
Thursday 31 July 2008

The Herbal Zone

The Most Eminent Rev. KScribe has produced a special 20 minute "Birthday Bash" video to mark (in the non-disfellowship sense) the sacred date of July 31.

The way KScribe describes it though, it sounds as though this might be his final audio-visual treat. He writes: I think this will be the last video. I find that it is just too time consuming as a project anymore. Hopefully the folks that have belonged to or who are still in the cults will find it useful in the healing process.

And treat it is with a clip from an ancient episode ("Nick of Time") from The Twilight Zone featuring a young, pre-USS Enterprise William Shatner.


  1. Thiel: "...Herbert Armstrong was not involved in getting people killed–the true church does not do that"

    Kirk: HWA lied, and members died! Beam me up, Scotty!

  2. scoffers and mockers shall have their day of reckoning. There will be great weeping and mourning and gnashing of teeth. It,s coming.

  3. I much enjoyed the video too, KScribe, I forgot to tell you that when you mentioned it over on ISA. Real life got in my way and it slipped my mind.

    Much enjoyed, and best of luck with whatever your next plans in life are! :-)

  4. ............scoffers and mockers shall have their day of reckoning. There will be great weeping and mourning and gnashing of teeth. It,s coming.

    Tom is that you?

  5. ..scoffers and mockers shall have their day of reckoning.

    HWA was God I take it?

  6. That "fortune telling machine" does exist and people are still trapped in that "town", afraid to leave, and still dependent upon the "fortune telling machine" to tell them their future.

    Anonymous said...
    scoffers and mockers shall have their day of reckoning. There will be great weeping and mourning and gnashing of teeth. It,s coming.

    And, that's exactly why they are trapped and afraid to leave that "town" and the fortune telling machine behind and go home.

    I'm glad that I figured it out in the "nick of time" and left town, my mother wasn't so lucky.

    So, "anonymous", you stay in that town and keep that fortune telling machine busy messing with your future if you want to do that. But, how about letting other people get back into their cars and leave that town behind? Why is it so important to you for them to be trapped in that weird town with that weird machine with you?

  7. Tom is that you?

    "scoffers and mockers shall have their day of reckoning. There will be great weeping and mourning and gnashing of teeth. It,s coming."

    Oh i'm in tears laughing. I read the comment of annon and just said to myself.."hmmm, that's Tom." It has that certain ring and he used a comma instead of an apostrophe as he typed it in errant indignation, but didn't notice.

    The only reason we know it can't be is because of hiding behind "annon" which he never does.

  8. Anonymous said...
    "scoffers and mockers shall have their day of reckoning. There will be great weeping and mourning and gnashing of teeth. It,s coming."

    MY COMMENT: Yes, it's coming for HWA, GTA, and all the rest of the greedy, lying, cheating, murdering "ministers" who graduating from the sons-of-hell college.

  9. Maybe it's Doctor Bob!!


  10. Being a Yang living amongst the Kohms, I again found KScribe trapped behind the Great Firewall. But to access the latest Bash, it wasn't necessary to change the laws of physics, just use the anonymous proxy server.

    All that aside, great work! I remember the Twilight Zone episode, but I probably didn't realise the analogy at the time. Besides the obvious connection, it reminded me of a sermon in which we were told to ask a minister about what I considered trivial decisions - like what color car to buy.

  11. I love the Atari-type graphics. Very retro and approprite since he died in the 80s.

  12. Fantastic. Look for it at the 25th annual Des Moines Film Festival

  13. Bob T's Bash the Bash tribute to HWA shows a photo of Herb's award from Emperor Hirohito. To some, that is like a tribute to Henry Ford showing a photo of his Grand Cross of the German Empire.

    Does anyone recall what HWA's award was for? I can think of a few sources I could Gotoh.

  14. Actually the film already has won an award at the Belknap Springs Oregon Film Festival this year.

  15. Kscibe

    Herbert Armstrong was human but a man of great faith who faithfully served God and he will be in the first resurrection and will be like Christ like all the saints will be.And quess what you will be worshiping him then.

  16. I like the philospher, Denis Diderot's observation that

    "we will never be free until the last King is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

    Now that seems to sum it all up nicely! :)

  17. Reflecting on one writer's code name here, the "Lochner tapes" were once a matter of considerable insider hush-hush.

    Did they ever exist? Do they still exist? Who has heard them? Why do they matter? Where are they?

  18. anonymous said: "Herbert Armstrong was human but a man of great faith who faithfully served God and he will be in the first resurrection and will be like Christ like all the saints will be.And quess what you will be worshiping him then."

    --> Go away and get a grip.

  19. ...Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Herbert Armstrong was human but a man of great faith who faithfully served God and he will be in the first resurrection and will be like Christ like all the saints will be.And quess what you will be worshiping him then.

    No Tom, I will not! God if in existence, does not force anything on anyone! I would rather jump head first into a lake of fire than honor that one nasty SOB.

  20. Mr. Scribe: You got that right! Come the Third Rez, I intend to do a swan dive into the Lake of Fire, laughing all the way down!

  21. weinland watch
    Have you ever heard of the unpardonable sin? You walk a fine line but maybe you don't care.

  22. Hey anon who was castigating me for daring to poop on the grand theology of "the one troooooooo church":

    "You walk a fine line but maybe you don't care."

    You got that right. And the only fine line I walk is resisting the urge to devolve into profanity every time Gavin lets another CoG-blocked mentality comment like yours through.

    As for "the unpardonable sin", I've been committing that on a fairly steady basis for well over ten years now, and my life, contrary to the laws of Armstrongism, has only been getting better, not worse.

    (Your version of the unpardonable sin is disagreeing with "the one true truthy truth" correct, anon? Just checking.)
