
Sunday 31 August 2008

Poor old Ron

Ron Weinland has the dubious distinction of predicting the End of the Age and being stood up at the Apocalypse. Others have gone this way before, but few as clumsily.

While Ron and his Church of God PKG are minnows in the puddle, Ron has the distinction of attracting more Internet attention than his more successful peers. Blogs on Weinland abound, and now there's a new one with the intriguing title Radio Free PKG.

Poor Ron. The IRS are going through his bank accounts and the plebs are revolting. Does Rod Meredith get this kind of flak? Is Gerry Flurry subjected to this level of scrutiny? Has Dave Pack had to endure these torments. Oh the pain, the pain!


  1. Poor old Ron . . . Does Rod Meredith get this kind of flak? Is Gerry Flurry subjected to this level of scrutiny? Has Dave Pack had to endure these torments.

    Not yet - but soon, very soon. When exterminators spray just a little vermin killer here and a little there, it eventually kills all the vermin in the house.

  2. For some reason, Ron's predictions remind me of an Australian state premier who clambered to become prime minister when there was no election. When the election came, he was in the USA - apparently visiting Disneyland.

    Since 1972, I don't think any "reputable" COG leader gave an exact end-time date, only a moving target just beyond reach. Also Ron doesn't have the cunning of HWA to avoid blame or his temerity to flatly deny everything.

  3. Anonymous wrote:

    "...Ron doesn't have the cunning of HWA to avoid blame or his temerity to flatly deny everything."

    And let's not forget that well-used HWA standard: "You people just don't get it! Christ wasn't able to stick to the God-ordained prophetic timetable revealed to me because the Church is just too lukewarm and just not ready yet!!"

    That's got to be one of the more worm-eaten chestnuts in HWA's bag of excuses.

  4. Talk about a deep, dark, black hole that Ron Weinland mentally lives in. His messages, especially recently, only amplify his absolute hatred for most people, except for himself. Of course, when you love yourself as much as Ron apparently does, then self-delusion takes hold and there's little hope of bringing him out of that dark hole.
    The best thing that could happen is for his people to just walk away and quit funding his fanaticism. Leave him in his dark hole of mental illness.

  5. Anonymous said...

    And let's not forget that well-used HWA standard: "You people just don't get it! Christ wasn't able to stick to the God-ordained prophetic timetable revealed to me because the Church is just too lukewarm and just not ready yet!!"

    That's got to be one of the more worm-eaten chestnuts in HWA's bag of excuses.

    Isn't it amazing how much more powerful than Jesus we are? We thwarted God's plan! Just think if we all banded together what we could do about the apocalypse!

    The really sad thing was I was there in Pasadena the day he said that and I walked out as dejected as everyone else.

    Now, I'd be rolling in the aisles laughing!

    Its all a bit like the man giving his wife a black eye and saying "see what you made me do!" Such utter disdain for the intelligence of the membership.

  6. "You people just don't get it..."

    To quote ALF as he watched a toilet flush, "Interesting concept." I think the Biblical precedent was to delay prophetic fulfilment when people did get it...

  7. "Leave him in his dark hole of mental illness."

    I'm getting an illness too; I'm getting sick of repeating myself!

    How many times do I have to tell you people, Weinland is absolutely NOT mentally ill! Crazy like a fox maybe, but faking mental instability to the rest of the world, while he fleeces the sheeple on the inside, is exactly what he wants "the world" to think.


  8. "There are these two trees . . . you just don't get it, do you?"

    Yes, unfortunately HWA, we did "get it". Well, some of us did.

    And no, HWA, you do not represent one of those "trees" and the strong arm of the LORD is not "an Armstrong" or any of that horse s**t.

  9. Corky,

    But Herb did mentally strong arm us, didn't he?

    And of course there are several OT references to his number 1 PR man, Gerald Waterhouse. [For those who don't get it, one example is I Samuel 25:22, KJV.]

  10. Weiner Dude gave himself enough rope, and then he hanged himself. Problem is, this becomes like Bill Clinton's impeachment. No practical effect.


  11. All this bully-froth over Weinland, Pack, Flurry, Numbskulls, Et Al, Inc. recalls to my mind, over and over and over again, that pithy line at the end of "The Bridge On the River Kwai." Most of the principles are dead, the bridge has been blown up, the train has crashed, and, "Major Clipton has witnessed the carnage unfold; he shakes his head incredulously and utters, 'Madness! ... Madness!'" (Wikipedia: Bridge on the River Kwai).

  12. Well as Ron is having his moment in the limelight, it looks like I will be having my own few seconds of fame with Youtube using some of my clips for a promotion (alas, it is my own youtube page on South Africa, no less!). And by all means they have my permission to use anything!

    Here is the email I got.

    My name is XXXXX and I'm the News Manager here at YouTube. I'm a fan of your YouTube channel -- and I was wondering if you'd be comfortable with us using a few very short clips from your video footage as part of a special "mash-up" video we're putting together to launch and promote our exciting new journalism program on YouTube (which we'll announce officially on Monday).

  13. The kingdom of Ronald Weinland is among you...

    but you have to pay to get in.
