
Saturday 10 January 2009

Wiener - Top COG

If Internet exposure is the measure of a ministry, then Ronnie Weinland can be well pleased. In the first Alexa rankings for 2009 the Witless One leads the pack, ahead of UCG's Good News. Here's the list. Numbers refer to thousands, so AW, listed as 541, has an actual ranking of 541,397. Twenty five sites made the top million on the Web. The lower the number the better the result.

(1) Ronnie Weinland's 84
(2) The Good News (UCG): 91
(3) Vision (Hulme): 116
(4) The Trumpet (Flurry): 120
(5) Alan Ruth's 127
(6) UCG official site: 140
(7) WCG official site: 163
(8) RCG (Pack): 165
(9) Bible Tools (Ritenbaugh): 173
(10) Bob Thiel's COGwriter: 181
(11) Tomorrow's World (LCG): 182
(12) ASK (Martin/Sielaff): 318
(13) Victor Kubik's site: 420
(14) CGG site (Ritenbaugh): 432
(15) PCG site (Flurry): 492
(16) LCG official site: 525
(17) Ambassador Watch blog: 541
(18) Beyond Today (UCG): 588
(19) Born to Win (Dart): 592
(20) PTM (Albrecht): 595
(21) Weinland's church site: 632
(22) LCG member site: 723
(23) Fred Coulter's CBCG: 855
(24) COG-Faithful Flock (Billingsley): 877
(25) World News & Prophecy (UCG): 982

CGI, ICG, The Journal, and COG7 were all outside the top million ranking.


  1. The problem for Ronnie W. in this is the fact that people tend to look at what's happening with the lunatic fringe- (as in, "what's happening in that CRAZY ronnie's 'church'.)

    And most everybody considers him a lunatic.(Which he most certainly is.)

    I fart in his and his wife's general direction.
    He's a total piece of garbage.

  2. Wow...Dave Pack is 8th after WCG! That is soooooooooooooome accomplishment. He's going to have to do a little better than that this year if he is going to be overarching the competition and amazing with incredible wonder all those who behold him.

    Losing to the Sunday School Church of God (WCG) is going to be tough to take.

  3. Didn't Dave Pack define the essence of the effectiveness of an end time work by how many hits an apostle's website receives? By Apostle Dave's standards, the Weiner Dude seems to be the chosen one!

    Seriously folks, I can smell the brain cells burning! Now that it is known that outrageousness captures max attention, some people we know are going to be doing all the wrong things for all the wrong reasons in 2009! Silly Season is fixin' to begin!


  4. Is offline?


  5. I'm sure that those who don't like the rankings will say that it is because of Satan.

  6. Ron and Dave both have unique drawing cards, but won't hold the audience.

    Popularity - the easiest thing to gain, the hardest thing to hold. - Will Rogers

    That's possibly due to our "Google-induced attention deficit".

    For Ron, TEOTWAWKI happened, but we blinked and missed it. Dave, though, has the ability to shoot himself in the foot while it's in his mouth.

    The only thing worse than being Googled is not being Googled. - something Oscar Wilde might say

  7. everything cog offline?

    hmmm, those that attack God's Church drop like flies, yet God's Church keeps on truckin'


  8. "Drop like flies?"

    Hardly, anon, we have just risen above it all. Or we're trying, at least.

    (Dunno what my still commenting on AW says about my "progress" in same......sigh......)
