
Sunday 25 September 2016

Oh how very impressive

A university! A center of inquiry, a place where young people are challenged to think for themselves, to develop their intellectual skills. To ask questions and think outside the square. That's the ideal.

Then there's Living University.

Here's this year's complete staff and student body.

This is a university? Kind of redefines the meaning of the word.

Gerry is the new president; surprise! Michael Germano - the big name brought in to secure accreditation (!?! - now that ain't gonna happen) sits secure in along with a selection of old white guys (and one woman) out in front. I guess it keeps that front row in employment. Nice work if you can get it.

They didn't bother to wheel in Rod for the photo op though. Times are a changin'...

Keep pouring in those tithe dollars brethren.


Miguel de la Rodente said...

They seem to be hinting, via the portrait, at what might be incorporated into their future. I wonder if they still refer to them as "Coloured Students".

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Dr. Germano was needed to teach the class on British Israelism.

10 students to 14 faculty / admin?

That's not a university, that's a special niche career education.

Unknown said...

Wow, 3 blacks out of the 14! This likely represents the highest percentage of blacks in any COG college ever since 1947!

Hoss said...

But then, wasn't LU set up as an online university? Are these the students who don't have internet access?

The Skeptic said...

You mean you think they have more than 10 students?

Redfox712 said...

And the COG 1% expect us to believe that they are fated to rule over the entire world. Yet another false prophecy.

Anonymous ` said...

Kinda makes me sick to see people still caught up in this. While it is easy to make sport of Armstrongism, the bleak and dark side is that real people are caught up in it. These people all need to be de-programmed.

DennisCDiehl said...

How short sighted would you have to be , for your own future as a young person, to believe this was the route you needed to go to live your life and learn all the Universe has to offer in reality? I look back with such regret over ever having heard of WCG, and while young and naive, would have loved being the paleontologist expert on Neanderthals in ice age Europe or the geologist that made you realize where it all came from and how very long ago.

That minister thing was a waste of choices but I did make it and I suppose it served some purpose.

Miguel de la Rodente said...

In retrospect, you might call these places of lower education "Uniperversities".