According to
a report by Dill Weed, Ronnie Weinland's appearance at
IdeaCity in Toronto brought forth... laughter.
God's Super-duper Witness spoke to a bunch of elite Canadians who actually paid for the privilege... and there was
Sit down Ron, let me explain it to you. Would you like a cup of tea first? No? Well, okay, it's like this.
You are a noodle-head. Now please don't take that personally. Maybe there's a genetic flaw. You might not be totally responsible for your delusions of self-importance.
How to put this gently...
you were the light entertainment.
Now, now Ron, worse things happen at sea. Take this box of tissues. If at any time you feel faint, just put your head down between your knees and wriggle your toes.
Have you ever heard the story of the Emperor's New Clothes Ron? Well, you're kind of like the Emperor
and the tailors! Your theology (using that term loosely) is built of nothing more than hot air, and anyone with an ounce of sense can see that you're buck-naked (thankfully we're using a metaphor here Ron. Do you want me to explain that?) The Emperor was conned by a couple of shyster tailors Ron, but you seem to have done it to yourself. Which is kind of sad really. Not as sad as the poor jerks
you've convinced, of course - the ones who sacrifice to bankroll your megalomania - but still sad.
Public scorn and rejection won't change your money-raking success though, will it Ron? You'll just puff out your persecution complex and carry on regardless.
But those folk at IdeaCity
knew, and Ron, so do
we. Good grief Ron,
even Bob Thiel knows.
Maybe you're mad, or just bad, in need of therapy, or just plain greedy. Not my place to say.
But Dill Weed - and the other bloggers who've been snapping at your heels - have it right.
Are you familiar with the concept of
repentance Ron? How about
restitution? Does the word
humility enter your vocabulary somewhere Ron? No, not as a club to bludgeon the sheeple Ron, I mean to apply to
yourself and
your activities?
What's that Ron? You'll have the last laugh?
Well, okay, that's nice. No, you can keep the box of tissues. You're free to go, I know you're a busy man, what with clearing the post office box for tithe checks and all. What's that? Just my opinion? Yes, you're absolutely right, just my opinion, and what would I know - or those wicked people in Toronto for that matter.
What's that? Me laughing too? Oh Ron, how could you think it?