
Monday 28 April 2008

Pluck puck puck

We've all been pretty focussed over the last month or so on Ron Weinland. Understandably so. When the old red rooster plucks itself and then jumps in the stew-pot unaided, swimming around with the carrots while clucking, there's got to be an appreciative audience to applaud.

One of the great things to come out of the Weinland kerfuffle is new voices on the Web. Kudos go to Weinland Watch, Don't Drink the Flavor Aid, Bereans (all Weinland specific), Shadows of WCG (which has been around a while longer, but has really stepped up to the plate on this issue) and Ironwolf (if I remember correctly, Robert McNally's website predates the original AW site.) Like everyone else, I go to these sources first to catch up on the latest hilarious episode as Ron blusters and backtracks. My favorite bete noire, Bob Thiel, has done a pretty good job too - just don't tell him I said so. You can find links to all these sites in the sidebar.

So what next? Will Ron still be crowing after Pentecost? After Tabernacles? Will COG-PKG survive the end of The End? Check out the new poll.


  1. >"So what next? Will Ron be crowing after Pentecost? After Tabernacles? Will COG-PKG survive the end of The End?"<

    If COG history repeats itself, and it usually does......there will be survivors....and Ronnie will probably retire a rich man....if he lives much longer.......
    as he could get hit with Karma.

    We are survivors of the 1975 End Times....... need I say more?

  2. The Weinland sites did and are doing a nice balanced job with keeping up with RW and telling his particular cautionary tale about seeing oneself, sincerely or not, in prophetic scriptures.

    It will serve as a bit of a warning to others who have the same expectations about their own churches and leaders but just feel it's the never arriving, rather always "down the road." The eternal carrot of "time is short" has proven profitable to many.

    Since organizations are not interested in rendering themselves obsolete, as Neal Donald Walsh notes, they seldom complete the tasks they assign themselves. It's always just ahead...close, very close...

    I'm also pleased that Byker Bob has evolved over his time since coming to AW. It's obvious and encouraging to me personally, in spite of what some think my own mindset is or isn't. Personal Spirituality is more important than religion.

    I told my son recently that a core difficulty as a result of many years in WCG as member and minister is that I don't trust anyone or anything to be as it is or work out as stated. This includes the Bible as it reads and those that try to tell me they know what God is thinking, wants or requires. I have contributed similar feelings about myself to others as well, so I am not oblivious.

    I find Walsh's "Conversation With God" series to be what I have noticed all my life about how things said to work in religion vs, how they really do. Being any kind of pastor for any sincere group of people is going to give many many horrendous experiences with the kinds of things that leave one wondering. I spare you, but I have had them and they stuck with me as grevious contradictions to what the Bible says about how it all is if you "trust and obey." I spare you.

    I'm going to hang around AW but comment less.

    Offer is still there to any of those "annons" that might want to chat on the phone sometime. After 7 EST anytime or weekends is great. 864 905 5804

    Now I have made this offer before and no one has ever called, so it's good practice in not having expectations :)

    nuff shared...later...

  3. I find the poll results thus far predictable. And depressing. :-(

    You guys are going to have to fill in any gaps for this week. After four months of steeping myself in Wacky Weinland World, I'm taking a week's vacation from the end of the world.

  4. And don't forget, Shadows has a new discussion board specifically for CoG-PKG here.

  5. to bob theil,

    Your cogwriter has a lot to say about other splinters, and lately about ron weinland.

    LCG hasn't been accurate in the prohecy dept. either. rm can easily say the end will come in 10 to 15 years. He's around 80 now so I guess he can get away with it. After all what does it matter so long as the tithe money comes in for the remainder of his life hud bobby boy.

    God judge you monsters for being the imposters that you are. You guys have wrecked alot of lives at the expense of brethren while you guys make like you know everything God has to say.

    Here's to you bob and rod with so much disrespect.

  6. Anonymous said, "LCG hasn't been accurate in the prohecy dept. either. rm can easily say the end will come in 10 to 15 years."

    MY COMMENT - From my WCG Sabbath Services and Bible Study notes:

    • “Another age will start within the next 3 to 5 years” (April 7, 1969 Roderick C. Meredith sermon, Special Bible Study).

    End of Excerpt

    Need we say anymore?


  7. “Another age will start within the next 3 to 5 years” (April 7, 1969 Roderick C. Meredith sermon, Special Bible Study)."

    This turned out to be true. It was the beginning of one scandal after the next.

  8. Dennis,

    Thanks for the kind words. I can't say life has become any easier, but I'm glad to be rid of some of the negativity and bitterness.

    Certainly not everyone who ever experienced Armstrongism came away with a hard heart, but I know that I surely did. It takes a miracle to unlock that. I know that you are deeply aware as to how much we learn from our kids. I think that's yet another thing we both have in common!


  9. If I may interject an interesting YouTube video about The "Reverend" Moon ...

    Click here to watch it.

  10. Well, that's 3x in a year of AW that I've given my number to anyone that might wish to stay in touch, chat or be a bit more friendly than just posting.

    Nuttin...nada one.

    I think there is a message here.

    Hope something has been helpful somewhere along the posting road to someone..

    Best to all. Good job all on RW too!

  11. Hey it's no biggie or real measurement of the value of what you have written, Den.

    Many doing online communications would rather keep it to that. There's much to be said for the ability to type, re-read, and edit if necessary when communicating in such a manner.

    Hey, I'll bet if Tom had given his phone number people would have called him!

    Just remember...a healthy ego is good, and never fall for new age craziness so typical of the old unfreezing-changing-refreezing model of coercive persuasion which says "ego=bad", and is typical of so many new-age gurus' approaches.

    And, I echo the kudos toward those who have kept the watch on Weinland, like WW, J of Shadows, Gavin, Ironwolf, Bereans, Don't Drink the Flavor Aid, and even Cogwriter and others.

  12. Dennis,

    You want people from the Internet to call your home phone number?

    I suspect, if any did, you would soon be changing it, and to an "unlisted and unpublished" one to boot. ;-)

    I echo what Mel said; it isn't a reflection on you that no one has called, more a respect thing; because we respect you too much to bother you at all hours (let alone try to figure out your timezone vs. ours), unless and until we have personally met you offline.

    And of course some of us just don't have long-distance calling plans. ;-)

  13. Ja, I always think twice before lifting the phone - even to call family members. E-mail is definitely my preference. No worries about calling at an inconvenient time or being tied up for hours in a conversation that you can't detach from. Even teenagers - the traditional phone-junkies - prefer texting these days. Not as personal I guess, but...

  14. Thanks guys. My cell tends to be easily accessible over the net with just a few key massage therapy words, so no problem.

    I tend to write like everyone here is my best friend..ha. I realize I went from lots of "friends" to pretty much nuttin after landing here as my last church area and watching the Tkaches practice compassionate change and theocracide.

    I'm a bit too sensitive, I find, for upheaval in churches, divorce, job change, change in theological pespectives, social changes, loss of formerly friendly family and one of my fancy guppies died. :) No just kidding, the fish is ok.

    I've also used up all the anxiety and panic attacks alloted one human being, so I gotta change!

    Greenville has about one of each kind of WCG and major splinter made up of the 400 or so that used to make up the church here. The one thing they all have in common is that I am Satan. :)

    Sometimes I want to bail out on all COG stuff, but then it seems like I loose some more mostly friendly contacts...

    Anyway...lest I blather....amen.

  15. PS I would have thought that a few years of AW would have smoked out at least one other former WCG minister, but I have not heard from ONE of my formers full time minister friends ever. I know they all can't have just joined the splinter of choice and kept on. Or maybe they did!

  16. "Greenville has...."

    I thought you were in Asheville, and truth be told, I was thinking of calling you up for coffee next time I was in the area- I visit Asheville every other month or so.

    The Apostate Paul

  17. Hey AP Give a call. I go to Asheville to get Massage supplies and it's just up the hill from me.

  18. Does anybody know how much money Ronnie Weinland and his wife heisted from the suckers in their two witness fraud?

  19. Dennis:

    Massage supplies?

    Other than buckets of lotion, what does that entail?


  20. Here's an idea, Dennis:

    Next time you need a "bucket-o-lotion", just have it drive itself to you!
    Get one of these, and waste no gas. The bucket is equipped with GPS and is propelled by a fan that runs off of solar panels on the lid, and is guaranteed to make it from Asheville Massage Supply to your place in under 2 hours.

    Heck, when you've emptied the lotion out, you can put something interesting in it, and send it to Glendora.

  21. We're all descendants of the 500AD and 1000AD "end times".

    One day there will be a scientific and evidence-based prediction of the end of the world and it may well then a billion years or two. Until then, any religion-based prophesy MUST be treated as having no more credibility than you would award to a booze-sozzled rummy suffering a delusion.

  22. Massage supplies?

    Other than buckets of lotion, what does that entail?

    biofreeze, heating jells,cold packs, hot packs, oil, sheets, face cradle covers, eco friendly detergent, massage cd's, table heaters and all the nifty little trigger point giszmos to protect the fingers and wrists. The catalogue wouldn't be very much with just a bucket of cream or lotion for sale. :)

    I also get clients various splints, braces and support for injuries and conditions. Boot for plantarfacitis and dirty pictures of people stripped of their skin so you can see the nerves,muscles and bones.

    Or I have it shipped if I don't want to get out of Dodge and enjoy Asheville in the Mtns and go the Laughing Seed for a Vegan lunch, or a fossil shop or two.

  23. Glad to hear the fish is OK Dennis; hey don't worry if they come after you with pitchforks and torches and such we've all got your back eh??

    I agree with Gavin, online interaction is easier. I personally hate, detest, loathe, abhor and otherwise abjure the telephone, it being a not-so-necessary evil in my opinion, one the world is slowly becoming better off without. But yeah I'm weird like that. :-)

    If you really really really wanna see some of our ugly mugs, apparently Skype is quite the popular little tool these days. Although just the thought of it gives me the creeping horrors.....I like having several layers of electrons and wires sandwiched between me and cold hard reality. :-)

  24. WW Totally understand. The Cell gives people too much "give a quick call" capacity and I am sure the annoyance and "can't this wait" factors in people's lives have gone up a lot. I have clients that stick them god knows where during a session and they answer them! Until I find it! One client wanted to keep the ear pod on and I said pick...pod or palms?

  25. Dennis,

    Do you give cleansing enemas for those so afflicted?

    I feel rather constipated as usual.

    Martin Luther

  26. Do you give cleansing enemas for those so afflicted?
    I feel rather constipated as usual.
    Martin Luther

    Sorry to say I did not have the intestinal fortitude to take the class. I have chosen to study other areas butt do understand the problem.

    Once one is COGged up, it is not easy getting De-con-PACTed. It takes a FLURRY of activity and can cause a great deal of WEINing because the results can TKACH you off guard big time.

    Butt with patience, you can be free of the blessed tie that binds you. Though it leave one pooped out.

    I hope this helps

  27. Does anybody know how much money Ronnie Weinland and his wife heisted from the suckers in their two witness fraud?

  28. Hey Dennis,
    BTW it was me who posted the thingy about the sun-powered bucket-0-lotion.

    Seems I had to hit the post button a few times before it would post, and the "mel" authorship was lost in the process, but I don't want it misconstrued as an insult.

    It just cracked me up to think of a bucket of massage lotion rolling down the highway.

    A massage therapist is a honorable profession. Unlike being a tithe-collecting false prophet collecting buckets-0-money.

    The little devil-guy on my left shoulder wants me to comment on an extra bucket needed because Mr. Hugeass has an upcoming session....or how his wife has a butt like a shelf that you can set your cell phone(set to 'speakerphone' on), but of course I will resist such temptation and only listen to the little angel-guy on my right shoulder.


  29. Dennis,

    Patience is indeed a most prized virtue, butt this "Diet of Worms" doth impact my colon:

    Those wormy meats could be the thing; but the Hebrew diet befits a King!

    If the Torah and patience hath not the cure, a cleansing colonic I again shall endure.



    Martin Luther

  30. Mel..that was a great bucket..ha.

    "A massage therapist is a honorable profession. Unlike being a tithe-collecting false prophet collecting buckets-0-money."

    Hey, at least I now rub people the right way! Well not all here but on the table....100%

    I like what I do. I have been going every am to help a young guy with MS with his treatment protocols and massage, then had client who gets two migraines a week to try and help out. I like it. The hospital hired me for ten hours of staff chair massage next week so that's a nice thing too.

    I wish I had had a massage table when counseling. With a suit and tie , and a church perspective, people tend to tell you what they think they should say and I tended to hear what I thought I was supposed to hear. As a result no real genuine talking took place.

    But that table is magic. People talk very honestly when being touched and feel safe.

    However, something told me Herbert and Joe might not go for the massage table counseling. Ted Armstrong seemed to like the wait!


  31. Martin Martin...

    Tis Torah that unplugges your loins
    If I am hearing right
    And the Diet of Worms doth trouble thee
    So take it from thine site.

    Tis not what goes into the man
    That doth his soul defile
    But what spews forth and causes harm
    That makes the sweet like bile

    If Martin Luther is your name and that be somewhat true
    We know thee Martin from our books,
    You really hate the Jew.

    So Torah Torah Torah
    As the Japs were wont to say,
    I never knew they knew Hebrew
    What's with that anyway?


  32. Martin Luther:

    This is most certainly true.

  33. There was a therapist named Dennis,
    Who massaged a fat lady after tennis,
    She groaned with delight,
    As he pushed flab with his might,
    And she moaned, Oh Dennis, oh Dennis.


  34. Dennis Dennis

    Tis True-

    Whatsoever goeth into the mouth,
    passeth into the belly,
    is cast out into the draught;

    I'll finish faith alone translated
    before my stomach binds all into knots.

    By Faith alone, no Torah do we need,
    no diet fit for a Hebrew King;
    Old Testament fits no longer my creed,
    by Faith alone!- the new Book did bring.

    Trouble not thy soul Den,
    It was all a lark;
    Martin Luther will pass away now,
    resting in the park.

    Martin Luther

  35. It's not fat ones that come to see Dennis.
    At least not the ones who play tennis
    There are some on the slab
    Who do have much flab
    But they know that I"m not a menace

    When starting massage on their bod
    They sometimes breathe deep and say "God"
    But I'm not a menace,
    I say, " just call me Dennis"
    They laugh and say, "Den you're so odd"

    I say, "Im not odd, it's just Church of God
    That made me the way that I am
    It's funny you see, you can be here with me
    And pay me for touching your bod.

    SC License 1889 Nationally Certified NCBTMB :)

  36. >>biofreeze, heating jells,cold packs, hot packs, oil, sheets, face cradle covers, eco friendly detergent, massage cd's, table heaters and all the nifty little trigger point giszmos to protect the fingers and wrists.<<

    I had no idea!- especially about those trigger point gizmos. I've teased my MT's about having fingers of steel, but it just may be all too true...

    I notice that you didn't include rocks or magnets - are you not convinced of their efficacy?

    As for Martin Luther, I think that he, like a good mathematician, can work things out with a pencil.


  37. I also do LaStone Hot stone massage, but the stones were already 4 billion years old when they came out of the Pacific along the Mexican coast near a volcano and when I am done with them, I could throw them back on the beach and no one would know I ever used them!

    Magnets or the magnetic wraps are excellent for bruises for some reason. Not sure about the rest of their claims.

    Ionic foot baths and ear candeling are bogus.

  38. Ear candling is not only bogus it can also be dangerous.

    Do not ask me how I know this. Unless you have a cast-iron stomach.

  39. Don't know if he was crowing, but Ronniekins appeared to be eating a little on the Mike McConnell show this morning:

    MM: So uh the night before I mean when the trumpet was about to sound on April the seventeenth did you get a good night’s sleep? The night of the sixteenth into the seventeenth?

    RW: [pause]

    MM: Or were you too full of anticipation?

    RW: [long pause] It was like any other night.

  40. May 3 sermon: "I don't care. I go forward." (RW May 3, 2008.)

  41. "Anonymous said...
    Does anybody know how much money Ronnie Weinland and his wife heisted from the suckers in their two witness fraud?

    Wed Apr 30, 01:40:00 PM NZST"

    Can somebody answer this person's question? He/she has been ignored and I know what that feels like.

    I don't know, so I can't answer it. Anybody know?

  42. Does anybody know how much money Ronnie Weinland and his wife heisted from the suckers in their two witness fraud?

    According to a statement in his last sermon, he had a balance of over $1 million at one point. So probably several times that amount has passed through his hand over the years.

    Since he's a religious organization and not subject to government audits, no telling whether or not he's really spent it all on Google ads and giving away his books of false prophecies.
