
Monday 2 June 2008

Five Blogs I've Never Read and Never Will

It's one of those 'tag' games that race through the blogging community like influenza. It started with the rather precious challenge to list five blogs that make you think. Dr. Jim West, the biblioblogging Baptist bulldog, pulled it inside-out and relaunched it as five blogs to never read, and having tagged the Most Reverend Dr. N. T. Wrong, the good bishop then saw fit to pass his blessing on.

The task is a difficult one given the wording. Obviously I have seen (if not read in any depth) each of the monstrosities listed below, otherwise how else to know the deep things of Shaitan? In any case, it's a 60/40 split between non-COG and COG contenders --- interestingly Bishop Wrong chose to list one of David Ben-Ariel's on his list of horrors, a deserving choice. Anyway, here's mine.

1. The Watchmen: Christian and Patriotic Views from Ulster. I somehow don't think this fellow means patriotism in the Beatles sense of "Give Ireland back to the Irish," and I doubt he's a Guinness drinker either. And who the heck is this Spurgeon guy?

2. The Blog of Concord. Bad art and obscure monologues currently featuring the Smalcald Articles, ick!

3. A Painting that Preaches Christ. The spurting blood, the devilish misuse of Bach, the sheer unrelieved kitsch of it all... liebe Gott!

4. Against the Hirelings. Tom Mahon's blog... (no sign of a promised portrait.)

5. The Surprising God. Largely the work of the not-so-surprising Ted Johnston.

So, now to pass on the meme: Gary Scott and Felix Taylor, both of whom have fine, thoughtful blogs, consider yourselves tagged ;-)


  1. Thanks for promoting a couple of my blog sites.

  2. "ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ricki...."
    "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Luthie"

    "People gave ear to an upstart astrologer who strove to show that the earth revolves, not the heavens or the firmament, the sun and the moon....This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy; but sacred scripture tells us [Joshua 10:13]that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, and not the earth."

    [Martin Luther in one of his "Table Talks" in 1539]

    "Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but -- more frequently than not -- struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God."

    "Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of his Reason."

    "Even though they (women) grow weary and wear themselves out with child- bearing, it does not matter; let them go on bearing children till they die, that is what they are there for."

    [Martin Luther, Works 20.84]

    "The word and works of God is quite clear, that women were made either to be wives or prostitutes."

    [Martin Luther, Works 12.94]

    "Did I not tell you earlier that a Jew is such a noble, precious jewel that God and all the angels dance when he farts?"

    [Martin Luther,"On the Jews and Their Lies",1543]

    and about a thousand more.......

    Oh well, he was probably a really nice guy with a few quirks like them all and a product of his time.

    I love the painting of the Solar Sun of God being crossified on the intersection of the celestial equator and ecliptic ending the age of Aries the Lamb. Nice arterial squirt. Effective but also sensitive to the ambiance of the total view.

    Is that Luthie himself sitting at the foot of the cross? That's like Ron Weinland, in a painting of the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD looking down from an airplane heading back to NY.

    Teepees? Crazy Horse at the Crucifixion too?

    Truly truly...just really is.

  3. The Church Corporate website is coming down July 17th.

    It's a waste of resources to keep it going and I have much better things to do with my time.

    Nobody looks at it anyway, and with the bloated commentary on Armstrongism and the church of gods, there isn't much use for such a site any longer.

  4. You forgot to mention my main blog site.

  5. To Doug Becker. Keep at it, your corporate church site is pretty good. Maybe you can keep an archive of the church part of it for people to look at for the historical part of it and then maybe focus on a site for corporations themselves. Some very good information on your site.

  6. To Mr. Becker,

    From the days of the infamous Cox Cult Project and to this day, I will forever be in your debt for all the good you have put forth on this earth by you many informative articles!

    Never before in the movement to debunk the cult leader and leaders of Armstrongism has there been a more informed individual that I have come across! NEVER!!!

    It is you Douglas that helped free more minds than any other person I have known that removed themselves from Armstrongism. May you be blessed beyond your wildest dreams my friend and mentor! God bless you my friend!


  7. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh've got some splaining to do":

    What did Luthie have to say about pissing against a wall?

    Ricky Ricardo

  8. Has anyone seen a picture of Tom Mahon on the internet yet??

  9. Tom Mahon said, "While I was at Mizpah preparing for Pentecost, on AW blog, I was being reviled by Dennis and Kscribe, in particular, for explaining what the bible teaches about pretended ministers, who are actually hirelings".

    MY COMMENT - Dennis and KScribe, any response?

  10. I would like to discourage Mr. Becker from taking down his site. You only need to reach one person in order for it to be worthwhile. From what we have seen, it has done so much more than that.

  11. If you want to learn something about the Corporate World, be sure to check
    _THE_PM_BOK_CODE. It is one of the most uncomplimentary look at project management within corporations ever -- and get this: It was given to the World Congress on Project Management. The two Australians presenting the paper make the same point I've been making for some time: Everyone is adopting the worst of the corporate model and implementing it badly. The authors go on to say at the end:

    that PM is evolving in a toxic manner that will eventually
    fractionalize the workforce to the benefit of the corporations
    and to the detriment of society.

    It's almost Haiku.

    Herbert Armstrong from that corporate world. What the authors say applies to churches as well. Anyone involved with projects at Ambassador College can attest to the truth that even with project management, projects fail, fail miserably and fail at a rate somewhat higher than just "going by the seat of your pants" non project style project management.

    My short version: The Worldwide Church of God was a failed project which should never have been undertaken in the first place. Furthermore, Armstrongist CoGs are evolving in a toxic manner for their own benefit to the detriment of society.

    You may also note the section on Impression Management which should be considered as priceless as it is insulting.

    By the way, I gave United materials from the Project Management Body of Knowledge. I was not only trained in the BoK for several weeks at Corporate expense by the Project Management Institute [] but did go on to manage a rather complex project on the order of $750,000. I was a success at it. In fact, too good a success and had to explain to the corporation why I was more than 5% under project cost. I got a discount on materials. What can I say?

    But I was also present for one of the worst failures of a software project ever -- $100 Million worth, $12 million of which just simply disappeared. Fortunately, I was an observer and was not allowed to be a participant. It's always great to learn from other people's mistakes: The wise hide themselves, but the simple go on and are punished. A real career ender, that.

    Now the principle of project management is sound: If you do the same things under the same circumstances with the same resources, you can pretty much expect the same results. But... but... but.... These days, nothing is the same as it used to be. Note the reference in the article for the lack of a need for craftsmen and the lack of producing any.

    The church of gods is only a microcosm of the carnal avarice of modern day Corporations. I think you've gotten that now, along with the fact that the leadership is either quite narcissistic or downright psychopaths. Certainly Kenneth Lay and Enron should be worthy noteworthy example as well as Ron Weinland or Roderic Meredith. It's a continuum.

    While I may reconsider taking down Church Corporate [or more accurately, letting it die a natural death by not renewing it], I still believe that my job here is done because I think you all get it. Well, all but one of you and you don't matter.

    For those who need an occasional fix, you can go back to I also have my own blog at which I make a stab at being somewhat more positive, but given the current condition of the world what with incompetents, dysfunctional management and outright scoundrels, it is a bit challenging at times.

    The truth is that at the moment I have a rather substantial community service project I'm working on and really need to devote my time there. I also need an additional slot or two for the other projects I've been working on outside work.

    For both of you who might be interested, I have pretty much left Armstrongism behind and have moved to a much more sane environment, if there is one anywhere in the world these days. One thing I have concluded about Armstrongism: Authority is pretty much abusive. It is also very dense and doesn't listen. It only hears what it wants to hear. And that, friends, is a formula to produce utter fools.

    I hope all of you here, except for one of you, continue as I have to double your knowledge each year. That way, when we all go Altzheimer's we'll still be smarter than those around us who will still not understand us.

    There's nothing being surrounded by Morans... uh, oops, morons, to make you feel much smarter.

    And if I have time, I will try to finish the web page, "Death". If finished, expect to find the words "depraved indifference".

  12. Tommy said: "I was being reviled by Dennis and Kscribe, in particular, for explaining what the bible teaches about pretended ministers, who are actually hirelings".

    Tom cannot grasp the concept that one can outgrow a belief which is a far cry from a truth. He also can't grasp that just because it's in the Bible, doesn't make the concepts given true.

    I outgrew not only the church, but also the book about which I got a very poor education concerning errancy, origins, politics and intent.

    I have no doubt in my mind that had I become a Methodist minister in going to that seminary instead of AC, which I thought was a seminary as a kid if you can believe that, I would feel exactly as I do today. I may have reached that point sooner had I not been in WCG.

    Whoever Tom Mahon is, he is a classic bicameral god haunted mind. The voice of God informs him and he then passes it on to anyone and everyone. I cannot abide that kind of thinking anymore and probably never did.

    I'm totally comfortable with who I am and what I feel about lots of things. I am ambivalent as to what I would commit to "believing" but pretty well versed in what I won't believe.

    As you know by now from knowing me through posting, I have little room left for the piously convicted yet marginally informed types. They tend to spend their lives monitoring the beliefs and behaviours of everyone else, with endless commentary about the "shoulds" and "musts"

    Those like Tom make religious fools out of themselves everytime they hear the voice of God in their head.

    I'd like to hear from Tom's wife on how he comes across as king of the hill. Maybe she'd say, "I'm just a hireling around here."

    And he might even be a nice guy under other conditions or on other topics.

    "You can't argue with an enlightened human being. They have no need to engage you or be right."

    I like that.

  13. Tom?

  14. "You can't argue with an enlightened human being. They have no need to engage you or be right."

    The enemy of my enemy probably isn't my friend. In these days, it's every man for himself.

    I don't say I'm right, I just maintain that everybody else is wrong.

  15. The blogs mentioned and many more are little more than repositories of carefully crafted weasel words.

    None of us have any patience for such things.

  16. Tom, like many, tends to not hold himself to the same standards as he requires of others.

    Being reviled to Tom is being disagreed with or reacting to the tone of his opinions. However, calling someone "hireling", "liar" "deceiver" is not, to someone like Tom, reviling them. He is merely passing on the judgement of the voice in head which he thinks is God. So he does not have to take responsibility for reviling others. It's God doing it through him. "It's not me. It's what God says."

    All we need is another haranguing blog that pretends to tell everyone how it all is and who the chosen people are.

    Gavin is right about the Surprising God Blog of WCG. They can't attract more than one or two comments from their own ministry to which the blog is limited. Knowing most of the left over ministers in WCG it is amazing what they currently blather about and how they now look at the same book. They now use Christian authors as prooftexts rather than quoting much scripture on any topic. When they do, the twists are interesting. Same ones I grew up before WCG.

    A WCG sermon today would probably put me in a coma. I know, I know...they often did anyway..ha. Men preaching at people really is an odd way to communicate anyhow.

    Each to their own I suppose.

  17. Dennis,

    What I conclude from the synergy of Without Conscience and Snakes in Suits both by Dr. Robert Hare and User's Guide to the Brain by Dr. John Ratey is that a person like Tom Moran is brain damaged. Certainly, his admission that he has dyslexia should tell us something.

    Here's what I suspect and is logically reasonable: That Moran suffers from a lack of internal brain coordination, particularly between the hemispheres of the brain, primarily due to insufficient connections across the corpus callosum. This is the simplest explanation and given Occam's Razor is likely the best one.

    I tested the hypothesis a number of times, laying traps for him. Sure enough, he always reacted more or less as I predicted, although a bit more strongly than I would have suspected. He's quite an angry man, given to selfish fits of rage when things don't go his way.

    At the same time, he's rather pathetic. He poses as some sort of Microsoft Vista Administrator, but given his total, shall we say, lack of accuracy, I would not ever never never want him to attempt repairing my autos or maintain a jet I might fly on. To the last one, as with Vista, I would fear crashes. Truly. That incompetent. That dysfunctional.

    Moreover, I would submit that he is guilty of depraved indifference. This is a slightly different but perhaps related deficiency. He isn't just a narcissist. It's worse than that. His lack of care that anyone [given his eschatology] should attain salvation but him is appalling. It's beyond narcissism and it is outside the parameters of a psychopath. We truly have a unique individual, not that that should be considered a good thing.

    The best solution for dealing with this sort of person is the blind point of view -- totally ignoring him. After all that is said and done, he's destined to go nowhere and pretty much be nothing the rest of his life. There's no use fueling his mental disorders, even though, without them, he doesn't exist at all.

  18. Hi Douglas,
    I appreciate that and may I also so good work on all your efforts with Coxcult. I'm not wired for confrontation, this I know, for my past tells me so.

    I don't know how I missed it but I am now reading Julian Jaynes, "The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind"

    Fascinating stuff about human consciousness not blooming until 3-4 thousand years ago. I have always noticed how the OT has no real people in it. Just people who hear God and obey. Few emotions, few self reflective types..basically unconscious as we think of it today. Jaynes shows how the Illiad also has this unconscious aspect. Automotons who hear the voice of God in their heads and don't question it. He notes that only after writing came into play did consciousness change and then religion reared up full bore to keep the troops and society under control and to try and keep the gods happy again, as they seemed to have gone away.

    Since they seemed to go away, we got priesthoods, temples, rituals, prayer, sacrifices and the concept of sin since humans must have done something wrong to make them go away. sounds familiar!


  19. DennisDiehl said...

    >>Tom cannot grasp the concept that one can outgrow a belief which is a far cry from a truth.<<

    I hesitate to reply to you, as you are so easily hurt. But perhaps that is because of the pangs of guilt you often experience when your failings are pointed out.

    However, being a minister is not the same as sucking your thumb or wetting your bed during childhood: a weakness that most children grow out of. Being a minister is a vocation for life. To abandon your ministerial calling is to do despite unto the spirit of grace.

    The bible, which you treat with contempt, says, "For the earth which drinks in the rain that comes often upon it, and brings forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receives blessing from God: But that which bears thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned"(Hebs.6:7-8).

    >>He also can't grasp that just because it's in the Bible, doesn't make the concepts given true.<<

    The above concept is so true, that the time will come when you will lament that you rejected it!

  20. Doug Becker,

    I have been a Project Manager for over 11 years now and have managed successful projects from a few grand up to millions of dollars. I have a very simple rule that helps to ensure the success of my projects. I don't use consultants from Accenture, CGE&Y, PWC, or any other large consulting firm if I am given a choice in the matter. The most challenging projects I have ever have managed involved them. Nothing like having a small army of 21-24 year old wet behind the ears college grads coming on board and screwing things up.

    I am also a certified PMP. I have found their organization largely useless aside from having the superscript next to my name on my cards and autosignature.

    Dennis - You have described Tom Mahon absolutely perfectly.

    Woe be unto you Tom Mahon; for your self righteous piety shall cometh back to biteth thine hind end.

    As you reap so shall you sow.

  21. "The bible, which you treat with contempt..'

    It's actually a calm recognition...

  22. Tommy noted: "I hesitate to reply to you, as you are so easily hurt. But perhaps that is because of the pangs of guilt you often experience when your failings are pointed out."

    Well thank you Dr. Joyce Brothers...

    And you didn't hesitate to reply. That was just your lead in so you could reply and put the burden on me as your excuse to "hesitate."

    Same thing as you feeling reviled by others but when you revile others, you are merely the Eternal God's filter to humanity....There is always cushion between you and those you Jesus name.

    You can't stand not to reply.

  23. DennisDiehl said...
    "The bible, which you treat with contempt..'

    It's actually a calm recognition...

    Actually, it might be with contempt when a person realizes that the animal sacrifices in the Bible are the same thing as the "pagan's" or heathen sacrifices to their respective gods.

    The excuse is that the Jewish animal sacrifices only pointed to Jesus and they were never used to "appease" a god like the heathen did.

    However, if the sacrifices were not to appease a god like the pagans sacrificing a virgin to the volcano god because of their shorcomings, then how do they explain the word "atone"?

    How can one not hold blood sacrifices in contempt? It's clearly a savage and barbaric and contemptable practice. In other words, the Bible is a savage and barbaric and contemptable book.

  24. Kscribe said...

    >>>Never before in the movement to debunk the cult leader and leaders of Armstrongism has there been a more informed individual that I have come across! NEVER!!!<<<

    This is either sycophantic flattery gone mad or the inability to discern between good and evil. But I suspect, it is both.

    Douglas's irrational attacks on Mr. Armstrong, couched in the language of the most unbounded ill nature, are motivated by outrage and bitterness. Outrage, because he doesn't understand how he was "duped" into believing the truth, which was taught by God's servant; and bitterness, because of the money he "squandered" in tithe and offerings. This conundrum has created for him a complex personality, which mercifully will remain a mystery to him.

    >>>It is you Douglas that helped free more minds than any other person I have known that removed themselves from Armstrongism.<<<

    What a laugh! He has probably helped you to embrace and spew out some of the most vitriolic of expletives I have read in ages!

    >>>May you be blessed beyond your wildest dreams my friend and mentor! God bless you my friend!<<

    God bless? Which god are you referring to? I suspect it could be Dennis' Mayan god, who teaches his adherents to believe in fables. But the God of the bible doesn't bless people who reject his wholesome teachings or attack his servants, you may be surprised to learn!

  25. Did I mention Tom Mahon is full of Shit?

  26. Tom. it is really sad. You are such a simpleton. If you could only see yourself through eyes that are not retarted. Poor ignorant soul. Get help wile your still semi conscious.

  27. "But the God of the bible doesn't bless people who reject his wholesome teachings or attack his servants, you may be surprised to learn!"

    May I suggest that if Mrs. Weinland doesn't speak up soon, Tom can fill in for her. Sounds a lot like Ron's "some of you will die fast slow deaths." Or is it slow-fast..I forget.

  28. Tommy:

    What version of WCG and Armstrong was I suppose to stick with until death do us part. It kept changing on me. Where do you attend or under whose leadership in the COG groups do you define yourself? And don't say "Gods."

    Where do you go to church on Sabbath?

  29. Ah, um, g-u-y-s...

    Another tiresome spat here with Tom?

    I can feel the winds of moderation blowing in from the British Isles.

  30. ummm Gavin...this is all your fault. We were doing just fine. But ohhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooo! You had to tell us what you wouldn't read. Please massa...whatever you does, don't throw me in that briar patch!


  31. Dennis and KScribe, any response?
    Kscribe says "I was supporting Dennis who is a good and decent man."
    That is my response and I stand with Dennis!


  32. Kudos points to Gavin for not listing my blog!

    Freedom is the choice whether or not to follow the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong.

    I find it interesting that those who have departed from the WCG are now much more materialistic than they were in the past.

    Knowing that one lady believed the Sabbath held her back at her place of work.

    In reality people now have to replace "armstrongism" with something else, whether it is materialism, psychology, atheism or whatever.

    We all have the freedom (though these rights are slowly being taken away) to choose to follow the teachings of HWA or not.

    And if it was not for old Herbert, I will probably be following Alex Jones @ or Aaron Russo @!

  33. Tom says: What a laugh! He has probably helped you to embrace and spew out some of the most vitriolic of expletives I have read in ages!<<

    What are YOU talking about Tom? What expletives are you referring too?

  34. Gavin said>>>
    Ah, um, g-u-y-s...

    Another tiresome spat here with Tom?

    I can feel the winds of moderation blowing in from the British Isles.<<<

    If you are going to moderate then be a good parent and ground Tom from this forum for starting a fight! This "grounding" is not for all others here, but for the protection of Tom who is currently suffering a mental meltdown and throwing a fit!

    Gavin, you have seen this in the grocery store before. A little boy (all little boys suffer from juvenile narcissism) is rolling on the floor and kicking his legs hitting innocent shoppers. Tom craves attention and he is getting it! Why does Tom's parent Gavin allow such behavior in a public forum? SHAME ON YOU! I should report you to the "Those Who Protect The Narcissistic Sow On Forums Agency Affiliated With Armstrongism!" If that don't work I will write the "Heretics With Agendas Agency!" HWA for short! Don't ask what the last "A" stands for. Hint: Most call Tom this.

  35. "moderation?" only if it is moderation. Actually, I think that attacks on one person over and again is somewhat backward thinking. To continue to run Tom through the mud is just poor judgement. Additionally the Luthie/Ricki thing really is way off topic and a waste of time. I liked the old ad hominem line from one of the other forums. Maybe you can adopt that as a guideline. Calling someone a Moran (moron) is really unfortunate as well.

  36. >>>If you are going to moderate then be a good parent and ground Tom from this forum for starting a fight!

    Unfortunately this blog at times resembles the 21st Century American idiot! Suppression of any view which is "unorthodox" to one's own. Not to offend the many good natured Americans who can think for themselves.

    Kscribe would love to censor anyone's ability to think outside of his own beliefs, challenging and calling for banning of anyone who promotes any form of Armstrongism. It defies my mind, do I really tell him what to believe but he INSISTS on telling others what to think or what not to think!

    Kscribe is a victim of his own culture of middle American values where cash is king, and the local baptist church is God on earth!

    Make no mistake Kscribe would definately throw heretics into the fire of Rome's fury instead of having compassion on them: he would spit and laugh at their torture.

    While most have been able to adjust their life outside of Armstrongism--he is very much still under "armstrongism" because he allows the movement to have such a central place in his life--his identity is that he was part of this cult, was mislead and bitter because of the experience.

    My advice is to move on with your life, forget all about HWA, WCG, making movies to condemn what is now history, forget about all the COGs and blogs and just live your life free in the pursuit of happiness and peace.

  37. "In reality people now have to replace "armstrongism" with something else, whether it is materialism, psychology, atheism, religion, Messianic Judaism, evangelism, Christianity, or whatever."

    Fixed that sentence for you Robert.

  38. It should be obvious by now that poor ol Tom-tom has had such a poor response to his rants on his own blog site that he feels he is compelled to return here. Some people just need to be the center of attention. Can you spell narcisscist Tom?

  39. While moving on is the goal Robert, your limited experiences and somewhat shallow perspectives on all things WCG and HWA might not quite resound with the authority one might need to give such advice to others who had a longer and more profoundly painful experience.

  40. Yoda, you hit the nail on the head, but shallow indivduals like Tom and Robert, have a hard time getting past themselves.

    May the Force be with you Yoda!

  41. Luke...may as well go for the force being with me, I had enough of the farce being with me to last a lifetime :)

  42. Robert says: Unfortunately this blog at times resembles the 21st Century American idiot!

    So we are all idiots?

    "Kscribe would love to censor anyone's ability to think outside of his own beliefs, challenging and calling for banning of anyone who promotes any form of Armstrongism."

    I am an American, and no I would not censor anyone beliefs. Just morons that post spam on YouTube!

    "It defies my mind, do I really tell him what to believe but he INSISTS on telling others what to think or what not to think!"

    So we switch the blame of narcissism off of Robert onto Kscribe, right?

    "Kscribe is a victim of his own culture of middle American values where cash is king, and the local baptist church is God on earth!"

    Cash is King and all others best be known by I before they get a loan from Church of God Industries! I must say Robert communism may be a better choice for you than theocracy. Top on down you know...from the Chairman!

    "Make no mistake Kscribe would definately throw heretics into the fire of Rome's fury instead of having compassion on them: he would spit and laugh at their torture."

    No Robert, I would rescue them from the torture and deadly danger. Sorry, try again!

    "While most have been able to adjust their life outside of Armstrongism--he is very much still under "armstrongism" because he allows the movement to have such a central place in his life--his identity is that he was part of this cult, was mislead and bitter because of the experience."

    I guess the same could be said of Rick Ross. You know the guy. He is always reaching out to help "cultist" to escape their cults. To free minds. As for you, you are the task master, the enslaver of free mind, the molester of free thought, the accuser as if you yourself is Satan the devil.

    My advice ROBERT is to move on with your life, forget all about HWA, WCG, posting movies to worship what is now history, forget about all the COGs and blogs and just live your life free in the pursuit of happiness and peace.

  43. Anon wrote>>"moderation?" only if it is moderation. Actually, I think that attacks on one person over and again is somewhat backward thinking. To continue to run Tom through the mud is just poor judgement.

    Attack by a foreign invader who wishes to bring back Herbism into our lives is poor judgment by Robert who posts opinions that have no favor here can be considered spam. If I posted at the WCG minion forum would I be welcomed? Think not. One posts on a forum not to bash but to discuss the issues at hand. If I was not wanted by my friends or wife, then I MIGHT consider posting on a forum where I could garner the most attention! I could then have my narcissistic source(s) feed me what I crave!

  44. I thought Tom Moron bid his final farewell to this website a month or so ago? I see he has returned unable to keep his word about not posting here any more.

    That reminds me, didn't he promise us he would post a picture of himself?

    Just like his God idol Armstrong, Tom Moron's word is about as reliable as Herbie's "1975 in Prophecy".

  45. Robert said, "Kscribe is a victim of his own culture of middle American values where cash is king, and the local baptist church is God on earth!"

    MY COMMENT - Robert, your God idol Herbert Armstrong loved cash. You have no understanding because you did not live it. My family has been involved in Armstrongism going back to the 1950s.

    I can assure you Herbert Armstrong's God was CASH. As I have said many times, Armstrong dined with the classes because he LIED to the masses.

    Robert, nothing personal, but you really ought to get a clue about what you are talking about. By the way, your God idol Armstrong was baptized by a Baptist minister.


  46. Dennis said to Tom Moron, "What version of WCG and Armstrong was I suppose to stick with until death do us part. It kept changing on me.

    MY COMMENT - I liked the 1939 version of HWA who opposed to top down church government.

    Oh yes, there was the Herbert Armstrong that would not allow divorce and remarrage in the Church - and broke up families over it - only until he married divorcee Ramona, and then he had that messy million dollar divorce himself - now who says there is no justice in this world?

    Of course, there was the Herbert Armstrong who did not allow Church members to go to Doctors - some even died unnecessary deaths - until, of course, Herbert Armstrong got up there in age and required medical attention himself. Then it was OK to go to Doctors.

    So Tom, Dennis asked an honest question - which version of WCG and Armstrong was he suppose to stick with until death do us part.


  47. Break out the popcorn! Late night You-tube presents a new horror video:

    Attack of the Narcissists!

  48. Make no mistake Kscribe would definately throw heretics into the fire of Rome's fury instead of having compassion on them: he would spit and laugh at their torture.

    People just make stuff up.

    This is another example of it.

  49. What a laugh! He has probably helped you to embrace and spew out some of the most vitriolic of expletives I have read in ages!

    People just make stuff up.

    This is another example of a deranged mentally deficient addled dyslexic mind doing it.

  50. Another day closer to the Kingdom!

  51. Oh, noooo. It's Mr. Bill!

  52. Another day closer to the Kingdom!

    Certainly, for those with AIDS from engaging in... certain practices... every day is certainly closer to something, although it might not be The Kingdom.

  53. Another day closer to the Kingdom. You may be a tired skeptic, but I know what the future holds for me, as Bible-believing Christians know the grace of God and it energizes us to continue with hope and not despair, faith and not fear.

    Don't Give Up!

    Sneak Preview of the Kingdom of God

  54. David Ben-Ariel said...
    Another day closer to the Kingdom!

    yeah and that is one day closer than the 722,464+ days since Passover 30 AD.

    It ain't gonna happen! Ever! That should be obvious to anyone, "shortly", "this generation", "at hand" etc. does not mean 2,000 years. Anyone who thinks it does is fooling himself.

  55. Ben,
    After reading your Sneak Preview of the Kingdom of God I declare that you should spend some time in a mental facility. visions are for prophets and I have yet seen or heard of one that has yet predicted the end with any accuracy.

    By the way, are you still plotting to blow up anything in Israel?

  56. Kscribe said...
    After reading your Sneak Preview of the Kingdom of God I declare that you should spend some time in a mental facility. visions are for prophets and I have yet seen or heard of one that has yet predicted the end with any accuracy.

    By the way, are you still plotting to blow up anything in Israel?

    Oh, and by the way Ben, the temple mentioned in the NT Bible was Herod's temple - not a future temple. The temple in Matt. 24 was the one that Jesus and the disciples were looking at, not some temple of your imagination.

    So, and anyway, don't plan on blowing up the "Dome of the Rock" Muslim temple and replacing it with the temple mentioned in Mark 13, Matt. 24 and Luke 21 - that one was destroyed in 70 AD.

  57. Where does it say in the Bible that you must be a prophet to receive visions? It doesn't. However, all miracles must be in accordance with the Scriptures, as the miracles I've been blessed with definitely are, as my minister George Kackos recognized and Pasadena concurred when informed about them.

    As for the holy Temple soon to grace Jerusalem:

    The Temple of God in Holy Jerusalem

    and concerning the disinformation some shamefully spread:

    Blow Up the Mosques or An Expired Visa?
