
Sunday 25 November 2007

At last!

But, oh dear, imagine Rod King's comments next Sabbath?


  1. For the under initiated:

    You can watch and hear Roderick Meredith, Richard Ames, Wally Smith, and Rod King from the Living Church of God proclaim the Gospel on superstation WGN at 6:00am EST on Tomorrow's World

    Am I mistaken or has Rod King been on a CoG journey? WCG, CCg, United, Living?

    Yes, we can just imagine, given those liberal labor leaders! Perhaps we will return to the days of Armstrongists making snide remarks about "those Demoncrats"! Only, it will be Liberal Labor.

    Uh, what was wrong with the old leadership?

  2. For those wondering what the real fuss is about, a trip to
    the Associated Press article at
    MSNBC should suffice

    Is it too early to determine whether the IQ of the country has gone up or down?

  3. Yes at last appeasement of Muslims will take off in full swing.

  4. Well, they say a people generally gets the government it deserves.

    Whatever that means.

    But any politician who promises to sign the Kyoto accords shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the reins of power. All nations should institute religious tests to bar adherents of Global Warmingism from public office.

  5. Douglas, Douglas, Douglas,.....
    How dare you bring up some history. How dare you question rewritten history? Haven't you understood that wearing an appelation of "minister" makes one right in every and any masticated verbal diatribic emanation?

    Has K done the CoG traverse? Oh yes. Just ask people "down-under".
    WCG -> UCG-> CoG (Hume)-> who else we don't know about> "Living" (?) -> who next??

    Ah Machiavelli would be proud.
    John K
