?
Seriously, this dude has a major problem with idolatry. The purpose of a Christian church is to worship God and Jesus Christ, not to idolize a very questionable and flawed human instrument.
The best examples of God's servants in the Bible were very self-effacing, and gave all of the glory for their work to God. It takes a very special person to be a conduit for God.
Gerry is going to ride one of those birds to the place of safety. It's in the book!
Anonymous, how long were you in the church?! It was the egrets we were supposed to ride to Petra, not those things.
Unfortunately for those still clamouring for a seat on the express flight to Petra, Flurridians or otherwise, the egrets have been seriously sanitized, as in, painted white by the Maranatha crowd that uses the Pasadena campus as a high school.
(A high school? With a $30 million chandelier in the lobby? And the vicious circle of Christian tithing scams rolls on and on and on and on.....)
In other news, Six-Pack looks like he'll definitely get the senior's discount, on the flight; wonder if they'll show The Ten Commandments as the in-flight movie? That's assuming "that prophet" Six-Pack gets on the flight in his liftetime. Which, at his age, and with his liver, even the members must be seriously doubting at this point.
This latest coup d'art will compensate for only finding shards in the Jerusalem dig, while continuing to look in the wrong place for unclaimed relics.
And while warning the world of economic woes to come, it's nice to see a COG leader follow the president's advice to spend, spend, spend our way to recovery.
Ahh, a relic worshiper. A collector of Herbert memorabilia. An auditorium copy-cat con-man.
But hey, he's so obviously a fraud that any followers have to be just killing time with the religious gloom and doom addiction.
As a satire of Armstrongism, they're doing great.
>>Gerry is going to ride one of those birds to the place of safety. It's in the book!<<
I don't know about that, but it sure looks like Six Pack has his hand somewhere it shouldn't be!
What was / is this stupid prayer rock anyway? I never heard of that one.
You can read all about the prayer rock here and here.
As noted here all this relic gathering of Flurry's is just a distraction to prevent his followers from testing his legitimacy and the legitimacy of Malachi's Message.
This reminds me of how the Soviet government tried to gather up any relics associated with Lenin and take it back with. They, like Flurry, were trying to control his memory and hide within his fame.
Wow. You dudes are some jaded folks. It's a sculpture for a fine arts concert hall. Get over yourselves.
Some regard the swan as a clean bird,others view it as UNCLEAN.
Could it be that Gerry has graven objects of unclean things on his most HOLY of campuses.?
I am sure that the ornithologically aware amongst us will be able to determine if the swan is a clean or an unclean bird.
For some reason I think of Sibelius' Swans of Tuonella.Some connection with Issachar,maybe.?
Thanks for the links and info. Flurry is bonkers! It is a freaking rock for Pete's sake.
For a price, he could possibly obtain herbie's "throne" from one of the outhouses he surely used from back in Oregon where I have no doubt herbie spent time in quiet reflection or even a noisy struggle or two...
Anon 9:12
Seriously: Candle holders, an old piano, a rock, and a sculpture definitely points uncomfortably toward hero worship.
Get over myself? I find the whole thing P A T H E T I C.
"It's a sculpture for a fine arts concert hall."So riddle me this, Anon: who paid for it? (Hint: "god" is an unacceptable answer.)
Anonymous said...
Wow. You dudes are some jaded folks. It's a sculpture for a fine arts concert hall. Get over yourselves.When you get over yourself . . . you will realize it is no such thing. It is only to prove to the congregation that Jerry can get back some of the stuff HWA lost.
PH said: "It was the egrets we were supposed to ride to Petra, not those things"
As I heard it, it was to be DC-10s with cracked wings. But I could be wrong, as I missed out on the pleasure of sitting through one of Gerald Waterhouse's sermons.
"I missed out on the pleasure of sitting through one of Gerald Waterhouse's sermons."Yes, the egrets were supposed to grow to gigantic proportions, big enough to carry the entire church body on their backs, and they would spirit us away to Petra in the night. (That "flight of fancy" being the only thing that adhered to a literal translation of the scriptures in question.)
Can't get those wacky Waterhouse specials out of my head.
The last egret to Petra...
In GTA's column in the Worldwide News he once mentioned a would-be prophet who claimed the egrets were going to fly to Jerusalem. GTA added some mild expletive to convey his thoughts about someone claiming to be a prophet...
To clarify previous post, I think it's fair to admit that Herb had some talents: namely real estate investment, a keen eye for art (& investment in same), and a vision for good architecture. Of course it's a shame that he used poor people's money to indulge in these luxuries (and a bigger shame that Tkach didn't return the money upon liquidation)(Joe, where's the money you hellbound scoundrel?).
Wynne's pieces are a good example, sure to increase in value. Though the piece in front of the auditorium was spoiled by that disastrous heavy-handed earthquake bracing (what was the danger, it could only fall into the fountain?). And why was "God's HQ" severely damaged by that earthquake? This could not have inspired much confidence in the "soon coming" deliverance to Petra. This damage required massive spending on repairs and code upgrades (using money from poor people)on buildings that would be sold without the Tkach coterie revealing where the money went.
Ah, but Anon 04:02, I'm from the post-GTA years in the church; by the time Ted was gone, the flight of the egrets had been canonized.
(Anyone else besides me having a cognitive dissonance moment? Just me then? Ah well.)
"(Joe, where's the money you hellbound scoundrel?)"Larry suggested on AR that Joe sunk the money into Azusa Pacific University. We know the difference, of course.
In re, the earthquake damage, I recall quite clearly a point where there were two or three special offerings called, all within the space of a few months, ca. 1985 or so. This was probably what those offerings were for, although I believe the letters referred to the "building fund" (What else?) and "Satan's attacks".
Gerry has birds on the brain...I will leave the obvious conclusion to the readership.
Gavin mentioned that Six-Pack Jerry had been er, "pecking away".
Impeccable turn of phrase, Gavin.
Gerry embarks upon many flights of fancy.I wonder,if, in a year's time he will egret his purchase?
Anonymous said: "Wow. You dudes are some jaded folks. It's a sculpture for a fine arts concert hall. Get over yourselves."
You're right, thank you, I have seen the error of my ways. Maybe, with counseling, I can get back into services with the PCG!
Well Gerry does have something to crow (or more correctly, trumpet) about. After all, HWA claimed David Wynne was the world's best sculptor. And in dishing out the superlatives, he said Artur Rubenstein was the world's best pianist, and before he fell out of favor, GTA was described by Herb as having the best understanding of the news in relation to Bible prophecy.
Bill L. writes:
Several Catholic churches in Northern Italy and Southern France have squabbled over who has the ultimate relic..."The Foreskin of Jesus".
The debate and controversy has gone on for centuries, and some claim that the supposed Jesus foreskin posseses special healing fertility powers.
WELL...if there is to be a special COG relic that posseses superhuman powers, then I reccomend that someome locate the foreskin of GTA! Im sure the Flurry cult would want to have that one!
I can picture it now... in a special vacuum sealed case, the wall encrusted with gold leaf, right in the lobby of the new auditorium in beautiful Edmond Oklahoma...
Vaugh said: You're right, thank you, I have seen the error of my ways. Maybe, with counseling, I can get back into services with the PCG!
PCG is always open to those who genuinely repent. You can make contact at: 1-800-772-8577. God bless...
world's best scuptorSo says the world's best chiseller.
Russians making jobless data secret:http://www.cnbc.com/id/30342514
Not unlike the wealthy Russian family running the Tkach cult/business--(questions about secret salaries, bonuses, asset sales)
Anonymous said: "PCG is always open to those who genuinely repent. You can make contact at: 1-800-pay-tithes. God bless..."
If PCG is the true church, the lake-o-fire would start looking pretty good. At least it has some warmth.
Vaughn said: If PCG is the true church, the lake-o-fire would start looking pretty good. At least it has some warmth.
Sorry I misinterpreted your earlier comment about the error of your ways -- thought you were sincere. We love you anyway!
"Sorry I misinterpreted your earlier comment about the error of your ways -- thought you were sincere."What was it about being in the church that made us absolutely immune to recognizing sarcasm?!?!
Anonymous Sat Apr 25, 03:22:00 PM NZST:
Does Gerry know you are reading dissident literature? You are not following gods government by reading and posting here. And If you are a minister of that outfit then you are being quite hypocritical in being here but not allowing your sheep access.
My exact relationship to Mr. Flurry is not important. My only purpose is to wish you the very best in your pursuit of the Truth.
I must move on. So I'll leave you with the last word, should you so desire.
Its a toss up who's the biggest sycophant FURRY or Pack-a-tall-one
biggest sycohantIt got me thinking of Adonijah wanting to marry Abishag... I wonder if they ever considered making a play for Ramona.
A personal relationship with God is wonderful. However, such a relationship is completely different from "religion", which for some people can be as intoxicating and distorting as any drug. If we began comparing religions to substances which could be ingested, PCG would be the methamphetamine of the ACOG movement. It's intoxicating, rips up your entire family, and ruins your health and finances.
Anonymous said...
A personal relationship with God is wonderful. However, such a relationship is completely different from "religion"For your information, belief in a God is religion.
How does one have a personal relationship with a ghost that doen't exist?
"How does one have a personal relationship with a ghost that doen't exist?"
How does one have a relationship with someone at the other end of their keyboard?
"How does one have a relationship with someone at the other end of their keyboard?"Anon, are you suggesting we are all "ghosts in the machine"??
Yeah, maybe you've got a point, coppertop.
Purple Hymnal said...
Anon, are you suggesting we are all "ghosts in the machine"??
I know you don't really exist, so maybe I don't either??
"I know you don't really exist, so maybe I don't either??"Quite right, Corkster, I stand corrcted: This place isn't The Matrix. It's Animal Farm.
I was just clicking through the COG sites and had a rummage around the sTrumpet pages. I was actually surprised to see a critical comment attached to a Recession article.
The comment was from Uganda, and raised various points. An obvious one was that the COG publications claim to be "International" but are aimed at middle-class America and other affluent countries. A more critical point was, if disasters will keep a-comin', and the dollar will be worthless, why bother saving/tithing/whatever?
Interesting article indeed!! Here's a site that also seems to mimic Armstrong and Flurry.
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