
Friday 25 September 2009

I didn't vote for this guy, but...


  1. Good Lord! A Letterman infestation in Kiwiland?!? Even after they spray the airplanes?

    I was hoping they'd mention that NZ features several metal roads, a benefit not seen in any other country.

    Alas, they can mention only 10.


  2. Letterman quipped that NZ is so far away that dopes can't find it.

    Well, Ronnie and Mrs. False Prophet are off to visit their Kiwis in about 10 days. Wonder if the PM will pick them up at the airport.

  3. This is great!

    New Zealand really is an incredibly beautiful country. Churchill once referred to his beloved England as “this emerald island paradise” but I think such a description applies equally as well to NZ. Hey, plenty of delicious lamb, beets, vibrant green rolling hills and lots of Pacific coastline!

    Back in the '80's I attended the Feast of Tabernacles in Fiji - and I met this absolutely beautiful church gal there visiting from New Zealand. She very much resembled the Welsh actress Catherine Zeta Jones – long silky dark brown hair, fair complexion with rosy cheeks, intense brown eyes. I was single at the time and to this day I don't know why I didn't try to get to know her better during my time there! Probably I was so focused on thinking about the soon-coming millennium that I just thought I couldn’t waste my time on such frivolous things!!

    Oh well, I guess just another manifestation of the fundamentalist stupor in action!

  4. VonHowitzer said...

    NZ features several metal roads,

    What kind of metal? Do they rust?

    We have a lot of "all weather" roads in Arkansas - which translates to gravel on a bed of shale. I suppose we could use ground up cars and other junk metal instead of gravel . . . wait, I did see an old carburetor laying in the road the other day.

    I immediately thought of Byker Bob. God probably threw that to him to fix his car with but missed. I just hope no engines or transmissions come falling out of the sky.

    Kidding - but seriously, I'd like to hear about those metal roads.

  5. Don't get carried away folks - remember that there is a constant stream of Kiwis leaving to live in Aus. (Not the other way round) There must be a reason for that.

  6. Ronnie and his assistant false profit off to Kiwiland to enlist more tithe-paying suckers.!!


    Perhaps we are the last frontier for snake-oil slysters like Ronnie.He even has a representative,here,too.

    I didn't vote for what Gavin didn't vote for either,whatever that means.But our PM came across well on Letterman's slot.

    Yes, Von Howitzer, our "metal" roads are essentially what you could call assorted rock aggregate.
    Our metal roads do not rust,although you could call the back-country highways "rust-ic".Having spent a lot of time in the outdoors in this fair land of ours, I can testify to the fact that on our metal roads you can slither,slide,slip,swerve,spin and perform all sorts of "aerodynamic" feats and gyrations if you take a corner too fast,leaving a cloud of dust and metal in your wake.We have any number of car rallies that exhibit the qualities of our rural roads,as previously described.



  7. Errata, Errata,

    Apologies to von Howitzer (remarks re metal roads rusting.)

    These should be attributed to Corky.



  8. First time I heard the term "metal road" was during the FOT in Rotarua. I was talking to a local Kiwi who described where he lived, and it was on a "metal road".

    Now, I thought metal means metal, as in metallic - iron, copper, steel, tin, etc. - so I had visions of the damnedest strange road surface ever made. Started asking questions, like, doesn't the road get slippery when it's wet? My Kiwi acquaintance acknowledged that yes, they did get a bit more slippery, but it wasn't too bad. I don't think he ever caught on, and I dropped the topic as being too weird.

    After the FOT, while touring around on the two islands I came across a sign that warned of a metal road, and I could see that it was what we in the US would ordinarily call a "gravel road".

    Corky fell into the same error I did, and perhaps Jorgeheinze can explain how a road composed of rocks of various sizes can be called "metal".

    Perhaps I can come visit with some lovely pieces of granite that we in the US call "gold", and trade with my Kiwi friends.

    BTW, loved NZ and had a great time there. Just a short 20 hour flight away.

