
Sunday 23 November 2008

COG'n on Facebook

Facebook is the social networking site that leads the pack, and wouldn't you know it, WCG/ex-WCG members are taking full advantage, not only as individual members, but creating groups of like-minded folks. Here - perhaps for the first time online - is a directory of COGger Facebook groups.

WWCG Survivors. 926 members.

Ambassador University Alumni. 910 members.

I Grew up in the WCG and I loved it. 909 members.

United Church of God. 1294 members.

WWCG Drop-outs. 206 members.

Worldwide Church of God Atheist/Agnostic survivors. Just launched by Russell of the I Survived Armstrongism blog.

Worldwide Church of God Australia. 97 members.

WCG SA (South Africa). 123 members.

Worldwide Church of God I Can't Wait For Sundown! And Other WWCG Musings. 14 members.

Church of God (Seventh Day). 172 members.

Living Church of God. 118 members.

SEP. 755 members.

SEP Australia. 72 members.

Got a group to add? Post the details in the comments or drop a private email. The list will be updated from time to time.

Facebook users tend to be in the younger demographic... but old fogies have definitely been known to hang out there too (I swear I saw Gary Harvey's long forgotten visage peering out from the WCG Australia page.)


  1. Perhaps even more remarkable is how "non-denominational" the personal "friend-lists" are.

    The Church of Hulme and the Cinci-based UCG seem to be the most friendly of the splinters.

    Perhaps there's hope yet!

  2. There is nothing 'friendly' about the Hulmerous Church of God. His members have strict orders not to date or marry outside the cult. They tend to not associate with other splinter cults. Even though they have a slick 'worldly'magazine, they still have the isolationist mindset.

  3. Bamboo_bends said...

    Perhaps there's hope yet!

    Bent Bamboo,

    Only false hope, unfortunately.

  4. I'd like to know where all the other former full time, banished to the netherworld ministers went? Were they all abducted by aliens and I alone am left to tell the tale? Did they really exist? Were they illusions or holograms and I was not let in on the secret? Hmmmm, now that one is quite possible...I feel so used :)

    Lazarus come forth!

  5. Dionysius,

    I'm just glad you stuck it out! I remember when you first burst on the forum scene (on another forum several years ago), and encountered major headwinds! People there misunderstood, and wanted to hold you acccountable for any little slight that they'd ever suffered at the hands of a WCG minister, even though it was plain that you were now part of the choir.

  6. "There is nothing 'friendly' about the Hulmerous Church of God.....they still have the isolationist mindset."

    that is simply not true.

  7. ""There is nothing 'friendly' about the Hulmerous Church of God.....they still have the isolationist mindset."

    that is simply not true."

    Please post a listing, with times, of their Sabbath services locations worldwide, then.
