
Wednesday 24 September 2008

Meredith Stroke

The following item has appeared on one of the LCG boards. No comment yet on the Thiel blogs.

Please note the latest post regarding a mild stroke Mr. Meredith had on Friday evening. I spoke with Dr. Winnail about it a few moments ago,and Mr. Meredith was released from the hospital today (Monday), and is doing fine. Please read the post for a note directly from Mr.Meredith…

Jonathan McNair

Original Message:

Dear Fellow Ministers and Brethren,

I want you all to know that I suffered a mild stoke this past Friday night, September 19. I decided to have my son and my wife take me to the hospital as I was feeling unbalanced and my left leg felt wobbly.

After an extensive series of tests, and a MRI, the neurosurgeons said that I had suffered a "mild stroke," but should be okay within a few weeks. But everyone said I should "take it easy" for a few months, and not push myself as I am used to doing. And we are concerned that I may not be able to preach for a few months — though I hope to go to the Feast and at least make a few announcements. I know that God is in charge and that He will be with me if I do my part.

So, brethren, I will really appreciate your prayers. My wife is much better and your prayers for her have been heard! However, please do not send me any flowers as I would rather you use any extra money to increase your offerings for the Work of Christ. Many new "doors" to preach the Gospel are now opening and I hope with all my heart that all of us will increase our offerings this fall Holy Day season. Let us all be generous with the Work of God and — in every way — follow the Apostle Paul's instruction, "press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 3:14). Thank you, brethren, in advance, for your prayers and for your part in the very Work of our Savior and living Head—Jesus Christ! We must always remember that this is His Work, not ours. And in spite of all these trials and tests along the way, in the end, "We win!" May God bless you and inspire you as you prepare for His Holy Days!

With Christian love,

Roderick C. Meredith


Anonymous said...

"However, pleasedo not send me any flowers as I would rather you use any extra money toincrease your offerings for the Work of Christ."

What a wolf.

Paul Ray

Anonymous said...

Actually, Bob Thiel did post a tiny message that was hard to see...

09/21/08 a.m. ...
Related to Sheryl Meredith, perhaps I should mention that I spoke with Dr. and Mrs. Meredith on the telephone Friday evening. Mrs. Meredith sounded great and seems to have handled the experiences of the past two weeks extraordinarily well. Also, (and now that this was made public on 9/22/08, I will include this here), Dr. Meredith mentioned his "mini-stroke" from which he is expected to recover quite well.

Anonymous said...

"However, please do not send me any flowers as I would rather you use any extra money to increase your offerings for the Work of Christ."

Un-freaking-believable. Spanky stares quasi-mortality straight in the hairy eyeball, and the best he can come up with is "SEND IT IN BRETHREN!!!!! SEND IT INNNNNNNNNNN!!

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh. Looks like old Dr. Bob is contradicting RCM's explanation of events. On his LCG News page, he writes:

Related to Sheryl Meredith, perhaps I should mention that I spoke with Dr. and Mrs. Meredith on the telephone Friday evening...Also, (and now that this was made public on 9/22/08, I will include this here), Dr. Meredith mentioned his "mini-stroke" from which he is expected to recover quite well.

RCM's letter says it was "the neurosurgeons" who told him he'd had a mild stroke. After the doctors examined RCM, he was hospitalized until Monday. This means Dr. Bob must have talked to RCM before he knew he'd had a stroke. How could RCM, talking to Dr. Bob on Friday evening, have mentioned a stroke the neurosurgeons hadn't yet told him he'd had?

Something doesn’t add up here. Could it be that RCM became agitated after talking with Dr. Bob, just minutes or hours before his stroke? Either RCM’s letter isn't telling the whole truth, or Dr. Bob isn’t describing events accurately. I don't see how both accounts can be correct.

Anonymous said...

This letter reminds me of....

Baashabob said...

Dearest Roderick,
Please take it easy. Don't worry if you aren't able to preach for a few months. You have no idea of how many people would be blessed if such a thing were to occur.

As you requested I won't send flowers, and I can understand why. Flowers would just wilt and die, but money; now there's something that you could really use. After all, it now appears that your retirement may be closer than any of us had anticipated or hoped.

Anonymous said...

Weinlanddddd!!!! Knock the voodoo off!!! You've already done enough to the Meredith household.

BB (just kidding)


What can one say? Many of Rod Meredith's generation have already left us. Whether measured in days, months or years, his remaining time with us is short.

Anonymous said...

So we must do everything we can to prepare more leaders - and more ministers - to serve in Christ's Work and help us "feed the flock"

Anonymous said...

May God bless you and inspire you as you all prepare for My departure.

With Christian love,

Roderick C. Meredith

Weinland Watch said...

So much for ILFPRW's sooper speshul Witless Powers: Not only did he "hit" the wife instead of Spanky, he's six months late (Spanky was supposed to kick the bucket before March 18, 2008, you recall)! What's more, Spanky's still alive and demanding the sheeple send it in!

I think ILFPRW needs to read the fine print in his Witless contract. Seems like his "powers" are fizzling at best.

I find the contradicting timelines between "I'm a Chiropractor" Bob and Iron Rod "Spanky" Meredith to be unsurprising; his plea for money at the end suggests his "mini-stroke" was probably bogus.

For all we really know, Spanky just checked himself in for a little weekend cosmetic surgery, and he had one of his trademark apoplectic fits when he was handed the bill.......

Anonymous said...

send money instead of flowers


But unfortunately, all too believable.

Anonymous said...

It will be a shame if Rod goes the same way as HWA and GTA without being held accountable for his deeds.

Paul Ray

Matthews said...

Anonymous said "So we must do everything we can to prepare more leaders - and more ministers - to serve in Christ's Work and help us "feed the flock"

Are you sure he didn't say "fleece the flock" because that is what is happening now even if the sheep do not know it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is really creepy that Weinland will use the deaths of other X-WCG retards as PROOF of his own "prophet-ness"

Jeez. As if it's not obvious and a fact of life, that due to their age, many X-WCG cultmeisters will be dropping like flies in the near future.

The whole scene is dying. Herbie is dead and now people who truly have the Holy Spirit now take corn-laded diarrhea-shits on his grave, to get some reciprocal sense of satisfaction.

Shine on, you people who believe his reputation belongs in the gutter!

It's all dying. And, one by one, the leaders are dying.

Good! And Weinland will die, too.
It may take a few 'five-to-tens', or 'two-to-fives', though.
Maybe Bubba in 'cell-block D' will become his new lover and the new Second Witness, having more to say than his current wife does!

Oh, it's all so laughable.
I laugh at them all, from slimy Ron Dart to Weinland.

Weinland Watch said...

Oh, that is really creepy that Weinland will use the deaths of other X-WCG retards as PROOF of his own "prophet-ness"

Before the Seventh (and final) Seal is opened, the Seven Thunders will become so pronounced that the validity of everything written about them in the previous chapter should roar loudly in the ears of anyone who is willing to admit the truth.” [pp. 115, 2008: God's Final Witness]

* “As the leader of the Living Church of God, Roderick Meredith is mentioned as one of many ministers who will die as a result of the prophesied Fifth Thunder.” [Ronald Weinland web site "Interview Comments" (near the bottom of the page)]

Bear in mind as well that the seventh seal was opened on March 18, 2008.

Oh, and don't forget, the Great Tribulation started on April 17, 2008: PKG members and elders already have.

Anonymous said...

Does this "Dr. Thiel" have a life outside of being an apologist for Armstrong and company?

I often wonder, who is more evil, the liar and cheat, or the ones who cover for the liars and cheats.

It amazes me that in this age of the internet that any of these "COGs" are still around.