
Sunday 12 April 2009

Link updates

The granddaddy of dissident websites, The Painful Truth, has a new editor, James. I guess he has a surname, but I'm not privy to it. Despite some initial alarm that he might be taking the anti-PT in new directions, it seems that the site still stands in the tradition pioneered by Ed Mentell (wherever you are Ed, here's to you!) There have been four previous editors, including the inimitable if polarizing Mike Minton.

Back in the land of the living after a few months absence, and promising not to disappear any time soon, is a newly reconstructed Shadows of WCG blog, subtitled Next Generation.

Addendum: Russell has moved from the I Survived Armstrongism blog (now managed by Aggie) to the provocatively titled Holy, Mighty Atheist. Double the ginger in your diet...


  1. NOT James McBride!!!!

  2. No, that's reasonably unlikely, and I think we can rule James Tabor out too...


  3. The new James admits to being a Deist, so there is that, but on the whole, he's down in writing over at ISA as saying he's not going to redact or edit any of the atheist material that currently exists on PT.

  4. I'd also point out that I have split from I Survived Armstrongism and formed my own splinter, Holy Mighty Atheist.

    It's off to a good stat and hopefully will be a little less angry, though perhaps even more biting, for all that.

  5. Sorry Russell, I knew there was something else I had to include. I plead getting unexpectedly tkached across the smacker by an Edsel-shaped GCI. Will update the links later today.

  6. To my knowledge, Aggie has never made a definitive statement as to her sex. While I have a private opinion on that, I still refer to Aggie as "she/her".

  7. Honestly, I didn't know it was any kind of secret. I've been pretty sure of her gender for a year or so. Not 100% sure, but close enough for government work.
