
Monday 30 June 2008

Ahem, um...

The following is a totally fictional dialogue, inspired by the news that Ronald Weinland has put the returning Christ in a parking orbit till 2012. It's bound to be less entertaining than any real interview Ron gives.

Interviewer (I): It is our pleasure to have Ronald Weinland back with us today. Welcome Ronald.

RW: Thank you Chuck, it's great to be back.

I: Last time we spoke with you The Great Tribulation was about to begin. Did that happen?

RW: Well Chuck, it's important to understand just how must misinformation there is out there. It makes it very hard for Christ's true ministers to...

I: Yes, but you were very definite Ronald. The Great Tribulation was to begin this year, in fact back in April wasn't it?

RW: Well, we need to back up a bit here Chuck. You see...

I: And wasn't there supposed to be nuclear war within ninety days of that? Isn't that what you said?

RW: Some people may have, unfortunately, understood, ah, misunderstood it and...

I: There is also the matter of the Two Witnesses Ronald. You were one of them, right?

RW: Well, yes, in a manner of...

I: And your wife Lulu-belle was to be the other?

RW: Laura, Mrs. Weinland, is indeed, as far as we have been given to understand...

I: Have either of you have been preaching in sackcloth over in Jerusalem yet?

RW: Well, we have been to Jerusalem, and I did give a very nice sermon for our people there, and we did stay in a pretty swanky hotel before coming back to the United States.

I: But aren't the Two Witnesses supposed to stay there and finish the job?

RW: The problem here is that false religion gets in the way Chuck. It creates false expectations. As Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong said many times, first you have to unlearn...

I: But Ronald, let me quote what you said...

RW: No, no, no Chuck. The truth is that there has been a great deal of misunderstanding and deliberate misrepresentation. Satan has been very active. To put things as simply as I can, God has cleared up a lot of the details as He has continued to reveal His will to me, and I can now confidently state that Christ is indeed returning in 2012.

I: 2012?

RW: Yes, 2012.

I: Not 2008?

RW: Not 2008. That was an unfortunate misunderstanding.

I: Whose misunderstanding Ronald?

RW: I believe the church was unprepared, unready. They needed to pray and fast more.

I: So, if your church fails to pray and fast again in 2012 the date may get put back again then too?

RW: No, 2012 is definite, and I stake my reputation on it.

I: But you already staked your reputation on 2008.

RW: We're just moving forward as the Holy Spirit directs us Chuck, malicious accusations notwithstanding.

I: Ronald you said you'd quit preaching if you were wrong.

RW: I wasn't wrong Chuck. Some of the details needed clarifying, but I've been absolutely consistent all the way through.

I: There's no contradiction between 2008 and now 2012?

RW: Only among the carnally minded Chuck, and bear in mind that the scoffers are under God's curse and are being eaten alive by blood-sucking worms and tumors even as we speak.

I: Frankly Ronald, all this backtracking is giving me a headache.

RW: See!


Anonymous said...

As above...

Jesus: Who's this Weinland guy?

God: No idea. I never made him one of the Witness Brothers, I can tell you that!

Jesus: Me either. But it's Brother and Sistern.

God: What the he...? No no no...I told Paul no women speak in church and I'll be ...well you know, if I let one speak to the whole freaking world for me! We're lucky we had quiet in heaven for thirty minutes that time and she may go way beyond the 3.5 years once she gets started!

I can hear it now.."And another thing..."

Jesus: (Chuckle, churtle)

God: So what do we do? Should we tell him?

Jesus: No! He'll spin whatever you say into a mission.

God: Should we kill him slowly in a quick way?

Jesus: No..too easy. Besides, I am enjoying his "I never said" sermons. They are hilarious!

God: I got it!

Jesus: Share! Share!

God: Let's send him, by way of Mizpah, Shiloh, Bethpage, Bethany, Bet-u-believeit and You-bethrepent, to Sabbath services at Tom Mahon's to be retrained.

Jesus: OMG..(well you are.) That's it! He'll go stark raving mad and never want to talk about religion or be around religious people again!

God: Well that's the effect it had on us when we went once, remember?

Jesus: Ach du I!

(Very high five's)

Anonymous said...

When Weinland started his mission, I wondered if maybe he was going to be the great false prophet that the book of Rev. talks about.

Now I can see that he is not even the false false prophet.

Anonymous said...

If you want to see real tribulation and persecution of the church, watch CBS' 60 Minutes from yesterday which did a piece last night on Christians in Iraq. Many Christians *have died* for their faith. Christianity was brought to Iraq by the apostle Thomas 2000 years ago. They say it is worse now for a Christian than at ANY time since Christianity was brought there.

Two-bit snake oil preachers like Ron Weinland don't have the first CLUE what it's all about. RW blabbers on about nothing, changes his mind daily (a double minded man), and is really wrapped around the axel because he didn't get his way in the previous Churches of God that he belonged to.

Tom Mahon said...
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Corky said...

I hereby predict (because it has been revealed to me) that Jesus will not - I repeat - Jesus will not return in 2012.

If Jesus did return (which I don't think he did) it was in the generation of 2,000 years ago that he and his apostles predicted.

It would necessarily have been a spiritual return and not a physical return.

Actually, it wasn't a physical "return" they were expecting but a "parousia", which means "presence" or "advent". There are many who believe that the advent or "visitation" was in the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70 AD.

The Bible doesn't mention any third visitation that people today should be expecting. Who knows? The "return" could have been the book of Revelation given to John. Who can tell, since there were no more apostles after their passing and the spirit gifts were removed?

It could be that we were just born a couple of thousand years too late to get in on "the day of salvation". After all, that'd be right in character for the God of the Old Testament.

Mickey said...
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Mickey said...


"Regrettable" is a politician’s word used to trivialize something horrible. Trying to make it sound like an "oops" moment and dismiss it.

You may discount their deaths because you do not believe them to be "Christians" as you define them to be. However, whether they are Christians (by anyone's definition), Muslim, Hindu, or believers in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, murder for a belief is a heinous act.

The loss of innocent lives in a war is also horrible. (By the way, if you would google "toll of the iraq war" you would find that the media is reporting on civilian as well as military casualties).

The only real difference is one is a specific target, the other is accidental.

I really do believe you are comparing apples and oranges.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said, "If you want to see real tribulation and persecution of the church, watch CBS' 60 Minutes from yesterday which did a piece last night on Christians in Iraq. Many Christians *have died* for their faith. Christianity was brought to Iraq by the apostle Thomas 2000 years ago. They say it is worse now for a Christian than at ANY time since Christianity was brought there".


More proof the WCG was a false man made religion business.

After all those years the WCG use to preach persecution and martyrdom of the saints, the only martyrs the WCG ever had were those in the LCG that died at the hands of Terry Ratzmann!

The idiots Weinland, Meredith, the rat Dave Pack, and the alcoholic Flurry are all clueless.

If Tom Mahon needs me, I will be out mowing the yard.


Tom Mahon said...
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Tom Mahon said...
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Anonymous said...

"I don't discount their death, as you supposed. The subtext of my post was to ask, why is CBS focusing on the persecution of nominal Christians..."

They are the true Christians. You, sir, are the nominal one.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Weinland the false prophet...

I find it interesting that other false prophets have been warring with each other for a long time--even during the "good years." I just rad across an old PGR
(6/27/80) where HWA accuses RCM of bearing false witness against him. Read it for yourself. Here is the link:

On page 2, (the false prophet) HWA says that (false prophet) RCM said HWA never pastored a church. (False prophet) HWA says this is not true!

Yes, truth is stranger than fiction. If you paid a professional writer to come up with this, you couldn't. You just can't make this stuff up!
These guys are funnier than a Laurel and Hardy movie.

I wonder how Dr. Theil feels about his idol (RCM) making false statements about his other idol (HWA).


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Mickey said...


I realize you are not a politician, so your disclaimer is no surprise. My point is that you were using the common jargon of one to downplay a situation. A behavior which I find regrettable.

If you had read/watched the interview then you would have seen that CBS makes the point that Christians in Iraq were better off before the war. In that sense "60 Minutes" shows a distinct anti-war stance. Most people are not so stupid as to be unable to make the connection that if they hold any ties to Christianity, this war has made it worse for their brothers and sisters in Christ.

As for the Iraqi people dying for their religion, again apples and oranges. If they are dying for anything they are dying over resource control which is the true basis of most wars. The fact that the majority are Muslim may help salve the conscience of the unconscionable.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Could it be........Scrupulosity?

The following from a brief search of the mental disorder called "scrupulosity" is from the net.

It's what OCD becomes in some overly religious people. Perhaps those who speak in Bible codes so that they maintain, in their minds, a superiour religious position over their opponents.

It's a religious mental illness expressing itself and not a balanced religious experience.

"Religious belief, and membership in a faith community are important factors in the lives of many individuals.

In addition to moral and spiritual guidance, they can provide a sense of purpose, structure and community.

For certain individuals, religious beliefs become compulsive, joyless behaviors.

The individual may constantly worry that he or she might say or do something blasphemous. He may fear that he has committed sin, forgotten it and then neglected to repent for the sin. He may spend long hours searching his mind to try to ferret out evidence of un-confessed sins. He is unable to feel forgiven.

Specific obsessions and compulsions vary according to the individual's religion. An Orthodox Jew might worry that he did not perform a particular ritual correctly. He might obsess about this for hours. A Roman Catholic might go to confession several times a day. Another individual could believe that anything he does might be sinful. This individual might become so paralyzed with doubt, that he or she becomes afraid to do or say anything at all.

These are symptoms of scrupulosity, for sure. Fear and anxiety replace positive emotions such as love and optimism.

The religious experience becomes narrowly focused on not doing anything wrong, rather than on opening up to an expansive confident spirituality.

Because these obsessions and compulsions are intertwined in the individual’s religious life, it may be difficult for him or her to recognize that he or she has a psychiatric condition.

An individual with religious obsessions often may focus excessively on one particular concern about sin while neglecting other aspects of his or her religion. Most religions place a high priority on compassion and being a good neighbor. The scrupulous individual while focusing excessively on a few specific rules may neglect this more general dictum"

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Comment on "A liberal conservative armstrongite. What a mix of misfortune"

Why the hell do you think we callTom 'Tricky Dicky?"

Anonymous said...

The Tom going back and forth has gotten me to want to not return to AW. This really stinks. Good bye until you fix it.

Anonymous said...

Agreed...we enable Tom to poison the well. Send him home. I have his mantra memorized and his Bible Code talking is a sign of mental instability.

Anonymous said...

Swing and a Mizpah - all you need to understand is that Tom believes he himself is the ONE true christian.

Just Askin'

Anonymous said...

I was thinking Mr T thinks of himself as the one true CHURCH.

And now I must retreat to Gaza by way of Gath, hanging a right at Shiloh, up the valley to Beth-Shemesh and on to Jabesh Gilead to watch and prey but mostly go tinkle.

Anonymous said...

Still, you have to admire dyslexic TM for his devotion and belief in Dog!

Tom Mahon said...

He who has never had an original idea said...

>>The individual may constantly worry that he or she might say or do something blasphemous.<<

"may?" "might?"

>>He may fear that he has committed sin, forgotten it and then neglected to repent for the sin.<<


>>He may spend long hours searching his mind to try to ferret out evidence of un-confessed sins.<<


In a world of uncertainty and doubt, words like "may" and "might" do have a ring of truth for some people. But for genuine Christians, these terms reflect the conjecture, speculation and suppositions upon which all human knowledge are based.

>>He is unable to feel forgiven.<<

Another BOLD assertion, unsupported by evidence or argument.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Tom, has anyone seen a picture of Tom on the internet yet?

Anonymous said...

Tommy is a liar just like Ronnie. Both said they would do something yet LIED and did not do it.

Tommy said he would post his picture and Ronnie said he would resign. Liars both!

Both are full of shit.

Mickey said...

Anon said...

"The Tom going back and forth has gotten me to want to not return to AW. This really stinks. Good bye until you fix it."

Please don't go. We all let his comments get under our skin from time to time and rise to the bait. For some of us, it's a response to our former selves more than an actual response to Tom the person. In a rather perverse sort of way he's providing a service to some of us to say those things we really would like to go back to our Armstrongite selves in an attempt to salvage some of our sanity and self respect.

I think that more than any other reason is why he often touches a nerve. (Not in our conciences as he would like to believe, but in our intellect that we kept locked away for so many years)

If it would help, you could go and click on the little icon next to the commenters header (name, monikor, or annomous) to close any comments pertaining to Tom.

Anyway, even if we do get a little sidetracked, there's still plenty of good discussion going on that have nothing to do with Tom.

Hope you'll hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Tom is a perfect, living reminder of the excrement that is Armstrongism. He's like a computer tutorial, a working diorama, an unholy Speak-N-Spell. In fact, we couldn't even being to create a learning tool that could remind us and teach others that Armstrongism is toxin that could come close to the value of Tom.

Tom is a living reminder to Christians what Armstrong does to the "spirit." To the rest of us, he is a reminder of what Armstrong does to the mind.

Let Tom stay, I say!

Paul Ray

Anonymous said...

Good overview Mickey.

Sometimes others just remind us of how good it is to be free enough not to be like that anymore. Sometimes we have the need to "fix" the other person, which is both endless and impossible. They, of course, feel everyone but them needs to be "fixed."

We're Mr. Mahon's supply. He may be the type who thrives on attention no matter how negative.

Stan Rader once said he did not care what anyone said about him, as long as you spelled his name right. That's the same mentality that Dave Pack seems to have. All negativity is seen as persecution and somehow affirms their positions, no matter how goofy or dangerous. I suspect Ron Weinland has developed the same mind game to get him through his obvious theological gaffs.

Obviously his own blog draws few if any who want to wrangle with the Love of Christ shed abroad in a heart that sees everyone as the enemy of God, and those that fall way short of his own perceptions of how one must be.

Two women on this earth I'd like to have a private ocnversation with. Mrs. Weinland and Mrs. Mahon, and I would ask, "so how do YOU really feel about all this religious control and lifestyle?"

I'd probably have to assure them they could be honest and that nothing they said would be told to the masters of the home. Of course, the masters of the home would freak out and demand, after I left, for wifey to tell him everything she said. So she'd have to lie to keep peace.

Corky said...

I'm curious as to what Tom wants or expects us to do. He doesn't belong to any of the CoGs, so he is not inviting us back into one of them. What else could there be?

My conclusion is that Tom wants to be the head of yet another splinter group of the WCG. Too bad, really, because he has clearly deluded himself into believing that he is above what he is.

Not that the heads of the CoGs are really above anyone else but there are those who imagine they are.

Tom probably imagines himself in the position of dictatorial HWA with his plush mansions, Rolls Royce limos, private jets and money counted by the ton but it's never going to happen.

The only place he is a dictator is in his own house and even that has a way of coming to an end.

Sadly, he definitely does suffer from the symptoms listed above for "Scrupulosity" as witnessed by his posts on AW.

He is obsessed with "hirelings" and doesn't realize that anyone who receives a paycheck for their services is a hireling. Did HWA receive a paycheck? He certainly did - a huge one at that. He may have only been paying himself out of the church treasury but he was still receiving a regularly scheduled paycheck, just like any other "hireling".

Tom would love to become a hireling just like that, so if ya'll would, just "send it in".

Tom Mahon said...

Corky said...

>>>I'm curious as to what Tom wants or expects us to do. He doesn't belong to any of the CoGs, so he is not inviting us back into one of them. What else could there be?<<<

I don't want anything, you might be disappointed to learn! Just like you, I am here reflecting on my WCG experience. For you, that experience was awful; for me it was wonderful.

The paradox is, you can't understand, or even accept without understanding, how I could benefit from an experience that you found most unrewarding. So you and a few other forum members thinks that I must be crazy, or mentally deranged, or both!

Furthermore, some forum members are astonished that I could accept incessant abuse and still continue to post here. Well, in ancient Rome many Christians sang hymns while waiting to be fed to the lions, and their persecutors were so astonished, they considered them to be mad.

Richard, for your good, please don't visit Gebeah. It might be better for you to sit by waters of Babylon.

        AMERICAN KABUKI said...

Anonymous said...
❝Tom unholy Speak-N-Spell.❞.....

You know I've never trusted people who used scriptures like they were machine gun bullets, now I have a phrase for it!

Anonymous said...

"Furthermore, some forum members are astonished that I could accept incessant abuse and still continue to post here."

No one is "astonished" my friend as if we can't believe how persecuted you are and keep taking it. You reap your own sowage due to the things you say, not one bit for your Chrisitianity. We're amazed how self righteous and obnoxious a professed Christian you are.

I suggest that if you ever find yourself about to be fed to the lions, you start singing, "I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner," The toxic chemicals in the meat, just like the toxic way you express your faith, will probably save you from lions who don't wish to poison themselves.

Steve said...

Hang in there, Tom. I enjoy reading your shit.

Anonymous said...

Ron has flunked again.What fools would believe his prognostications for the future.?

Too many unfortunately.

Brilliant interview format,Gavin.
That's about how it would have gone.These guys are slippery as eels,devious as Dervishes,which qualities should NOT be found in the ministry.


larry said...

Yes, Tom, you do need to continue to post. I often have no clue what you are talking about (neither do they), but I still enjoy what you say.

They are just as hard on me, and I know (and they know) exactly what I am talking about.

Steve said...

You gotta have alligator skin on here, Larry.

Corky said...

Tom Mahon said...
Corky said...

>>>I'm curious as to what Tom wants or expects us to do. He doesn't belong to any of the CoGs, so he is not inviting us back into one of them. What else could there be?<<<

I don't want anything, you might be disappointed to learn! Just like you, I am here reflecting on my WCG experience. For you, that experience was awful; for me it was wonderful.

Yes, the death of my mother at age 60 as a direct result of listening to the doctrines of Armstrong was pretty awful. Too bad she only learned of her mistake on her death bed.

No, I'm not disappointed. I know you want something, so it is a lie to say you don't want anything. Maybe you just like posting here so that your writing can be on the Worldwide Web. In any case, you want something out of it.

The paradox is, you can't understand, or even accept without understanding, how I could benefit from an experience that you found most unrewarding. So you and a few other forum members thinks that I must be crazy, or mentally deranged, or both!

I don't think that at all, I think you are deluded and it has effected you mentally so much that you have lost your reasoning capacity.

Furthermore, some forum members are astonished that I could accept incessant abuse and still continue to post here. Well, in ancient Rome many Christians sang hymns while waiting to be fed to the lions, and their persecutors were so astonished, they considered them to be mad.

Actually, there has been no incessant abuse to you here, only mocking. You should learn the difference if you still have enough brain cells left.

The Christians you mentioned were indeed "mad" and they also believed they were going to heaven when they died. Some were so stupid as to just go and turn themselves in to the authorities to confess to be Christians just so they would be killed. Would you be that stupid?

It just goes to show that they didn't listen to Jesus' words telling them to be "wise as serpents" and keeping their stupid pie holes shut.

I'm glad you had a "wonderful experience" with Armstrongism but it's really too bad you are still suffering from it's effects.

Anonymous said...

Tom is here for just enough feedback to spark his own imagination. He wants to spin a few of you off, to further his internal dialog. . How many of these lurkers have there been now? Anyone remember Robert Petry? Or our pal Bruce?

Basically it’s the same thing every time. He baits a few of you. He starts his own blog, but keeps poking around here because this place has an audience. Eventually he will condemn us all and fly back to whatever happy land he has come from. I think Petry now has an invite only forum wherein he pretends to be other people writing him and telling him how wonderful he is. That’s pretty much where it is headed with Tom.

I remember talking to a person who had his own church of God in a motel room at the Santa Anita Race Track. He published his own version of the Plain Truth which he distributed on people’s windshields. That is, when he had the money to run the coin op copier.

It is all kind of delusional. I expect that my pal Bruce Porteous (who I do really like) is quite convinced that he is a world authority on something or other due to his constant blogging and posting. It’s good feedback. I guess it beats people swearing at you for leaving a smudgy xerox on their windshield. At least with the internet, if you do it right, you can wind up talking to people who at least get the context of what you are speaking about.

For people such as Bob and Tom and Bruce, the content of what you have to say has little meaning. It’s a voice sounded back that isn’t their own. This is enough stimulation to allow their delusional state to continue.

These are not true believers, actually. Such would never be found here. They have their own places. What we are dealing with are the lost, the babbling bag ladies of the internet.

Mark Lax

Tom Mahon said...

Mark Lax said...

>>Tom is here for just enough feedback to spark his own imagination.<<

"Spark?" Does that mean to set light to? Well, for Christians, the imagination is an enemy of truth, for it conjures false images and events, and loiters in a world of illusions!

>>I expect that my pal Bruce Porteous (who I do really like) is quite convinced that he is a world authority on something or other due to his constant blogging and posting.<<

Nearly 10 years ago when Bruce was a member of UCG, he and I used to have some very vigorous discussions. At that time I was with LCG.

In a turf war, Bruce was removed from the board of UCG, New Zealand. After much soul searching, he joined LCG, because Meredith was focusing on prophecy.

Every so often Bruce still sends me emails predicting the collapse of the US currency, which he has been predicting for the 9 year I have been communicating with him. I suppose one he will be right!

Bruce is Jewish, and your name indicates that you are also Jewish, so I can understand the kinship.

However, your analysis is very poor, considering that the Jewish people have contributed more than any other people to the study of psychology and psychoanalysis.

Perhaps it might do you some good, and serve as a catalyst in helping you to understand the role of your people in the plan of God, if you were to read Ernest Becker's seminal work, Escape from Evil.

Anonymous said...

Tom, what is your response to those who call you (rightly so) a Liar? Can you honestly respond to those who say you are one?

Anonymous said...

I attended Ambassador College (Pasadena) from 1976 to 1980, and I'd have to say that the vast majority of the students I met there at the time were fairly normal folks - there for a number of various reasons - but a group of rather decent (if naive) young people as a whole.

Occasionally, however, you'd run into some mentally unbalanced, ministerial-wannabee, self-righteous little pricks. I must say, Tom Mahon's responses on this web site really brings back some rather unpleasant memories of those kind of annoying little anal orifices.

Tom Mahon said...

Anonymous said...

>>>I attended Ambassador College Pasadena) from 1976 to 1980, and I'd have to say that the vast majority of the students I met there at the time were fairly normal folks -<<<

Normal enough to attach their names to any comments they make? Or were they just normal cowards, who hurled abuse from the shadows?

Anonymous said...

Tom, don't ever use the word "normal". Its true meaning escapes you. As for your contact with AC, didn't they teach you not to LIE?

Anonymous said...

Once again Tom, to me and probably most others who frequent this site, you've more than proved my point.

Steve said...

Tom Mahon said...
normal folks

Normal enough to attach their names to any comments they make? Or were they just normal cowards, who hurled abuse from the shadows?

MY COMMENT: Tom, I think Anon called you a self-righteous little prick.

Tom Mahon said...

Steve said...

>>MY COMMENT: Tom, I think Anon called you a self-righteous little prick.<<


BTW, you made a comment about voting in the NT or early church, would you care to cite the reference?

I hope Richard is OK, and that he has not been trampled by the wild beast of Lebanon.

Tom Mahon said...

Corky said...

>>Yes, the death of my mother at age 60 as a direct result of listening to the doctrines of Armstrong was pretty awful.<<

According to the bible people die because of sin, not as a result of listening to someone preaching.

>>>The Christians you mentioned were indeed "mad" and they also believed they were going to heaven when they died.<<<

The wise always appear to be mad to the unwise. Paul, who was the wisest man on earth during ministry, was told by king Agrippa: "Much learning doth make thee mad." And it was the king who was insane!

BTW, Christians not going to heaven when they die, for they are already in heaven. Note what the chosen vessel was inspired to write: "And has raised us up" (that is, from spiritual death) "together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus"(Eph.2:6). So, you see Corky, Christians are already sitting together with Christ in heaven.

Not that you are able to appreciate this sublime truth.

Mickey said...

Corky -

I'm so sorry for the untimely and unneccesary loss of your mother. I don't blame you for being bitter. My own Mom is just now 64 and the thought of losing her is very painful.

Please don't let Tom's lack of sympathy get to you. Unfortunately, people who succumb to Armstrongism become warped in their thinking. Judgement becomes more important than mercy.

Had HWA's teachings actually produced the fruits of the spirit that we were all so fond of memorizing then I doubt Gavin's Blog would be in such demand (BTW, Thank you again Gavin:)

DennisDiehl said...

Tom the Turd said:

"According to the bible people die because of sin, not as a result of listening to someone preaching."

That's about as rude as it gets in response to Corky's sharing the story of his mom.

The Holy Spirit, "according to the Bible" is missing in action in Tom's life.

Corky said...

Tom Mahon said...
Corky said...

>>Yes, the death of my mother at age 60 as a direct result of listening to the doctrines of Armstrong was pretty awful.<<

According to the bible people die because of sin, not as a result of listening to someone preaching.

Yeah, right! Maybe that's why the minister of the WCG in Little Rock was "too busy" to be at the graveside service. Instead, my mom's graveside service was done by a Christadelphian minister - me.

Not that I am a Christadelphian anymore. It seems that it was "wrong" of me to do such a thing as officiate at a graveside service for a non-Christadelphian. So, I just said "F___ it" and then I was free of religion.

Thank you Tom, for reminding me how cruel and judgmental you idiots really are.

Anonymous said...


Tom continues to try and divide people into the sheep and the goats. His purpose is to foul the waters here so that folks will leave and the blog will dry up and blow away. Mean while, Gavin fiddles while the AW dwindles.
Gavin, care to comment?

I am sorry to hear of your mothers passing. Please accept my condolences my friend.

Anonymous said...

Tom travels from Mizpah and visits an old friend...

Anonymous said...

Tommy, my poor deluded pathetic soul, you never responded to the question I posed to you, so I'll ask it again.

Tom, what is your response to those who call you (rightly so) a Liar? Can you honestly respond to those who say you are one?

Picture Please..........

Anonymous said...

Ok I AM a self righteous little prick. So what? I am also a fool so what? At least I am known by God and HWA as a saint.

Anonymous said...

Tommy, my poor deluded pathetic soul, I get the feeling you are avoiding my question. You never responded to the question I keep asking you, so I'll ask it again.

Tom, what is your response to those who call you (rightly so) a Liar? Can you honestly respond to those who say you are one?

Picture Please..........

Anonymous said...

The Dick: Ok I AM a self righteous little prick. So what? I am also a fool so what? At least I am known by God and HWA as a saint.

Right on the first part on being a self rightous little prick. and a FOOL!

Now please admit on being a LIAR!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tommy you are in denial. You are a proven "LIAR". We all know it. You even know it. You have admited to being a Fool and a Prick. Now please, admit you are also a "LIAR". It will do you good.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tommy won'tplay any longer. Seems the self-admitted litlle Prick has met his match.

Anonymous said...

When I was a boy, I thought as a boy. When I turned to be a man I thought of my heroes. Mr. Armstrong was and is to this day a hero to me. Soon I shall leave Mizpah and take over the helm of Gods true church, the LCG from Mr. Meredith.

It has been fun here toying with you people. Gavin, remove my posts that I so bravely posted here. As for the rest of you I leave you this thought. A dog returns to it's vomit.

Anonymous said...

Good old Ron is up to his backside in alligators, yet still continues to peddle his faulted philosophy.

I await the next prophecy with interest.It surely has to be around the Feast Of Booze,oops.
I mean Booths,of course.What else.

I wonder which COG splinter could be considered "top-shelf" material?
Please read that in the spirit in which it is intended.


Anonymous said...

Tommy said:

"As for the rest of you I leave you this thought. A dog returns to it's vomit."

Tommy, I give you this thought:
A Liar who refuses to admit he is a Liar, (even though he admits to being a FOOL and a PRICK), is still a LIAR.

Anonymous said...

Tom said (as his alleged final comment here)...

"...a dog returns to its vomit..."

And Tom plans to return to the LCG as the replacement for Rod Meredith. What a revelation! Thanks for clarifying your mission...or is that commission?

In all sincerity, Tom, please get some counseling for yourself. It would do you and your family a world of good.

Anonymous said...

The Goofball said:

"Soon I shall leave Mizpah and take over the helm of Gods true church, the LCG from Mr. Meredith."

Tommy, you are one sick self described fool. Seek out help. Brother you need a lot of it.

Corky said...

Tom Mahon said...
When I was a boy, I thought as a boy. When I turned to be a man I thought of my heroes. Mr. Armstrong was and is to this day a hero to me. Soon I shall leave Mizpah and take over the helm of Gods true church, the LCG from Mr. Meredith.

It has been fun here toying with you people. Gavin, remove my posts that I so bravely posted here. As for the rest of you I leave you this thought. A dog returns to it's vomit.

How pathetic. Tom, you are the vomit and we won't be returning to it.

Gavin, please leave Tom's posts for Tom to delete himself - he needs to do some good around here.

Folks, Tom ain't goin' no where, he has no place else to go.

Kscribe, Thank you. It was a long time ago and it was my mom's choice. I didn't make the same mistake - I had my operation, just as my doctor advised and now I'm 61, which is a year older than my mom when she passed. If not for Armstrongism, she may have lived into her 80s as her brother did.

Anonymous said...

I may be wrong, but I think Tom is offended.

Anonymous said...

Well at least I know he's not coming after me.

Anonymous said...

Well, it finally happened. Tom cracked.

First he admitted he was a "Fool" and a "Prick", (which is common knowledge).

Then he admits to wanting to take over the Living Church of God.

He absolutely refuses to admit to being a liar, (which is common knowledge).

Now, retorically I ask all rational beings who may post here, is this guy NUTS or what???

Anonymous said...

Of course he is nuts. The Liveing church of God will be mine!

Anonymous said...

"Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty we are free at last!"

- maybe

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Ambassador Tom

Anonymous said...

Tom has managed to be the topic of 60 or more of the 74 comments so far on this posting about Ron Weinland. He's using the blog for his narcissistic supply.

It's certainly an off putting personality type and feeds off making itself controversial.

For all we know, Tom is in a mental institution and runs the computer, in his robe, everytime the charge nurse leaves her desk to go to the Shiloh to do her Mizpah.