
Monday 1 June 2009

Wiener World

Everything you ever wanted (or perhaps never wanted) to know about Ronald Weinland: it's freshly updated (May) and available at Goofy photos, links, an end-slime chronology (whoops, forgive the typo) and much more. I believe we have the indefatigable Mike over at Flavor Aid to thank for this. Doubtless the Mighty Witless (oops, another typo, silly me!) will feel flattered.


  1. Thanks for the plug, Gavin.

    I started generating the content about a year ago on Googlepages and it has been on the first page of results for a Google search on "Ronald Weinland".

    But Google is taking down all the googlepages so I had to find a new home for my content. Perhaps this time with a better URL it will rank above Bob Thiel's page, who invented his own initialism for Ron's church: "CGPFK" (I haven't seen anyone else use that).

  2. Mike is building up enough information to be come Ron's unauthorized biographer. (heh-heh-heh)

    Dill Weed (waiting for Ron to change the start of the time, times, and half a time again) : P

  3. "Mike is building up enough information to be come Ron's unauthorized biographer"

    DW I never thought of it that way but you are absolutely right. There is enough credible information there to lay out the framework for a book.

    There you go Mike, write a exposee book before someone else does.

  4. Concerning Ron Weinland:

    There were a few nutcases at AC while I was there, but most of the student body were, or gave every impression of being, normal God-fearing folks, sincerely dedicated to God, godliness, and The Work. Since those days, so many years ago, the nutcases I'm aware of are still nutty, despite some of them having gleaned significant followings. But the normal folks are still more or less normal, more or less... Not much has changed among either type.

    From these observations I find it hard to believe that Ron Weinland wasn't always a little off-center. I never met him, although from his college photo he looks every bit the clean cut AC Joe College.

    Now that he's left the herd his eccentricities stand out in embarrassingly bold relief. His case is an odd development for sure, and to think his wife goes along. Amazing.

    The poor man needs pity no less than his hapless followers. Has he no friends with enough wit to talk some sense into him?

  5. "Has he no friends with enough wit to talk some sense into him?"

    Oh, Witless Weinland has more than enough sense, trust me: He may play the fool for the outside world, but that's only to keep the sheeple tithing.

    Weinland's crazy all right, but it's like a fox. There's no way he believes his own spiel, else he would have been "true to [his] word in these things" after June 8, 2008. (IF BY PENTECOST Weinland. Pentecost was June 8 2008.)

    Weinland is absolutely 100% only in it for the money. Wifey goes along with it because she wants a retirement nest egg, too. Plus, the cruises and world tours certainly don't hurt, either.

  6. Anonymous 4:09 wrote:
    "Has he no friends with enough wit to talk some sense into him?"

    But how does one reason with someone who is absolutely convinced that God is working through him exclusively? Once people become convicted that they are the one and only true servants of the Lord, all humility and rationality goes out the window.

    Our experiences within the WCG should certainly have taught us THAT lesson pretty thoroughly!

  7. Gavin,

    Ach,the "Wiener" world.

    He(unser Ron) is always prophesying that the WURST will happen.FRANK-LY, I don't give a sausage for his brand of the gospel.



  8. DW I never thought of it that way but you are absolutely right. There is enough credible information there to lay out the framework for a book.

    There you go Mike, write a exposee book before someone else does.
    I'm not that motivated to write a book, and with the subject I doubt it would be a commercial success.

    And a full biography would detract from the main message right now. There's information which I haven't published because it's irrelevant and might detract from the message. (While Ronnie doesn't know it, he appreciates my position on that.)

  9. Ron Weinland is a FAULTS prophet,which includes being WITLESS. That is double jeopardy stuff.

    His auguries have come to nought.One would wish that his income stream was similarly disposed, but there are still fools out there who want to subscribe to his lost cause.

    If he is so convinced of his calling he should be growing a beard and walking around in a leather girdle (a goatskin.)Bearskin is an alternative,but on second thoughts,NO!! The thought of Ron's end being in sight does not exactly enthrall.We cannot have Ron baring his soul.


  10. Gavin, Have you seen this?

  11. I had a look at and found it to be highly biased. I have frequently expressed traditional Christian views and I have even gigged Gavin a little once in a while. He has never censored anything that I have submitted. All my posts have appeared intact.

    - Neo

  12. Re: TruthFateback

    As well as being completely out of date and inaccurate in many of his claims, the author of this site needs a lesson in how to create a presentable web site. Wow, talk about hard on the eyes!
