Greg, Greg, Greg, ya gotta protect da name, man!
These South African folk won an award for their music DVD in 2008. Maybe someone in Pasadena could introduce it to the nice people at Harvest Rock, so they can, um, rock the auditorium with it?
Yes, I know you want to hear a sample, but be warned brethren, I don't think either Dwight Armstrong or Ross Jutsum wrote this...
These guys won an award? I thought the lead singers voice was pretty flat at times. Almost as bad as what we used to have to listen to at the local church talent shows.
The main (majority consensus) time-stream is a self-correcting mechanism. As the schismatic realities wither and are absorbed into the majority consensus time-stream, images, brands, catchphrases, and other buzzwords from the dying alternate realities are re-purposed for the majority consensus reality.
Greg Albrecht really needs to be concerned with not getting adsorbed into the majority consensus himself, along with the other staffers of the Plain Truth Ministries, which is a Grace Communion International (which used to be Worldwide Church of God) subsidiary. This internal re-purposing of the dying reality is a survival mechanism, an attempt for the reality to try and remain cohesive, in the face of quantum pressures being placed upon it by the larger majority consensus time-stream.
Upon further reflection, having Gracie ministers be adsorbed and converted to majority consensus time-stream-appropriate individuals might have long-term benefit effects. For those still fully immersed in the dying reality of the Worldwide Church of God/Grace Communion International, that is.
Obviously, all of us here, collectively and individually, have been absorbed into the majority consensus time-stream, or we would not be discussing the re-purposing and absorption of things, words, places, and people, from the reality we existed in previously.
Based on length of time exposed, and whether or not our inherent neurological pathways were developed entirely within the reality itself, we may still retain vestiges of the dying reality, to a lesser or greater extent, for the remainder of our natural self-aware existences.
The amount of impact this has on the individual depends on length of exposure to both the dying reality, and the majority consensus reality. As length of time exposed in the alternate reality becomes lesser than the length of time exposed to the majority consensus reality, assimilation into the majority consensus time-stream becomes more or less subconscious, dependent upon the individual's amount of self-awareness and internal neurological control.
In the 21st century I can still listen to J.S. Bach (who always scribed in the bottom right-hand corner of his music "To the Glory of God" in Latin) and imagine, "Yeah, even centuries now after it was originally written, this material truly does sound inspired."
But based on the YouTube video of The Plain Truth Band, their stuff is nothing but a raucous and chaotic assault on the ear drums - and that coming from an ex-Led Zeppelin and Emerson, Lake & Palmer fan!
What has fundamentalism come to these days!!
Or in those oft repeated words of Rod Meredith, “It’s weird, twisted and perverted, Brethren! God's just going to have to come down here and spank, spank, SPANK!!!”
Anonymous said...
The main (majority consensus) time-stream is a self-correcting mechanism. As the schismatic realities wither and are absorbed into the majority consensus time-stream, images, brands, catchphrases, and other buzzwords from the dying alternate realities are re-purposed for the majority consensus reality.
You know what scares me? I think I know what you just said!
But then my time-stream diverged in 1994. :)
Brethren, it is with great sadness that I must announce that those who performed that unauthorized and unapproved special music are hereby marked and disfellowshipped.
You are to have no contact with them until they repent and submit to the authority of the church.
We have no ill will against them and hope that by turning their souls over to Satan for a season, that they can see the errors of their ways.
Now everyone please stand and turn in your hymnals to page.......
Didn't HWA take The Plain Truth name from a magazine produced by Benjamin Franklin? If so I don't think Albrecht and Co. would or should be able to make a fuss about their name.
There's also a novel by Jodi Picoult named Plain Truth. So as far I know the name could be used by anyone.
Also I make no claims to being a music expert but I liked that youtube video.
I believe that Eric Cartman does a better job with his Christian band
Ricky Gervais disproves evolution: here
"You know what scares me? I think I know what you just said!"
LOL! All in good fun, Bamboo, all in good fun. :-D
Needs more cowbell and less drum.
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